Ashish Jaiswal

Ashish Jaiswal interned at Meta. He majored in computer science.

Ashish Jaiswal

Spotlight: Ashish Jaiswal, Meta

Major: Computer Science

Hometown: Kathmandu, Nepal

What is Ashish doing now?



Ashish's Academics


Notes from Ashish

Can you tell a bit about yourself and your internship?

My name is Ashish Jaiswal. I am a fourth-year Ph.D. student in Computer Science at UTA. I work in the Heracleia Human-Centered Computing Lab, and my primary research interests fall under computer vision and machine learning. As a Ph.D. student in the College of Engineering, I’ve had the opportunity to develop a wide range of skills and knowledge that have been invaluable to my career growth. At college, I studied subjects like machine learning, data analysis, and computer vision, which all played a significant role in getting me an internship last summer.

During my three-month internship with the Audio-Video Understanding Team at Meta, I was tasked with building a system to visualize current popular trends in REELS videos uploaded on Facebook and Instagram. It was an exciting challenge because it allowed me to apply the skills and knowledge I had gained in college and the research lab to a real-world project with significant impact.

Have you been able to connect your skills into your internship? In what ways?

The first step in building this system was to use unsupervised clustering of videos to group them based on similarities. This required me to apply my understanding of machine learning and data analysis to develop a practical algorithm to identify and group videos accordingly.

Once the videos were clustered, I used natural language processing (NLP) techniques to assign topics to each cluster generated. It allowed us to better understand the content of each group of videos and visualize the trends emerging across different platforms.

What did you complete by the end of your internship?

I created a user-friendly UI dashboard and a search-indexing API for video searches based on topics generated, allowing us to quickly access and analyze the data. This entire process required me to use my knowledge of software engineering to develop an effective and efficient system.

What do you think you learned from the internship?

This internship has been an exciting and fulfilling experience for me because it has allowed me to work on a project that has real-world implications. It has also allowed me to work with a talented team of professionals who have helped me to develop my skills further and challenged me to think creatively. Finally, it has given me a glimpse into what a career in machine learning could look like and helped me narrow down my interests and career goals.

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