Engagement Strategies

How do I log in to the Gallup Access Portal?

  1. Navigate to UTA MyApps single-sign-on page, once authenticated, the MyApps tiles page will load.
  2. Click on the Gallup Access Portal tile
  3. Single-sign-on process will automatically log you into the portal

For login and sign-in issues, please contact peopleandculture@uta.edu.

Engagement Themes Action Items

In addition to Gallup’s Q12 survey questions, the University surveyed employees around seven different themes – change management, communication, customer centricity equity, remote work, trust, and workplace burnout. Here are focused resources that will help teams complete action planning around the engagement themes.

  1. Assess your team’s readiness to change.
  2. Help employees understand how the changes support the broader goals of the organization.
  3. Provide frequent updates for employees.
  4. Describe why the change is happening now and how the change will help in the long run.
  5. Celebrate wins, pause, reflect, and pivot when necessary.
  6. Have key performance indicators.
  7. Provide sense of ownership.
  8. Involve employees from the beginning.

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LinkedIn Learning:

  1. Encourage two-way communication.
  2. When assigning a task explain why it’s important and how it connects to the goals.
  3. Set clear expectations by being concise, defining the task, and providing a deadline.
  4. Check for understanding after communicating a task by asking, “Based on what we’ve talked about, what’s your understanding of what you will be responsible for?
  5. Conduct frequent check-ins with employees and focus on: 1) what’s going well? 2) where are you having challenges? 3) how can I help?
  6. Provide timely constructive feedback. Focusing on the behavior not the person.
  7. Be mindful of the style and tone of your communication.
  8. Increase frequency of communication.

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LinkedIn Learning:

  1. Engage in intradepartmental communication.
  2. Empower employees to have control over their jobs.
  3. Give your customers a way to provide feedback on your team’s service.
  4. Build collaboration.
  5. Help employees develop skills in multiple cross-functional areas.
  6. Develop organizational commitment.
  7. Improve the employee experience by making customer service standards an expectation.
  8. Provide education so the team knows how to empathize and be understanding of the customer’s pain points.

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LinkedIn Learning:

  1. Develop an team recognition program that encourages collaboration with peers.
  2. Involve all employees when planning activities.
  3. Provide clearly stated measurable outcomes.
  4. Develop internal subject matter experts.
  5. Celebrate team and individual successes.
  6. Encourage employees with different skills and expertise to work with one another.
  7. Identify key challenges.
  8. Create a culture that nurtures healthy relationships.

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LinkedIn Learning:

  1. Set measurable goals including adding a date/deadline to your goals.
  2. Focus on your team’s strengths in employee development.
  3. Learn about employee’s motivations for staying at the institution.
  4. Tap into employees’ experiences and provide opportunities to contribute their skills to the team.
  5. Provide clarity and feedback on employee’s most important tasks first.
  6. Create opportunities for peers to provide feedback and support for each other.

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LinkedIn Learning:

  1. Make sure employees feel connected.
  2. Focus on team collaboration.
  3. Be aware of in-office promotion bias (promoting, developing, and celebrating employees who are in-office vs. remote employees)
  4. Consider fairness ramifications.
  5. Develop hybrid work guidelines.
  6. Be consistent with remote work decisions.
  7. Be mindful of proximity bias (showing preferential treatment to employees who are physically closer)

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LinkedIn Learning:

  1. Always be transparent and honest.
  2. Avoid overly criticizing or excessive supervision.
  3. Create a space where employees feel safe in giving leaders constructive feedback.
  4. Work on creating an environment that fosters relationships and makes it ok to speak up and hold each other accountable.
  5. Set clear “norms” for behavior that are agreed upon by the team. For example, how do we communicate critical information? What is our response time?
  6. As the leader, demonstrate this value by openly admitting mistakes and sharing that you don’t know something.
  7. Provide resources, support, and praise for all employees.
  8. Ensure employees have the ability to influence job outcomes.
  9. Solicit (and use) opinions.
  10. Ask your direct report to devise a plan for achieving a goal and owning it.
  11. Focus on accountability for results, not process (where possible).

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LinkedIn Learning:

  1. Ask about aspects that undermine well-being.
  2. Utilize Employee Assistance Program as a resource for confidential counseling.
  3. Encourage participation in Maverick Wellness events.
  4. Model the best practice of taking care of yourself first.
  5. Create a space where employees feel safe to communicate with openness, vulnerability, and respect.
  6. Invest in employees’ capabilities by providing support and resources for professional development opportunities.
  7. Demonstrate empathy by listening to understand and acknowledging emotions.
  8. Be aware of negative work environment signs such as absenteeism, high turnover, and consistent miscommunication.
  9. Stop multitasking.
  10. Discuss role clarity with employees and how they can identify when boundaries are crossed.

Learn More:

LinkedIn Learning:

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Need Assistance?

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to our team for assistance.

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1225 W. Mitchell St., Suite 102
Box 19176, Arlington, TX 76019
Phone: 817-272-5554