Future Mavericks!

The College of Architecture, Planning, and Public Affairs (CAPPA) offers students a unique opportunity to shape their future and contribute to their communities. Our programs are designed to give students the practical skills and theoretical knowledge they need to tackle real-world challenges. Our students receive a well-rounded education, with hands-on learning opportunities and access to cutting-edge research and technology. Whether you're interested in designing sustainable buildings, creating livable cities, or managing public policy, we have a program that will help you reach your professional and academic goals. Undergraduate degrees are available in architecture, sustainable urban design, and interior design. Freshman students, learn more about our Residential Learning Community and the Maverick Experience. NOTE: Current UTA students interested in major change into CAPPA, please visit our Major Change Criteria page: https://www.uta.edu/academics/schools-colleges/cappa/general-advising/tools-resources/major-change-criteria


Students interested in pursuing a CAPPA Bachelor of Science degree for Fall 2025, are now encouraged to have completed applications submitted through the Common App portal by our February 15, 2025, accept admissions offer by our March 15, 2025 deadline, and attend one of the CAPPA-designated New Maverick sessions *.  Students missing any of the deadlines specified in the CAPPA admissions plan (applications, accept admissions, and attend a CAPPA-designated orientation) will be required to defer to the next Fall intake year or choose a different UT Arlington major from outside of CAPPA.

Admission into the CAPPA undergraduate programs is Fall semester only. 

NOTE: Current UTA students interested in major change into CAPPA, please visit our Major Change Criteria page.

The College of Architecture Planning and Public Affairs would like to share with you our Fall 2025 admissions plan for our undergraduate programs in:

As the leading architecture institution in North Texas, the UT Arlington School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture programs have experienced significant interest in its undergraduate design programs. To focus on the quality of design education that we provide to our students, the programs will be adhering to the admissions deadlines. Admissions into any of the CAPPA undergraduate programs is for the Fall semesters only.


Students interested in pursuing an undergraduate degree in ArchitectureInterior Design, or Sustainable Urban Design, are now encouraged to have completed applications submitted through the Common App portal by February 15, 2025. A completed application includes all required documents, including SAT scores and transcripts.


Applicants for these programs must have completed applications, been offered admissions by UTA’s Office of Admissions, and have accepted the offer of admissions via MyMav by March 15, 2025 to gain admissions consideration into one of these design programs. Incomplete and/or late applications or unaccepted admission offers that do not meet the specified deadlines may not be considered.  The Office of Admissions can provide assistance with application checklists and requirements.


Please note that while accepting your admission offer is not a binding agreement to enroll at UT Arlington, you will need to accept your offer of admission to start the enrollment process for the undergraduate programs in the College of Architecture, Planning and Public Affairs. Students are then required to attend one of the CAPPA-specific mandatory New Maverick Orientation dates to complete the admissions process into one of our programs and enroll into classes.


The design programs at CAPPA are both rewarding and rigorous, and we are committed to providing our students with a unique and personalized experience, which includes opportunities for hands-on studio learning, internships, research, fellowships, design-build projects, community engagement, and more. This admission process will not limit the opportunity for prospective students but will instead encourage potential students to take action before the upcoming deadlines. Students missing any of the deadlines specified in the CAPPA admissions plan (applications, accept admissions, attend CAPPA-designated orientation) will be required to defer to the next Fall intake year or choose a different UT Arlington major from outside of CAPPA.


The admissions process for the College of Architecture, Planning and Public Affairs supports its diverse student body, and creates a campus of inclusiveness, through recruitment efforts, retention policies, and support for student success of the many cultural, religious/spiritual, and identity groups comprising the society we serve.  Efforts to achieve these intentions are consistent with the laws of the State of Texas and University policy. 


The college's commitment to providing an exceptional education and professional opportunities remains unchanged, and we look forward to welcoming prospective students to our Maverick family.


Applications are available via Common App. APPLY NOW!


If you have been offered admission to the University:

  • Transfer students, see NEW TRANSFER STUDENT INFO below for your next steps.
  • Freshman students, see NEW FRESHMAN STUDENT INFO below for your next steps.

