Welcome from the Director
Welcome to the Bachelor of Social Work at UTA School of Social Work (UTASSW). We are so excited that you have chosen us for your social work degree. I want to extend my warmest welcome to each of you.
The BSW program is acclaimed as one of the most affordable bachelor programs in social work and the demand for social workers is growing much faster than average job growth. Our BSW program includes courses parallel to those taught in our nationally ranked Master’s of Social Work Program.
We have nationally and internationally recognized faculty who are leading scholars in many areas of social work and social welfare. You’ll find that we are not just educators but mentors, advocates, and partners in your journey. Our collective goal is to equip you with the knowledge, skills, and values necessary to go out and help with today’s social issues and to empower you to be agents of positive change.
I am excited to see the contributions you will make and the change you will effect in your time here and beyond.
Darlene Hunter, Ph.D., LMSW
Director of Undergraduate Programs and Assistant Professor in Practice
About the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA)
About the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA)
UTA Mission Statement
UTA Administration
About UTA School of Social Work (UTASSW)
About UTA School of Social Work (UTASSW)
UTASSW Vision and Mission
UTASSW Faculty Directory
UTASSW Administration and Staff Directory
Council on Social Work Education Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards
The BSW program at the UTASSW is accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE). As such, our program prepares students to actively
promote human and community well-being through their future roles as professional social workers. Guided by a person and environment construct, a global perspective, respect for human diversity, and knowledge based on scientific inquiry, social work’s purpose is actualized through its quest for social and economic justice, the prevention of conditions that limit human rights, the elimination of poverty, and the enhancement of the quality of life for all persons (CSWE, 2015, p. 5).
The program is guided by the Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards (EPAS) of CSWE that includes the competencies students are expected to achieve upon graduation. These competencies are reflected in the learning outcomes for each of the courses offered.
BSW Program Mission and Goals
The overall aim of the BSW program is to prepare generalist social workers to serve the needs of a diverse population while promoting social justice in the public, private not-for-profit, and for-profit sectors.
The BSW Program operates from a base of four goals, each relating directly to the University’s mission as well as preparing for entry-level social work practice:
1. Prepare BSW students for generalist social work practice.
2. Prepare BSW students for leadership and service to individuals and communities.
3. Prepare BSW students to be broadly educated, critically engaged and socially conscious citizens in society.
4. Prepare BSW students for graduate studies in social work, as well as degree programs in other fields.
BSW Curriculum
BSW Course Descriptions
Becoming a BSW Major
BSW Advising
BSW Practicum (Internship)
Student Success
Professional Standards
Student Success Referrals
The Office of Student Success exists to support the academic and professional success of our students. At times, their progress may be impeded by behaviors considered below standard. There are professional standards we expect students to demonstrate in the classroom, in the field and in communication with others. These include the standards of the National Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics, the Code of Conduct prescribed by the Texas State Board of Social Worker Examiners, the UTA Code of Conduct and Honor Code, and the School of Social Work Professional Standards. Additionally, as stated in the Code of Conduct for UTA, “all students are expected and required to obey federal, state, and local laws, to comply with the Regents' Rules and Regulations, with The University of Texas System and institutional rules and regulations, with directives issued by an administrative official of the UT System or institution in the course of his or her authorized duties, and to observe standards of conduct appropriate for an academic institution.” These Codes and Standards, therefore, serve as criteria for students' behavior during classes, volunteer work, and field practicum work while at UTA. For the purpose referring students who may not be meeting these standards, a referral form is available. These standards are organized and operationalized around behavior, self-disclosure/awareness, communication, and emotional and mental abilities. Within each category are listed areas of concern which may indicate that a student is unable, or unwilling, to follow the aforementioned Professional Standards. This list is not intended to be all-inclusive and may be amended by faculty as needed
Undergraduate Grade Grievances
The UTA School of Social Work follows the policies and procedures of UTA pursuant to grade grievances. Individual course instructors retain primary responsibility for assigning grades. The instructor’s judgment is final unless compelling information shows:
o Preferential Treatment
Example: Providing exceptions or benefits to one or more students but not to all students in the class.
o Procedural Irregularities
Example: Failure to follow a requirement described in a course syllabus, adding a new requirement, or using criteria for grades that are not on the syllabus or in the university catalog.
