Fraternity & Sorority Life


Fraternities and sororities at The University of Texas at Arlington empower you to fulfill your potential. We are focused on empowering you to prepare for your real careers, real life, and very real potential.

30+ Organizations

UTA is home to 28 fraternities and sororities.

Over 650 Members

There are over 650 members in the fraternity and sorority community.
Awareness Ribbon

Over $135,000 Raised

UTA fraternities and sororities have raised over $135,000 for non-profit organizations.

2.95 Community GPA

In Fall 2024, fraternity and sorority members achieved a community grade point average of a 2.95
hard hat

Over 13,750 Hours

UTA fraternity and sorority members have logged over 13,750 hours serving the community.

16% Higher Graduation Rate

Fraternity and sorority students graduate at a rate of 16% higher than non-members.


A feeling of true acceptance. A sense that you really belong. The encouragement of people who genuinely care. The connection to something that will last way beyond your college years. We are focused on empowering real UTA students to prepare for their real careers, their real life, and their very real potential. We want you to meet our people, to understand our purpose, and to hear our stories of the way our chapters have embraced us and empowered us.


Our Organizations


Our 26 sororities and fraternities are as diverse as the university in which we thrive. We have a wide variety of chapters and experiences. The four sorority and fraternity governing councils on this campus (NPHC, MGC, IFC, and CPH) are all different. However, each council has organizations that will embrace you and empower you. All of our chapters do one thing better than any other organization on campus. We #EmpowerUTA.

Want to Join?

Joining a fraternity or sorority is a mutual selection process between students and fraternity/sorority organizations. This means that as you are exploring which organization is the best fit for you, organizations are examining what students are a good fit for their fraternity/sorority. We challenge you to keep an open mind and consider more than one option to ensure you find the best option.

Hazing Report

Anyone can file an incident report regarding possible student misconduct. If you need to report an incident involving a possible violation report below.

Upcoming Events


F&SL Student Stories

Delta Delta Delta Sorority -

Alina McSpadden

Something I would say to someone joining a fraternity or sorority is that joining Greek life at UT Arlington is one of the most rewarding experiences...

Alina McSpadden

Zeta Phi Beta -

Persjah Carter

Something I would say to someone joining or interested in joining a fraternity or sorority is embrace the history. When I was expressing interest, I...

View Persjah's Story

Pi Kappa Alpha -

Lucas Harmon

The best part about joining a fraternity or sorority is the friendships, you can get all the professional development skills and networking done at...

View Lucas's Story