Landscape Architecture Designated stem 2023


The UTA Master in Landscape Architecture program focuses on ecological and environmental resiliency, urban place making, and quality of life, utilizing what makes the program unique: its location. The Dallas-Arlington-Fort Worth Metroplex provides exceptional opportunities for students and professionals to produce practical solutions to challenges extant within an exponentially expanding urban area. Through interdisciplinary teaching, research, and community engagement, the program promotes leading-edge design and planning by capitalizing on our unique place within a transferable urban lab environment (DFW). Additional learning opportunities are offered for working professionals, including continuing education, certificates, and executive programs.


Established through the Unite Effectiveness Process (UEP) process support the program's mission, and also are aligned with the standards established by the Landscape Architecture Accreditation Board (LAAB) for first professional degree programs in landscape architecture that encompass the body of knowledge common to the profession and promote acquisition of the knowledge and skills necessary to enter professional practice.

These educational goals and objectives will be used to guide curriculum and long-range planning, which include:

1. Proficiency in communication: graduating students will demonstrate proficiency in communicating ideas with visual proficiency.
2. Proficiency in verbal communication: graduating students will demonstrate proficiency in communicating ideas with verbal proficiency.
3. Identification of natural and cultural systems: graduating students will demonstrate the ability to identify the local and regional cultural and natural systems including hydrology for a given design program.
4. Knowledge of computer applications: graduating students will demonstrate proficiency with relevant computer programs.
5. Knowledge of construction materials, methods, technologies and applications: graduating students will demonstrate the ability to produce a set of industry standard construction documents.
6. Advanced written research/communication: graduating students will demonstrate the ability to produce scholarly research in the form of a written and oral thesis.
7. Design Comprehension, Creativity and Rigor: The student will demonstrate understanding of design processes, comprehension, creativity and rigor.

Admission Requirements

To learn more about our Masters Program and to request graduate information click the links down below.


The Landscape Architecture Program is fully accredited by the Landscape Architectural Accreditation Board of the American Society of Landscape Architects. Graduates from the program are qualified to sit for the Landscape Architecture Registration Exam which, when successfully passed, qualifies individuals to practice as landscape architects in the state of Texas.

Each student will be counseled based upon interests and background to develop an appropriate degree plan.


The applicant must meet the general requirements of the Graduate School

  • A personal interview is recommended and letters of reference are required.
  • All students in the Landscape Architecture Program are required to consult the Graduate Advisor to obtain course and schedule approval each semester prior to registration.

Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)

  • A student whose native language is not English must have a demonstrated speaking ability in English.
  • The program requires a minimum score of 575, or the equivalent score on the computerized test, for admission.

Two Program Paths

For students holding a college degree in a field other than design, some prerequisite courses usually are required such as design, plant materials, technology, drawing, theory, and history. The extent and number of such courses depend upon the student’s previous college experience and demonstrated skills.

The core curriculum in the Program of Landscape Architecture prepares students holding a college degree in a field other than landscape architecture or a related design discipline for the program’s emphasis, which is problem-solving through design and research. The core curriculum also provides students with the basic equivalent of a bachelor’s degree in landscape architecture. For full-time students with degrees from other non-design disciplines, the core usually takes three semesters to complete.

All students are required to consult their Graduate Advisor to obtain course and schedule approval each semester prior to enrollment and registration. An approved degree plan must be submitted no later than the start of the student’s second semester of graduate work.

Students from backgrounds other than landscape architecture or its related fields must complete the 87 credits required in the curriculum. Students with degrees and/or professional experience in fields related to landscape architecture (such as architecture, engineering, environmental design, horticulture, interior design, planning and the like) may apply for advanced standing, allowing them to enter the academic phase (second year) of the curriculum. Advanced standing in these cases requires a minimum of 60 total credit hours for graduation.

Students with first professional degrees in landscape architecture may also apply for advanced standing, allowing them to enter the research (third year) phase of the curriculum. Advanced standing in these cases requires a minimum of 30 total credit hours for graduation.

The Master of Landscape Architecture program offers outstanding graduating students from UTA's Bachelor of Science in Sustainable Urban Design program the opportunity to participate in the Facilitated Admissions program.

Students are recommended for Facilitated Admission by the Master of Landscape Architecture Graduate Advisor. To qualify the students must meet the following minimum requirements:

  • Graduation from UTA's Bachelor of Science in Sustainable Urban Design program no more than one academic year prior to the semester for which facilitated admission is sought.
    • If the student has not yet graduated from the program, they must be in their final undergraduate semester and have applied for undergraduate graduation. 
  •  Achieved a grade-point average of 3.5 in these calculations:
    • Last 60 hours GPA as calculated in Graduate Admissions for admission purposes,
    • All work completed to date at UTA (cumulative GPA),
    • Within their major (from LARC and UDES courses)

Students who qualify for Facilitated Admission will be admitted into graduate school without completing the application for admission, submitting the application fee, or taking the GRE or GMAT test. The Graduate Advisor of the Master of Landscape Architecture program will complete an Facilitated Admission Application on behalf of the student.


Students completing the Bachelor of Science in Sustainable Urban Design from UTA who do not meet the Facilitated Admission requirements above, may still be considered for advanced standing in the Master of Landscape Architecture program on individual review.