Directions & Accommodations

College Park Center

Located at 600 S. Center St., Arlington, TX 76010. Parking is available in Park South, Park Central and Park North parking garages as well as in lots 47, 53, F10, F11, F12.


Guests who require additional time to get to College Park Center – including guests with physical handicap, elderly, or parents with strollers – may be dropped off in the designated vehicle turnaround on the west side of the building at Pecan Street and 3rd Street. No parking permitted in the turnaround.


Complimentary shuttle service will be available throughout commencement weekend. Please plan for a 10-15 minute wait between shuttles.


Two large video screens on the stage will provide an unobstructed and close-up view of the ceremony. Designated handicapped seating for graduates is available in the venue upon request. Sign language will be provided during every School and College commencement ceremony. Students and their family, friends and guests who require additional accommodation should contact the Box Office at 817-272-9595.