Master of

Social Work

Build your skills in one of the fastest growing and most versatile career fields in an interactive and flexible learning environment. Our graduates are leaders for organizations, agencies, non-profits and more.

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School of Social Work and Smart Hospital Building

What Is The

Master of Social Work Program

The Master of Social Work (MSW) degree prepares students for one of the fastest growing and versatile career fields on the market. Graduates of our MSW degree program go on to be counselors, advocates, and leaders in a variety settings that help individuals, families, groups, and communities.

Why Social Work?

Become a Change Maker

Create thriving communities through advocating for mental health, well-being, and social welfare.

No BSW Required

Over 60% of our MSW students have Bachelor’s degrees in psychology, nursing, sociology, criminal justice, education, and more.

MSW Admissions

Career Opportunities

Education, Health & Senior Care, Foster Care & Adoptions, Government & Criminal Justice, Counseling & Rehabilitation, Nonprofits & Corporate

Get To Know Us

Join us at a Master of Social Work Information Session where you will learn about the possibilities at the School of Social Work, and what it takes to be a change maker.

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A Glimpse of Social Work

MSW Student Profile - Lubia Gwak

Multiple Program Options

Our MSW program is comprised of five specialties-students can choose for their Advanced/Specialty Year. Students are able to select a specialty focusing on their desired practice.

Micro -

Direct Practice in Aging

Develop and implement effective interventions and policies specific to the older adults and their caregivers.

More Information

Macro -

Community & Administrative Practice

Develop the skills in designing, running, and evaluating programs and policies in the community.

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Micro -

Direct Practice in Health

Learn to communicate treatment options, intervene in crisis situations, and be a patient advocate.

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Social Work is one of the most diverse degrees on the market, and many of our students come from non-social work disciplines. Depending on your undergraduate degree and where you attended university will depend on if you are required to complete your Foundation Year (2-Year Program) as a Traditional student or are eligible to enroll in our Advanced Year (1-Year Program) as an Advanced Standing student.

Learn About Foundation Year   Learn About Advanced Year


strong job market

Move to DFW-Arlington metro area with a strong job market with fortune 500 companies, low cost of living and lots of entertainment, sports, and nightlife and music opportunities.

Top-tiered research institution

UTA Top-tiered research institution; work closely with world renowned professors.

growing career field

Social Work is a growing career field (positive job-outlook, one of the fastest growing career fields with 16% increase in demand) and the versatility of the social work degree (good preparation for law, medicine, education, communication, health and business career fields).

SSW reputation

SSW reputation (high ranking program for 50 years), Affordability, Convenience/Flexibility, Military/Veteran friendly (rated #1 in Texas and #5 in the country) with more than 800 agencies to choose for required field internships.

Degree Requirements

The program leading to the degree of Master of Social Work covers a minimum of four semesters for full-time students and requires the completion of 61 semester hours of graduate work including class and field instruction, as well as thesis or integrative seminar.

In addition to the requirements of the Graduate School, each graduate student in the social work program must:

  • Maintain at least a B (3.0) overall GPA in all coursework;
  • Demonstrate suitability for professional social work practice;
  • Demonstrate knowledge of and adherence to the Code of Ethics of the National Association of Social Workers and, if licensed in Texas, the Code of Ethics as currently published by the Texas Council for Social Work Examiners.

Attend an Info Session

Attending an Graduate Admissions Information Session provides you with a unique opportunity to meet with representatives from the School of Social Work and discuss the MSW program.


De'An Roper, PhD, LCSW-S
Interim MSW Program Director
Associate Professor of Practice

Ginger Jackson
Administrative Assistant I


Brianna Gibbs
Academic Recruiter
Primarily Graduate Admissions

Office:  SWSH 203O

Dolores Bevins
Admissions Counselor II
Phone: 817-272-1044
Office:  SWSH 203Q

Darlene Santee
Manager for Recruiting and Admissions
Office:  SWSH 203U

Antwan C. Williams, J.D.
Assistant Dean of Communications, Marketing, and Recruitment
Office:  SWSH 416L

Questions About School of Social Work Admissions?

Get information about School of Social Work Academic Programs, Admissions Requirements, Complete Future Student Interest Form, and more.

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