Academic Coaching

What kinds of issues can an Academic Coach help Undergraduate Students with?

        Academic Skills

  • Critical Thinking
  • Goal Setting & Achievement
  • Study Strategies
  • Test Preparation Strategies
  • Test - Taking Strategies

        Life Skills

  • Motivation & Focus
  • Stress Management
  • Time Management
  • Life Balance & Well Being
  • Campus Engagement
  • Campus Resources

Who can benefit from Academic Coaching?

Any undergraduate student at any point in college – who wants to get the most out of their college experience. 

What to expect?

Every session with an academic coach is customized to the individual student. Together, they establish session goals collaboratively. The coach assists in breaking down these objectives into manageable steps and provides strategies for goal achievement. Whether conducted virtually or in person, academic coaching maintains the same quality and effectiveness, ensuring a supportive and productive learning experience for the student. 

Does academic coaching require a long-term commitment?

No. Students have the option of a one-time session or consecutive weekly sessions.  It is recommended that students schedule a minimum of three consecutive sessions, but appointments can be terminated at any time during the semester once the student feels they have been helped. 

Remember, as a Maverick, you are never alone in your journey to success!