Student Employment

Essential guidelines, information, and tools for hiring student employees on campus. Explore our comprehensive policies, procedures, pay ranges, and more to streamline your hiring process.

Candidate Selection

It is strongly recommended that Hiring Managers administer a formal interview process for their student applicants to determine the best candidate for the position.  Student Worker recruitment should be met with the same level of professionalism as full-time professional positions at UTA.

If you are interested in discussing interview best practices, please reach out to the Student Employment team for additional resources.

When you're ready to review applicants for a position, log in to Handshake. Follow these steps:

  1. Click on "Jobs" on your Handshake home screen.
  2. Select the "Title" of the position you want to review.
  3. Click "Review Application" to access the materials submitted by applicants.

For more detailed instructions and helpful videos on posting jobs, please visit Handshake's Help Center.

After reviewing applications, hiring managers can begin scheduling interviews with their selected candidates.

  • Contact student candidates through their UTA and personal emails (if provided) to arrange interview times.
  • Need help with interview questions? Review the pre-approved interview question list developed by the Student Employment team.
  • Looking for a place to conduct interviews? Interview rooms are available upon request through the Career Development Center.

Select the student applicant for your position by considering the following factors:

  • Overall needs of the department.
  • Appropriate skill level for the position.
  • Time of the day when the work must be completed.
  • Number of hours required each week.

Be sure to close the position in Handshake, unless the posting has already expired.

NOTE:  All postings auto expire based on the selected/entered position expiration date.


Use the reference check questions resource for assistance with checking student references.

Create an offer letter using the offer letter template provided by TCE and verbally extend the offer to the student(s). Follow these steps:

  1. Email the initial offer to the student employee and ensure you receive a signed copy of the offer letter.
  2. Discuss the workdays and times that fit with the student's academic schedule.
  3. Cover important details such as starting pay, start dates, the CBC process, dress codes (if any), and other pertinent information about the position.

Please note that all offers are conditional upon a successful Criminal Background Check (CBC).

As a reminder, use the Pay Ranges and Job Code website to assist with completing the offer letter information.

Congratulations! You've extended an offer to a student who has accepted it, and you are one step closer to welcoming them to your team.  

The university requires a criminal background check (CBC), including a sex offender registry check, on all applicants for employment, current employees, and university affiliates as required by the Criminal Background Check Policy (HR-E-PO-01).

A Criminal Background Check is required for every offer.

Processing Time:  CBC results can take anywhere from 24 hours to 7 business days to receive.  Typically, turnaround time is 48 - 72 hours.


Once results are received, an email will be sent to the hiring manager with either a CLEARED or DECLINED confirmation.

Additional Questions?

If you have additional questions regarding student employment, reach out to AskHR at (817) 272-5554 or via email.
Email AskHR