Principles of Community

As a professional School of Social Work we are guided by the National Association Code of Ethics  We, as members of The University of Texas at Arlington community, are committed to the advancement of knowledge and the pursuit of excellence. Realization of this commitment requires awareness and active participation by every member of the community. We achieve the goals of the University when we instill, nurture, and practice the following principles:

Mutual Respect

Mutual respect is the bedrock of our principles, for it sets the stage and paves the way for everything else. We affirm that in times of fast-paced change and potential disagreements, members of our community build trust by finding ways to communicate with one another respectfully. With civil discourse, our other principles will follow. Therefore, we will listen, not just to hear, but to try and understand.

Constructive Communication

Mutual respect is demonstrated by how we communicate with others, and this encompasses all forms of communication. Constructive communication begins with honesty and personal integrity, taking responsibility for how and what we state. We affirm that constructive communication is characterized by clarity and transparency, guided by responsiveness to situations and events, and demonstrated by cultivating an atmosphere in which knowledge is shared. Therefore, we will elucidate and illuminate, disseminate and share.

A Supportive Environment

A supportive environment arises from constructive communication, for then people feel that they are connected to the UTA community. We affirm that every one of us creates this environment on a daily basis through what we do. It exists through our actions and how we behave to one another. Therefore, we will cultivate a supportive atmosphere in which our community can achieve its goals.

Collaborative Relationships

Collaborative relationships emerge when a supportive environment exists. Collaboration requires a higher level of involvement than cooperation, for it means actively working together and sharing common goals. We affirm that collaborative relationships often lead to innovation and that innovation is an important part of a dynamic university community, for it defines what we contribute to the world at large. Therefore, we will seek to build collaborative relationships in our work and study.

Leadership and Service

From collaborative relationships comes leadership, as well as service to the communities that surround our University—from the local to the global levels. We affirm that the expertise and knowledge within our University are utilized to their fullest extents as we fully engage and interact with the communities of the world. Therefore, we will provide leadership and service in this expansive manner.

Dignity and Worth of the Person

Respect the inherent dignity and worth of the person. Treat each person in a caring and respectful fashion, mindful of individual differences in society and communities. Seek to resolve conflicts between people in a socially responsible manner consistent with the values, ethical principles, and ethical standards of the social work profession. Strengthen relationships among each other in a purposeful effort to promote, restore, maintain, and enhance the well-being of individuals, families, staff, colleagues, leaders, students, social groups, organizations, and communities.