How to do Business with UTA


UTA uses the Texas Purchasing Group on the BidNet platform for all formal bid and proposal submissions, including smaller repair and renovation opportunities. To obtain a bid or proposal documents, along with all submittal requirements and instructions



UTA utilizes Texas Electronic State Business Daily (ESBD) to post all proposals regarding major construction and capital projects. Make sure to follow instructions in bid package. Search: Univ of Texas at Arlington OR Agency 714.

Information For Vendors Doing Business with UT Arlington

Information for vendors who wish to sell goods and services to UT Arlington is available through a variety of venues.

  • Ethics Matters. Contractor and its employees, agents, representatives and subcontractors can read and understand Conflicts of Interest Policy (EI-PO2), University's Standards of Conduct Guide, and applicable state ethics laws and rules. Neither Contractor nor its employees, agents, representatives or subcontractors will assist or cause University employees to violate University's Conflicts of Interest Policy, provisions described by University's Standards of Conduct Guide, or applicable state ethics laws or rules.
  • Invitation for Bids and Requests for Proposals from UT Arlington are posted on BidNet at
  • Guidance for bidders who are aggrieved with the solicitation, evaluation, or award of a contract or purchase order may be found in Bid Protest Procedures (BF-PGS-PR5).
  • Vendors doing business with the state of Texas must obtain a state Payee ID in order to be paid. The Texas Identification Number System Application for Payee Identification Number should be used to set up your ID number.
  • Listings of organizations dedicated to assisting HUB vendors in obtaining HUB certification, HUB bid opportunities, or HUB networking may be found at HUB Resources.
  • Vendors interested in obtaining HUB certification assistance should refer to HUB Certification for additional information.