Students interested in pursuing a CAPPA Bachelor of Science degree for Fall 2025, are now encouraged to have completed applications submitted through the Common App portal by our February 15, 2025, accept admissions offer by our March 15, 2025 deadline, and attend one of the CAPPA-designated New Maverick sessions *.  Students missing any of the deadlines specified in the CAPPA admissions plan (applications, accept admissions, and attend a CAPPA-designated orientation) will be required to defer to the next Fall intake year or choose a different UT Arlington major from outside of CAPPA.

Admission into the CAPPA undergraduate programs is Fall semester only. 

NOTE: Current UTA students interested in major change into CAPPA, please visit our Major Change Criteria page.

The College of Architecture Planning and Public Affairs would like to share with you our Fall 2025 admissions plan for our undergraduate programs in:

As the leading architecture institution in North Texas, the UT Arlington School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture programs have experienced significant interest in its undergraduate design programs. To focus on the quality of design education that we provide to our students, the programs will be adhering to the admissions deadlines. Admissions into any of the CAPPA undergraduate programs is for the Fall semesters only.


Students interested in pursuing an undergraduate degree in ArchitectureInterior Design, or Sustainable Urban Design, are now encouraged to have completed applications submitted through the Common App portal by February 15, 2025. A completed application includes all required documents, including SAT scores and transcripts.


Applicants for these programs must have completed applications, been offered admissions by UTA’s Office of Admissions, and have accepted the offer of admissions via MyMav by March 15, 2025 to gain admissions consideration into one of these design programs. Incomplete and/or late applications or unaccepted admission offers that do not meet the specified deadlines may not be considered.  The Office of Admissions can provide assistance with application checklists and requirements.


Please note that while accepting your admission offer is not a binding agreement to enroll at UT Arlington, you will need to accept your offer of admission to start the enrollment process for the undergraduate programs in the College of Architecture, Planning and Public Affairs. Students are then required to attend one of the CAPPA-specific mandatory New Maverick Orientation dates to complete the admissions process into one of our programs and enroll into classes.


The design programs at CAPPA are both rewarding and rigorous, and we are committed to providing our students with a unique and personalized experience, which includes opportunities for hands-on studio learning, internships, research, fellowships, design-build projects, community engagement, and more. This admission process will not limit the opportunity for prospective students but will instead encourage potential students to take action before the upcoming deadlines. Students missing any of the deadlines specified in the CAPPA admissions plan (applications, accept admissions, attend CAPPA-designated orientation) will be required to defer to the next Fall intake year or choose a different UT Arlington major from outside of CAPPA.


The admissions process for the College of Architecture, Planning and Public Affairs supports its diverse student body, and creates a campus of inclusiveness, through recruitment efforts, retention policies, and support for student success of the many cultural, religious/spiritual, and identity groups comprising the society we serve.  Efforts to achieve these intentions are consistent with the laws of the State of Texas and University policy. 


The college's commitment to providing an exceptional education and professional opportunities remains unchanged, and we look forward to welcoming prospective students to our Maverick family.


Applications are available via Common App. APPLY NOW!


If you have been offered admission to the University:

  • Transfer students, see NEW TRANSFER STUDENT INFO below for your next steps.
  • Freshman students, see NEW FRESHMAN STUDENT INFO below for your next steps.

Transfer student orientation (in-person only):

  • June 3rd
  • June 11th
  • June 28th
  • July 8th
  • July 12th
  • July 16th
  • August 6th

Freshman student orientation (in-person only):

  • June 3rd
  • June 28th
  • July 8th
  • July 12th
  • July 16th
  • August 5th

International student orientation (virtual - out-of-country students only):

  • August 14th 


Maventure / CAPPA JumpStart Design camp

  • July 17th


Please sign up for New Maverick Orientation and see our Fall 2025 Enrollment Deadline information.

Students who do not attend one of the CAPPA-designated orientation dates, listed above, will need to either defer to the next Fall intake year or choose a major from outside of CAPPA.

