Community & Administrative Practice (CAP)

What is the Community and Administrative Practice (CAP) Concentration?

The School of Social Work's Community and Administrative Practice Concentration is the choice of students interested in creating positive impact at the macro level including developing skills in designing, running, and evaluating programs in the community. The concentration fosters an immersive educational experience, while actively engaging students in policy initiatives at the local, state, and federal level. It is based on the social work principle that the larger environment is a central of the reason why individuals thrive or encounter problems. CAP students learn to engage in leadership roles within organizations, at various levels of government, and in communities in order to promote a more just society and improve the world.

What do CAP Students Learn?

Students graduating from the Community and Administrative Practice Concentration to partner with a variety of stakeholders and community members to improve the lives of people locally, nationally, and around the world by collectively and collaboratively by doing the following:

  • Writing successful grants to bring much-needed funds to an agency addressing vital community needs;
  • Conducting a needs assessment - laying the groundwork for highlighting needed community changes;
  • Supervising workers so they can more effectively assist clients;
  • Advocating with decision-makers to achieve greater social justice;
  • Creating sound budgets for an organization so that resources are allocated to achieve the most good;
  • Developing and administering new programs based on community needs and resources; and
  • Evaluating the effectiveness, efficacy, and efficiency of existing programs.

What to Know

If you are interested in joining the Community and Administrative Practice Concentration, here are a few quick things to keep in mind:

  • Courses Start in the Fall Semester
  • Courses are offered 100% Online
  • 12-Month Cohort is Available

Have questions about signing up for Community and Administrative Practice courses? Schedule an appointment with your Academic Advisor today!

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CAP Coursework

The basis for all Community and Administrative Practice (CAP) coursework is an emphasis on critical thinking, sound analysis and excellent communication skills. Students will deal with challenging material, progressing through a sequence of required courses and then branching out to choose from among several electives deepening knowledge of and mastery over specific practice-related topics.

Five Students Gathering for Photo

Upon completing a MSW with CAP Concentration, Students Are Required to Complete:

  • Three Introductory Practice Courses
  • One Human Behavior Course
  • One Specialty Policy Course
  • One Advanced Research or Program Evaluation Course
  • Two Elective Courses (Three if the student has a BSW and Advanced Standing status)
  • One Capstone Course (Unless Thesis Option is Selected)
  • Advanced Field Placement 

View The Full Curriculum

Educational Objectives of Community and Administrative Practice (CAP)

By graduation, students specializing in Community and Administrative Practice will achieve the foundation objectives and the following advanced concentration objectives:

  • Build on generalist skills in community assessment to design an intervention strategy including mission, goals, objectives, budget, logic model, and evaluation.
  • Identify, critically evaluate, and apply appropriate, evidence-informed interventions at the agency or community level.
  • Critically analyze and apply a variety of community and administrative theories to practice.
  • Demonstrate skills in ethical and empowerment-based social work practice, taking into account the impact of race, gender, sexual orientation, ability, culture, religion, national origin and other client characteristics in organizations, and communities.
  • Design practice evaluation activities to improve human service interventions in organizations and communities.
  • Demonstrate ability to integrate micro and macro practice, policy, and research into their area of service delivery in order to enhance client well-being.
  • Prepare to engage in life-long learning and activities to update and improve professional knowledge and skills.  


What are Internship and Job Opportunities of Community and Administrative Practice (CAP)?

CAP students successfully find a variety of practicum placement and post-graduation jobs. Many of our students are placed in leading organizations, and many find job opportunities there directly after graduation. These organizations run from local to national, government to nonprofit, and much more.

  • Charities & Non-profits
  • Government Agencies
  • Courthouses
  • City Programs
  • Community Agencies
  • Mental Health Associations
Learn About Practicum


Genevieve Graaf, PhD, MSW

Assistant Professor

Genevieve Graaf

Research Interests: Children's Mental Health Policy and Service Systems; Evidence-Based Practice in Community Settings; Implementation Science and Knowledge Translation in Social Work; Medicaid Home and Community-Based Service Policies; Medicaid and disparities in access to care

Richard Hoefer, PhD, MSW


Research Interests: Program Evaluation; Nonprofit Management; Social Policy; Comparative Social Policy; and Nonprofit Advocacy

Marcela Nava, PhD, MPP, MSSW

Assistant Professor

Marcela Nava

Research Interests:: Health Equity, Community Based Participatory Research, Immigration, Policy Advocacy

Regina T. Praetorius, PhD, LMSW-AP

Associate Dean for Academic & Student Affairs


Personal Pronouns: She/Her

Regina Praetorius

Research Interests: Trauma, Suicide, Maternal Well-being, Suicide Bereavement, Qualitative Interpretive Meta-Synthesis (QIMS), and Social Work Education

Kelli Rogers, PhD, MSW

Assistant Professor of Practice

Kelli Rogers

Research Interests: : Advancing racial equity in public and higher education; social work practice in schools; intersection among child welfare, juvenile justice, and education; disproportionality and disparities in child welfare and juvenile justice systems; social policy for children and families; culturally responsive practice; and community-based social work

Joyce White, DM, LMSW

Assistant Professor of Practice

Joyce White

Research Interests: Qualitative & Mixed Methods Approaches focused on: Public and nonprofit leadership, Local and regional public/private partnerships to address human service needs, and Affordable housing and homelessness prevention/remediation innovative solutions.


Brianna Gibbs
Academic Recruiter
Primarily Graduate Admissions

Office:  SWSH 203O

Dolores Bevins
Admissions Counselor II
Phone: 817-272-1044
Office:  SWSH 203Q

Darlene Santee
Manager for Recruiting and Admissions
Office:  SWSH 203U

Antwan C. Williams, J.D.
Assistant Dean of Communications, Marketing, and Recruitment
Office:  SWSH 416L