Grade grievances can only be filed for the above reasons. Only the final course grade may be appealed. There are no appeals for individual assignments and assignments will not be re-graded.
Any grievances alleging discrimination committed by faculty should be referred to the Equal Opportunity Services for investigation.
To file a grade grievance, please follow the instructions in the Undergraduate Grade Grievance Form. For a full copy of the policy and procedure for undergraduate grievances, please refer to the Professional Standards policy.
Writing Resources
Academic honesty is highly prized at the School of Social Work. Plagiarism and the inappropriate use of an author's material are considered serious violations of scholarly and professional ethics. All instances of suspected plagiarism will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct using their procedures.
Plagiarism can be defined as the failure to give proper credit to authors for their information, ideas, or words found in published or written materials, such as journals, books, monographs, handbooks, manuals, or other scholarly papers. Credit is considered complete if authors are identified in the text and in the reference list. Citations should contain all identifying information and conform to one of the style manuals for scholarly publications such as the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.
Additionally, students may not use five or more consecutive words from another source without properly citing and referencing the original author or authors. Quotations of five or more words from authors' published or written material must be (a) enclosed in quotation marks if quotations contain fewer than 40 words or (b) indented five spaces on the left if the quotation contains more than 40 words. Students must submit original work. It is also a violation of plagiarism to purchase a paper from another source and submit it as your original work.
Students may paraphrase the ideas of other sources, but students must also list the author(s) and date of publication in the text of students' written material and include all identifying information in the reference list. Paraphrasing from printed materials is appropriate if students' wording contains the authors' correct ideas and information and the authors are properly cited by name, date of publication and so forth.
UTA Libraries Social Work Librarian
Student Involvement and Well-Being
We encourage you to actively engage in self-care, career development, and networking activities. Here are a few of the many opportunities available to you.
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
Therapist Assisted Online (TAO) Self Help
Mavs Talk 24-hour crisis hotline: 817-272-TALK (817-272-8255)
RVSP (Relationship Violence and Sexual Assault Program)
Office for Students with Disabilities
Veteran Services
Maverick Activities Center (Campus Recreation)
Social Work Career Development Corner
Lockheed Martin Career Development Center
Social Work Student Organizations
School of Social Work Additional Student Policies
No person shall, on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, age, sex, handicap, disabilities or veteran status, be denied employment or admission, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any program or activity which it sponsors or conducts. The University shall not tolerate any behavior or verbal or physical conduct by any administrator, supervisor, and faculty or staff member, which constitutes sexual harassment. If a student believes discrimination has occurred, they should contact Equal Opportunity Services http://www.uta.edu/hr/eos/.
At The University of Texas at Arlington, taking attendance is not required. Rather, each faculty member is free to develop his or her own methods of evaluating students’ academic performance, which includes establishing course-specific policies on attendance. Instructors will provide, as part of course syllabi, any other absence and lateness policies they establish.
Student Rights
The following policies, procedures, and guidelines describe student rights and responsibilities while enrolled at the UTA School of Social Work.
1. Students have the right to organize in their own interest.
2. All standing committees (with the exceptions of the Executive Committee, Faculty Development and Review Committee—Tenure Track, Faculty Development and Review Committee—Non-Tenure Track, Faculty Annual and Post-Tenure Review Committee, Committee on Committees, and the Professional Standards Committee) shall have student members. Full and meaningful participation is expected.
3. Students will not be prohibited from exercising their rights to Constitutional and lawful activity. This expressly includes freedom of speech and dissent.
Student Files
Student records are stored electronically. Another person may not see a student’s record unless the student gives written permission. Faculty and staff members of the University have access to student educational records in performance of regular duties.
The School may confirm that a student (or graduate) is enrolled in school (or has graduated), but requests for additional information will be honored only at the request of the student (or graduate) unless the inquiring agency has provided a stipend, with this stipulation, for the student.
Written evaluations by the field instructor are to be shared with the student and the student is to have the option of expressing in writing, as part of the evaluation document, any difference or exception that he/she wishes to take to the evaluation.
Student Membership on Committees
There are several opportunities for student representation on School of Social Work Committees. Elections to these positions are through the Committee on Committees and the Office of Advising and Student Success.
MyMav Student Information System
University Student Policies
Academic Standing
Grades and Grading Policies
Applying to Graduate School
Applying to Graduate School: Master of Social Work