A comprehensive review of each tenure-track faculty-member's progress toward tenure will be conducted annually by the department or School Promotion and Tenure (P/T) committee. Each academic unit must establish written protocols for materials to be submitted by the candidate and a deadline for submission.
The committee will develop a written report on the faculty member's teaching, scholarship, and service, describing the accomplishments of the faculty member and detailing any deficiencies that need to be addressed.
The committee will vote, by secret ballot, regarding reappointment and the results of the vote will be included in the committee's report. Copies of the report will be provided to the faculty member and to the departmental chair or, in the case of the Schools, to the dean of the School within ten (10) working days of the vote.
In the case of the Colleges, the department chair shall place in writing a recommendation to reappoint or not reappoint the tenure-track faculty member and forward the recommendation to the dean. The deans of the Colleges and the Schools shall review the recommendation and make an independent recommendation to reappoint or not reappoint and forward all the recommendations to the provost.
Copies of all the recommendations will be placed in the faculty member's dossier where they will be retained indefinitely.