Dr. Danielle Harrell speaking during a conference


Conference E-Poster and Presentation Templates

Simplify getting ready for your upcoming conference presentation or e-poster using specialized School of Social Work templates. These standardized templates offer personalization and a cohesive appearance with the School of Social Work's image. With fields and elements secured in place, you don't have to worry about what should go where, any non-UTA elements in the files can be removed or replaced. If you have any questions, concerns, or special requests please contact the School of Social Work Marketing Manager, Jessica Davis, at jessica.davis@uta.edu.



Presentation slides can be copied and pasted in any order to best fit your content. We have also provided the official UTA PowerPoint Template for your convenience. To download the full PowerPoint, including tips and tricks for presentations, go to UTA Resources Here.



How to Use the UTA PowerPoint Template image Conference Presentations Option 1 image         Conference Presentations Option 2 image




New E-Posters offer you the opportunity to have interactive e-posters with interactive buttons that take your views to unique sections allowing for more user-friendly content to be shared. We also offer a standard option with a classic and elegant feel.


Conference E-Poster Option 1 image Conference E-Poster Option 2 image Conference E-Poster Option 3 image Conference E-Poster Standard Print image





Antwan C. Williams, J.D.
Assistant Dean of Communications, Marketing, and Recruitment
Email: antwan.williams@uta.edu
Phone: 817-272-6708
Office:  SWSH 416L

Jessica Davis
Marketing Manager
Email: jessica.davis@uta.edu
Phone:  817-272-3880
Office:  SWSH 203R

Jobanet Flores
Marketing Coordinator
Email: jobanet.flores@uta.edu
Phone:  817-272-3870
Office:  SWSH 203L

Doughlas Gutierrez
Multimedia Producer
Email: doughlas.gutierrez@uta.edu
Reserve studio time: Book now
Phone: 817-272-6288
Office:  SWSH 207

Jaelon Jackson
Communications Specialist
Email: jaelon.jackson@uta.edu
Office:  SWSH 207

Jamilet Martinez
Special Events Coordinator
Email: jamilet.martinez@uta.edu
Phone:  817-272-5226
Office:  SWSH 203K

John Sevier
Web Developer
Email: john.sevierjr@uta.edu
Phone:  817-272-6352
Office:  SWSH 203V