What Does This Mean?
A student on Academic Probation has a grade point average (GPA) that is within the Table of Standards for their classification, but still has a GPA that is less than a 2.000. Students on Academic Probation will experience certain restrictions. For instance, students cannot:
• take more than 14 credit hours without special permission from their school/college. Some departments may place their probationary students on a contract and possibly further limit the credit hours that can be taken or the type of classes to be taken.
• hold an office in any club or organization on campus, represent UT Arlington in any official capacity, or attend university-sponsored trips.
What Can I Do About It?
Students on academic probation who achieve a 2.000 or higher cumulative GPA at the end of a grade-reporting period during which they are registered at the University will be removed from academic probation. Removal from probation will be reflected on the student’s permanent academic record.
There is no appeal process for this academic status; it is simply an indication that you are not in Good Standing with the university. The best course of action is to meet with an Academic Advisor in your major department prior to the beginning of classes or very early in the semester and develop an action plan for academic success.