***NOTE***: If you have already attended an orientation and have been informed that you do not need to attend orientation again, you will still need to attend our college session which occurs on one of our designated orientation dates listed above.

  • You would not attend the entire orientation.
  • You will need to contact, two (2) weeks before the date you prefer to let them know to expect you at our college session on that specified date. 


We look forward to meeting you at orientation!

Offered Freshman Admission? Next Steps:

  1. Accept your admission offer before the March 15, 2025 deadline,
  2. Submit official transcripts and test scores,
  3. Satisfy TSI Requirements,
  4. Take the ALEKS Math Assessment
  5. Register for virtual group advising (freshmen only),
    •  Sign up for a virtual group advising session about 2 weeks before your orientation date.
    • This way, you have enough time to get advised and fully register for classes before orientation.
    • This will allow you to bypass the advising and registration session at freshman orientation, so that you can instead participate in an even exclusively for CAPPA students.
    • NOTE: Students who are not fully registered for fall courses on the day of freshman orientation will need to attend the advising and registration session at orientation instead of the special CAPPA event. 
  6. Registration for classes
  7. Attend freshman orientation on an approved CAPPA freshman orientation date:
    • June 3rd
    • June 28th
    • July 8th
    • July 12th
    • July 16th
    • August 5th
  8. Students who do not attend one of the CAPPA-designated orientation dates, listed above, will need to either defer to the next Fall intake year or choose a major from outside of CAPPA.
  9. Submit your final high school transcript
  10. Portfolio Review
    • Submit a portfolio for review.
    • NOTE: Students who have completed college-level design class(es) are encouraged to submit a portfolio for review and to determine placement in our program.
    • If you did not complete any college-level design classes, you do not submit a portfolio. 
  11.  Submit your final transcript to UTA

  13. See our BECOMING A STUDENT Info
  14. Sign up for the Maventure / CAPPA JumpStart Design camp (optional)
    • July 17th 
  15.  Learn about our Architecture Residential Learning Community (RLC), for Architecture, Interior Design and Sustainable Urban Design freshmen.
  16. Programs info

Offered Transfer Admission? Next Steps:

  1. Accept your transfer student admission offer before the March 15, 2025 deadline,
  2. Submit official transcripts and test scores,
  3. Satisfy TSI Requirements (if TSI Liable),
  4. Take the ALEKS Math Assessment
    • Exemptions (Grade of "C" or better in one of the following classes):
      • MATH 1301 Contemporary Math,
      • MATH 1302 College Algebra,
      • MATH 1308 Elementary Statistical Analysis, or
      • MATH 1315 College Algebra for Economics and Business Analysis
  5. Attend an in-person transfer orientation on an approved CAPPA transfer orientation date:
    • Transfer student orientation (in-person only):

      • June 3rd
      • June 11th
      • June 28th
      • July 8th
      • July 12th
      • July 16th
      • August 6th
  6. Advising and Registration for classes
  • For CAPPA transfer students, registration occurs on orientation day.
  • Advisors will reach out to CAPPA transfer students to arrange a pre-advising appointment at least a week prior to CAPPA-designated orientation date.

 7. Students who do not attend one of the CAPPA-designated orientation dates, listed above, will need to either defer to the next Fall intake year or choose a major from outside of 


***NOTE***: If you have already attended an orientation and have been informed that you do not need to attend orientation again, you will still need to attend our college session which occurs on one of our designated orientation dates listed above.

  • You would not attend the entire orientation.
  • You will need to contact, two (2) weeks before the date you prefer to let them know to expect you at our college session on that specified date. 


 8. Portfolio Review

  • Submit a portfolio for review.
  • NOTE: Students who have completed college-level design class(es) are encouraged to submit a portfolio for review and to determine placement in our program.
  • If you did not complete any college-level design classes, you do not submit a portfolio. 
  •  Submit your final transcript to UTA

 9. Sign up for the Maventure / CAPPA JumpStart Design camp (optional)

  •  July 17th 

10. Programs Info



Below are a list of courses typically transferrable into our programs. 

