UTA Academic Advising

Our Purpose Is Your Success!

Academic Advisors at the University of Texas at Arlington guide students through exploration, identification, and pursuit of their educational, personal and career goals. Advisors equip students to attain academic success and promote lifelong learning. Ultimately, academic advisors offer essential academic services that help students persist and graduate.

Ready, Set, Register! Spring registration begins April 7! Make sure you have confirmed spring courses with your advisor, cleared any registration preventing holds, and checked for your date to begin enrolling.


1. Ready. Have you scheduled an appointment with your advisor? Login to MyMav.UTA.edu and click on the Advisors tile to see your assigned advisor or scroll down to select your College. Now is the time to meet with your advisor, so don’t delay!  

2.  Set. Have you cleared all holds? Login to MyMav.UTA.edu to view your To Do list and address any holds that are listed on your student account. Again, don’t wait until the last minute, address your registration preventing holds today.   

3. Register. After you confirm courses with your advisor and clear any registration preventing holds on your account, you are ready to register for spring classes.  Login to MyMav.UTA.edu to find your registration date.



Connect with My Academic Advisor

Check out our links below for more information about academic advising at UTA.