Faculty Orientation Schedule


Together, We Thrive: New Faculty Orientation


Tentative Schedule


Day 1 – August 8


 8 - 9   Registration & Breakfast
 9 - 10  Welcome – Provost Brown
 10 - 11  Student Success: Resources
 11 - 12  Special Institutional Designations and Supports for Faculty
 12 - 1  Lunch and UTA’s Legal Context
 1 - 2  Accreditation 
 2 - 3   Best Practices, Institutional Policies, Bookstore, and Classroom Support
 3 - 3:30  Library and Walking of Fab Labs
 3:30 - 4  Walking Tours (optional)


Day 2 – August 9


 8 - 9   Registration & Breakfast
 9 - 10  Welcome – President Cowley
 10 - 11  UTA’s Big Picture: Funding and Government Relations
 11 - 12  Supports for Faculty
 12 - 1  Lunch and Faculty Panel – What I wish I knew ...
 1 - 2  Faculty Life Span: Engagement 
 2 - 3  Academic Affairs and Processes
 3:30 - 4  Walking Tours (optional)


Day 3 – August 13


 10:30 - 11  Registration
 11 - 12  Welcome – Vice Provost Cordero and Overview of Faculty Success Office
 12 - 1  Lunch and VPRI: Grants & Contracts, Proposal and Development
 1 - 2   Teaching, Mentoring, and Working with Graduate Students
 2 - 3:50  Resource Hub: OIT, Canvas, CRTLE, Library DM, FirstGen Forward, Campus Rec, Onboarding & Benefits, UT Select, Medicare, Vision, Dental, Fertility, Fidelity, TIAA, Voya, Lincoln, Corebridge and more!
 4  Closing Remarks / Raffle!
 4:30  Together, We Thrive Reception with President, Provost, Deans, and Chairs