Academic Early Alert System

What is an Academic Early Alert?  

Academic Early Alert is a referral program that seeks to provide support to students who have demonstrated behaviors that may hinder academic performance and overall student success.

Faculty/staff identify students that show a pattern of concern early in the semester, resulting in appropriate actions by an Academic Success Coach. Early identification of students who display risk factors that may hinder their academic success leads to early intervention. This outreach effort is a partnership between faculty, staff, and the Academic Success Center. 

Please Note: This is NOT a Behavior Intervention Team (BIT) Referral Form. If a student's behavior goes beyond the normal classroom disturbances and appears distressed, please complete the BIT Form.

Why should I submit an Academic Early Alert?  

  • "When "first-year" students are not meeting academic expectations at the four-week mark (as measured by attendance, test scores, keeping up with readings, etc.), they are much less likely to earn better than a C in the course, or even graduate" (Dodge, 2018). 
  • Early Alerts are not just about grades; they are about academic effort, absences, class engagement, etc.
  • Academic Coaches immediately engage with a student once an alert is made. Their goal is to open dialogue with the student, assess their needs and develop a plan that guides the student towards academic success. 
  • If a student is struggling in multiple courses, it may be indicative of a larger issue that could benefit from early intervention. 


When should I submit an Academic Early Alert?

Alerts are best when they are submitted early, typically between weeks 3-7 for regular session classes, and before the halfway point for classes in shorter sessions. If Faculty/Staff identify the following student behaviors in their classrooms (or similar behaviors), an Early Alert form submission is appropriate as soon as possible:  

  • Frequent absences 
  • Unresponsiveness to faculty outreach 
  • Notably poor academic performance
  • Low engagement in the classroom 
  • Isolation from other students
  • ESL challenges 
  • Missing or incomplete work
  • Other measures of academic performance


What happens once I submit an Academic Early Alert?

The Academic Early Alert program strives to assist the University in improving the motivation and performance of students to successfully persist and graduate timely. When you make an alert, the Academic Engagement Programs team is notified, and an Academic Coach will reach out to the student to assess their needs and develop a plan to enable them to succeed in a particular course and for the session/term. 

Other difficulties the student may be facing will also be addressed and strategies and resources to resolve those difficulties will be provided. If other support services are needed, the Academic Coach will refer students to appropriate resources on campus such as Academic Support Programs, Counseling, and Psychological Services, and the Student Money Management Center.  

Students will be notified why the alert was made and information provided can be shared with the student. As such, observations in the alert should be objectively stated. 

What outcomes can I expect from an Academic Early Alert? 

Every attempt will be made to contact the referred student and provide effective resources and strategies to be successful academically. However, any of the outcomes below are possible:

  • Student understands challenges and actively utilizes resources / skills to address and overcome academic and/or personal obstacles 
  • Student may elect to remain in the course, but not be successful
  • Student may decide to withdraw from the course
  • Academic Coaches may be unable to make contact with the student

The Academic Coach will follow up with the initiator of the Academic Early Alert via email with a final outcome.  

Goals of the Academic Early Alert Program:

  • Increase in communication between students and faculty
  • Increase in engagement between students and the Academic Success Center
  • Increase in student utilization of services
  • Improve in student persistence, retention, and graduation rates 


Dodge, J. (2018, August 15). Move In 2018: Student success efforts focus on the First Four Weeks and having a Momentum Year.