Jorge Arturo Levario-Delagarza

Jorge Arturo Levario-Delagarza interned at Lockheed Martin, NASA, and SpaceX. He majored in mechanical engineering with a minor in biomedical engineering.

Jorge Arturo Levario-Delagarza

Spotlight: Jorge Arturo Levario-Delagarza, Lockheed Martin, NASA, SpaceX, and SHPE National Student Speaker

Name: Jorge Arturo Levario-Delagarza

Major: Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Biomedical Engineering

Hometown: El Paso, TX

Clubs and Affiliations:

  • UTA R.O.V.E.R. Team: Served as Chief Engineer and as Robotic Arm and Effector Sub Team Co-Lead
  • SHPE (Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers) Region 5: Served as Vice Regional Student Representative
  • SHPE UTA Chapter: Served as President, Vice President, and Community Outreach Director

What Jorge is doing now?


  • SHPE National Student Speaker for Equipando Padres Program


  • Crewed HLS Starship Mission Management Intern at SpaceX (Sep 2022-Dec 2022)
  • Propulsion Systems Engineering Intern at NASA (June 2022 - August 2022)
  • Battery Thermal Engineering Intern at NASA (Jan 2022 - May 2022)
  • Reliability/System Safety Engineer Intern at Lockheed Martin(Jun 2021-Dec 2021)

Note from Jorge

Jorge Arturo Levario at SpaceX and NASA
Jorge at SpaceX and NASA

Hi Mavericks! My name is Jorge Arturo Levario-Delagarza or simply put, Jorge. I am originally from El Paso, TX, but have also lived in Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico as well as Durango, Mexico for a few years before eventually settling in Arlington, TX. Now, I am a mechanical and biomedical engineering student at UTA!

During my time at UTA, I have been heavily involved in a few student organizations including the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) where I have served as SHPE UTA President, on the regional board representing 7 different states and currently speak to parents nationwide as a SHPE National Student Speaker. Also, I have been heavily involved in the UTA Mars ROVER team where I served as Chief Engineer and helped UTA qualify for the University ROVER Challenge where UTA was one of 15 out of 88 schools worldwide to qualify for the NASA sponsored competition! I currently do undergraduate research in the Cardiovascular Bioengineering Lab in the field of Hemodynamics and Cardiac Development!

Through my leadership and technical experience gained at UTA, I have had the opportunity to intern at places such as Lockheed Martin, NASA and SpaceX. Through the College Work Experience Program (CWEP) offered at UTA, I was able to get my very first internship at Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control which is the world's biggest defense contractor. At Lockheed, I worked as a Reliability and Safety System Engineering Intern supporting the High Mobility Artillery Rocket System Launcher.

Afterwards in Spring 2022, I interned at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston. In this internship, I was a Fractional Thermal Runaway Calorimetry engineer where I supported the Power Systems Branch in the design and testing of Lithium-ion batteries. In this team, I helped design the power systems used on the International Space Station, BOEING Starliner, and the next generation spacecraft that will take humans to Mars. I was able to do this by blowing up Lithium-ion batteries (safely), inspecting them afterwards and analyzing the damage!

Jorge and Frank Rubio
Jorge and Frank Rubio

During the Summer 2022, I remained at NASA as a Liquid Oxygen/Liquid Methane Thruster Ignition Testing Engineering Intern where I supported the Propulsion Systems branch. In this new role, I helped develop rocket engines and reaction control thrusters used on NASA's Morpheus and future spacecraft that do not exist yet and helped run static fire tests to measure reliable ignition conditions in a thermal vacuum chamber!

These jobs were both very technical and helped move human spaceflight forward but my favorite part about working at NASA was being able to visit the many amazing cutting-edge research labs and to be able to meet many Astronauts (pictured is Astronaut Frank Rubio who launched to space in a Russian Soyuz in September 2022!). The one pinch-me moment I had was meeting NASA legend Eugene Kranz! (NASA Flight Director for the Apollo 11, first manned lunar landing mission and the infamous Apollo 13, the mission where NASA saved three astronauts lost in space!)

Afterwards in Fall 2022, I completed an internship at SpaceX Headquarters in Hawthorne, California where I worked as a Crewed Starship Mission Management Engineering Intern. In this role, I helped develop the HLS Gasifier Control System for the Starship Lunar Lander spacecraft as well as help the HLS Crewed Starship team put the mission profile and mission phases together for the Artemis 3 Lunar Landing!

Jorge with NASA legend Eugene Kranz
Jorge with NASA legend Eugene Kranz

During Summer 2023, I will be working at the SpaceX Starbase site in Boca Chica, Texas as a Starship Launch Engineering intern where I will be helping Starship launch to orbit for its very first Orbital Test Flight!

My favorite part about working at SpaceX is seeing just how enthusiastic everyone at SpaceX is about pushing human spaceflight forward! It's as if we are all a bunch of college students working inside Elon Musk's big garage of spare parts and turning them into rockets! I draw parallels of what the Saturn V rocket did back in the 1960s to what SpaceX's Starship rocket is doing nowadays in the 2020s to return humans to the Moon and eventually Mars!

Whenever we are launching Astronauts to space or returning them to planet Earth, everyone stops what they are doing whether they are the lead engineers, the technicians, or the maintenance staff, and everyone stands behind the glass windows of Mission Control Hawthorne to see the launch! Everyone cheers and claps when the Falcon 9 successfully lifts off to orbit and when they execute their propulsive landing on the drone ships! Launch day is like game day, everyone inside Mission Control is laser focused on their task and the rest of us at SpaceX and the rest of the world are passionately cheering them on!

Some of Our Featured Interns

Jorge Arturo Video

Jorge Arturo Levario-Delagarz

Jorge Arturo Levario-Delagarza interned at Lockheed Martin, NASA, and SpaceX. He majored in mechanical engineering with a minor in biomedical engineering.

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Kyra Delgado

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Bedford Oyinkro

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