Academic Standing

Academic Standing Categories

Academic Good Standing

Students who have a 2.0 GPA or above at UT Arlington are considered in good standing and can continue to take courses without penalty. However, it is important to keep in mind that individual departments may have higher GPA thresholds to remain in a particular major, to take advanced course work, or even to graduate with a degree in that major. Refer to the appropriate school or college in the Academic Programs and Degree Offerings section of the Undergraduate Catalog for these GPA requirements, or you may speak with your academic advisor.


Total College Hours Undertaken

UTA GPA for Academic Probation

UTA GPA for Academic Warning and Dismissal


less than 2.000

less than 1.600


less than 2.000

less than 1.800

60 or more

less than 2.000

less than 2.000

What Does This Mean?

A student on Academic Probation has a grade point average (GPA) that is within the Table of Standards for their classification, but still has a GPA that is less than a 2.000. Students on Academic Probation will experience certain restrictions. For instance, students cannot: 

 • take more than 14 credit hours without special permission from their school/college. Some departments may place their probationary students on a contract and possibly further limit the credit hours that can be taken or the type of classes to be taken. 

• hold an office in any club or organization on campus, represent UT Arlington in any official capacity, or attend university-sponsored trips.


What Can I Do About It?

Students on academic probation who achieve a 2.000 or higher cumulative GPA at the end of a grade-reporting period during which they are registered at the University will be removed from academic probation. Removal from probation will be reflected on the student’s permanent academic record.

There is no appeal process for this academic status; it is simply an indication that you are not in Good Standing with the university. The best course of action is to meet with an Academic Advisor in your major department prior to the beginning of classes or very early in the semester and develop an action plan for academic success.

What Does This Mean?

As the status indicates, this is a warning that your academic performance is not meeting the standards of this university as shown in the Table of Academic Standards. Students on Academic Warning will experience certain restrictions. For instance, students cannot: 

• take more than 14 credit hours without special permission from their school/college. Some departments may place their probationary students on a contract and possibly further limit the credit hours that can be taken or the type of classes to be taken. 

• hold an office in any club or organization on campus, represent UT Arlington in any official capacity, or attend university-sponsored trips.


What Can I Do About It?

At the end of the warning term, the student must meet one of the following conditions:  

• Student must earn at least a 2.500 semester GPA for Academic Continuance or 

• Student must meet or exceed the appropriate values in the Table of Standards leading to either an academic status of Academic Probation or Good Standing.  

If the student does not meet one of these conditions, the student will next be placed on Academic Dismissal for a designated period of time and cannot attend classes at UT Arlington during that time.

There is no appeal process for this academic status; it is merely a warning. The best course of action is to meet with an Academic Advisor in your major department prior to the beginning of classes or very early in the semester and develop an action plan for academic success.

What Does This Mean?

Academic Continuance indicates that the student is making progress toward meeting the Table of Standards by having made at least a 2.500 semester GPA during the prior term. While an Academic Continuance allows students to continue enrolling in courses at the university, they are still subject to dismissal. 


What Can I Do About It?  

Each semester, students on Academic Continuance must earn at least a 2.500 semester GPA until Academic Probation or Good Standing status is met.  If students do not earn at least a 2.500 semester GPA, the student will next be placed on Academic Dismissal for a designated period of time based on previous dismissal history.     

There is no appeal process for this academic status; it is merely an indication that you are not meeting the Table of Standards but have made progress towards doing so. The best course of action is to meet with an Academic Advisor in your major department prior to the beginning of classes or very early in the semester and develop an action plan for academic success.

What Does This Mean?

First Time Academic Dismissal (Dismissal I) 

Undergraduate students placed on academic dismissal for the first time are eligible to continue enrollment after not attending UT Arlington for one regular term (fall or spring) without having to reapply to the university.

  • Students on Dismissal 1 will be dropped from all courses for the following term and/or will be prevented from enrolling in the next long term. 


What Can I Do About It?  

Upon returning, students should contact their academic advisor to have their suspension hold removed and to discuss next steps for enrollment. Returning students must continuously earn a semester GPA of 2.500 or higher and/or reach appropriate Table of Academic Standards values or they will be dismissed for a 12-month period.

Some students can appeal for waiver of the dismissal. Early Readmission Appeals are due ten (10) days before the fall or spring terms. Students dismissed after summer terms may be considered through the third day of the fall termThe process to appeal for early readmission from academic dismissal requires the student to 

  1. Meet with their academic advisor to determine viability of the appeal;

  1. Complete an Enrollment Contract; and

  1. Submit a student appeal letter.

Approving an appeal requires waiving an academic policy under extenuating circumstances. This requires substantial evidence that waiving such a policy would be in the best interest of the student, the institution, and is equitable. Additionally, supporting documentation is required. Examples include, but are not limited to:

• Letter from a licensed medical professional confirming that the diagnosis and/or treatment plan negatively impacted their academics and a statement of support for early readmission. 

• Police report for a car wreck (i.e. student no longer had the means to travel to and from campus).

 • Letter from a treating physician for extenuating circumstance, such as incapacitation, surgery, hospitalization, etc.  

Only the following accept early readmission appeals: 

  • College of Liberal Arts

  • School of Social Work

  • University Advising and Engagement Center (first year students)

  • University Studies 

These colleges/departments consider appeals based on their individual standards. Students may not change their major to appeal through a different college or school.

What Does This Mean?

Students placed on academic dismissal for a second or subsequent time are eligible to apply for readmission after not attending UT Arlington for a minimum 12-month period. Students who are returning from a 12-month dismissal must reapply for admission and complete the university readmission process. 

  • Students on Dismissal 2 will be dropped from all courses for the following term(s) and/or will be prevented from enrolling in the next long terms until one full academic year has elapsed, including summer sessions and Intersessions.


What Can I Do About It?  

There is no appeal process for this academic status. After returning from the dismissal period and reapplying to UTA, the returning student should meet with an academic advisor in the major department at least ten (10) days prior to the start of the fall or spring semester to complete the Return from Dismissal 2 Form and develop an action plan for academic success. Readmission decisions are made by the Office of Admissions and are based on eligibility for readmission. Returning students are not guaranteed readmission into the previously declared major or intended major choice. Returning students must continuously earn a semester GPA of 2.500 or higher and/or reach appropriate Table of Academic Standards values or they will be dismissed for a 12-month period.


**Note:  While this informational site is supported by the University Advising Center, students should seek advisement for their academic issues through the advising process in their major department.  If a student is a freshman or Undeclared, the University Advising Center in Ransom Hall will provide the advising.  The information on this web site should not be used as a replacement for the Undergraduate Catalog or proper academic advisement.

All students should thoroughly read the Academic Probation and Dismissal section of the Academic Regulations in the Undergraduate Catalog.  Students should also become familiar with the Table of Standards.  Students who fall below the UTA Table of Standards will be placed on probation or warning (as appropriate) and may face dismissal from the University if the GPA is not raised to meet the required standards.