Accountability Groups

Accountability Groups

Are you struggling with motivation and accountabilityFed up with studying aloneStudying or doing homework can sometimes feel isolating, resulting in procrastinationJoin an accountability group, where we support each other and hold ourselves accountable, creating a successful semester for everyone.

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What Are Accountability Groups

Accountability Groups offer ongoing support to undergraduate students in a group setting to help you strengthen your study skills and stay motivated to achieve your goals.

  • Consistent, Dedicated Time: Groups will meet one time per week for 1.5 hours in the ASC Central

  • Peer Connection and Support: Groups consist of 6-8 assigned students led by an ASC Peer Academic Coach

  • Academic Skill Building: Students will learn and practice productive study habits

What To Expect

Joining an Accountability Group offers an opportunity to develop and reinforce effective study habits, connect with your peers, and allocate dedicated time for individual workTogether, you can learn from each other, including sharing successful strategies and best practices, celebrating each other’s accomplishments, and providing support during challenges.  Your group will meet for a 90-minute session each week, and consistent attendance is crucial for the group’s overall successDuring these sessions, you’ll establish a realistic to-do list, work on individual tasks, and share progress with the group.

If you have any questions or concerns, you can email, or call our office at 817-272-2617.