The course numbers are the UT Arlington course numbers. Depending on where you are planning to take the class(es), you can check the Course Equivalency Tool to determine the correct course number to take at that school that will transfer as the correct class at UT Arlington. 

For MATH 1327, that class is specific to UT Arlington; however, we will accept regular Calculus I (MATH 1426 at UT Arlington) as a substitute. So you would need to do an equivalency comparison for UT Arlington's MATH 1426.

ENGL 1301:      Rhetoric & Composition I   ENGL 1301:        Rhetoric & Composition I   ENGL 1301: Rhetoric & Composition I
ENGL 1302: Rhetoric & Composition II   ENGL 1302: Rhetoric & Composition II   ENGL 1302: Rhetoric & Composition II
HIST 1301: U.S. History to 1865   HIST 1301: U.S. History to 1865   HIST 1301: U.S. History to 1865
HIST 1302: U.S. History from 1865   HIST 1302: U.S. History from 1865   HIST 1302: U.S. History from 1865
MATH 1303: Trigonometry   MATH 1303: Trigonometry   MATH 1301: Contemporary Math
MATH 1327: Architectural Calculus w/Analytic Geometry            MATH 1327: Architectural Calculus w/Analytic Geometry           MATH 1303: Trigonometry
POLS 2311: U.S. Government   POLS 2311: U.S. Government   POLS 2311: U.S. Government
POLS 2312: Texas Government   POLS 2312: Texas Government   POLS 2312: Texas Government
PHYS 1441: General College Physics I   PHYS 1301: Physics for Non-Specialists I   PHYS 1351: Energy & Environment
PHYS 1442: General College Physics II   PHYS 1302: Physics for Non-Specialists II   GEOL 1330: Global Warming
Social & Behavioral Sciences elective (SBS)   Social & Behavioral Sciences elective (SBS)   Social & Behavioral Sciences elective (SBS)    
 Language, Philosophy, & Culture elective (LPC)   Language, Philosophy, & Culture elective (LPC)   GLOBAL 2301:                 Intro to Global Issues (required LPC)
 Literature elective   Literature elective   Literature elective

For the SBSLPC, and Literature electives, a list of classes that count for those requirements can be found on our website. Look under Core/Other Electives. Then perform the course equivalency comparison for the school that you will be taking the class.

The most commonly seen transferred courses from the SBS, LPC, and Literature electives are (UT Arlington course numbers):

  • LPC:
    • ANTH 2322: Global Cultures
    • PHIL 2300: Intro to Philosophy
    • PHIL 1304: Contemporary Moral Problems (Ethics)
  • SBS:
    • ANTH 1306: Intro to Anthropology
    • ANTH 2339: Intro to Archaeology
    • CRCJ 2334: Intro to Criminal Justice
    • ECON 2305: Principles of Macroeconomics
    • ECON 2306: Principles of Microeconomics
    • PSYC 1315: Intro to Psychology
    • SOCI 1311: Intro to Sociology
  • Literature:
    • ENGL 2309: World Literature
    • ENGL 2319: British Literature
    • ENGL 2329: American Literature

For questions, please email


Kick-start your college career and make a decision as the deadline is approaching fast. It's time to accelerate your plans, take the next step, and apply now!



Come visit the College of Architecture, Planning and Public Affairs (CAPPA).

CAPPA Tours last up to an hour and include a number of options for attendees:

  • Classroom Visits - Visit a studio space.
  • Gallery - View student design projects and posters to see the hands on work our students create
  • Facilities - Digital Fabrication Lab, Wood & Metal Fabrication Lab, Architecture, Interior Design, and Landscape Design Studios
  • Research Center -  Architecture & Fine Arts Library

UTA Parking

The most convenient parking location to the CAPPA building is the Park West Garage.

Attention! Upcoming Enrollment Deadline

Students interested in pursuing a CAPPA Bachelor of Science degree for Fall 2024, are now encouraged to have completed applications submitted through the Common App portal by February 15, 2025 and accept admissions offer by March 15, 2025*.


We offer individual tours and small group tours. For details about setting up a tour, please schedule an appointment.

Prospective Students Contact: 

Book an Appointment