Transfer student orientation (in-person only):

  • June 3rd
  • June 11th
  • June 28th
  • July 8th
  • July 12th
  • July 16th
  • August 6th

Freshman student orientation (in-person only):

  • June 3rd
  • June 28th
  • July 8th
  • July 12th
  • July 16th
  • August 5th

International student orientation (virtual - out-of-country students only):

  • August 14th 


Maventure / CAPPA JumpStart Design camp

  • July 17th


Please sign up for New Maverick Orientation and see our Fall 2025 Enrollment Deadline information.

Students who do not attend one of the CAPPA-designated orientation dates, listed above, will need to either defer to the next Fall intake year or choose a major from outside of CAPPA.

***NOTE***: If you have already attended an orientation and have been informed that you do not need to attend orientation again, you will still need to attend our college session which occurs on one of our designated orientation dates listed above.

  • You would not attend the entire orientation.
  • You will need to contact arch.advising@uta.edu, two (2) weeks before the date you prefer to let them know to expect you at our college session on that specified date. 


We look forward to meeting you at orientation!

Offered Freshman Admission? Next Steps:

  1. Accept your admission offer before the March 15, 2025 deadline,
  2. Submit official transcripts and test scores,
  3. Satisfy TSI Requirements,
  4. Take the ALEKS Math Assessment
  5. Register for virtual group advising (freshmen only),
    •  Sign up for a virtual group advising session about 2 weeks before your orientation date.
    • This way, you have enough time to get advised and fully register for classes before orientation.
    • This will allow you to bypass the advising and registration session at freshman orientation, so that you can instead participate in an even exclusively for CAPPA students.
    • NOTE: Students who are not fully registered for fall courses on the day of freshman orientation will need to attend the advising and registration session at orientation instead of the special CAPPA event. 
  6. Registration for classes
  7. Attend freshman orientation on an approved CAPPA freshman orientation date:
    • June 3rd
    • June 28th
    • July 8th
    • July 12th
    • July 16th
    • August 5th
  8. Students who do not attend one of the CAPPA-designated orientation dates, listed above, will need to either defer to the next Fall intake year or choose a major from outside of CAPPA.
  9. Submit your final high school transcript
  10. Portfolio Review
    • Submit a portfolio for review.
    • NOTE: Students who have completed college-level design class(es) are encouraged to submit a portfolio for review and to determine placement in our program.
    • If you did not complete any college-level design classes, you do not submit a portfolio. 
  11.  Submit your final transcript to UTA

  13. See our BECOMING A STUDENT Info
  14. Sign up for the Maventure / CAPPA JumpStart Design camp (optional)
    • July 17th 
  15.  Learn about our Architecture Residential Learning Community (RLC), for Architecture, Interior Design and Sustainable Urban Design freshmen.
  16. Programs info

Offered Transfer Admission? Next Steps:

  1. Accept your transfer student admission offer before the March 15, 2025 deadline,
  2. Submit official transcripts and test scores,
  3. Satisfy TSI Requirements (if TSI Liable),
  4. Take the ALEKS Math Assessment
    • Exemptions (Grade of "C" or better in one of the following classes):
      • MATH 1301 Contemporary Math,
      • MATH 1302 College Algebra,
      • MATH 1308 Elementary Statistical Analysis, or
      • MATH 1315 College Algebra for Economics and Business Analysis
  5. Attend an in-person transfer orientation on an approved CAPPA transfer orientation date:
    • Transfer student orientation (in-person only):

      • June 3rd
      • June 11th
      • June 28th
      • July 8th
      • July 12th
      • July 16th
      • August 6th
  6. Advising and Registration for classes
  • For CAPPA transfer students, registration occurs on orientation day.
  • Advisors will reach out to CAPPA transfer students to arrange a pre-advising appointment at least a week prior to CAPPA-designated orientation date.

 7. Students who do not attend one of the CAPPA-designated orientation dates, listed above, will need to either defer to the next Fall intake year or choose a major from outside of 


***NOTE***: If you have already attended an orientation and have been informed that you do not need to attend orientation again, you will still need to attend our college session which occurs on one of our designated orientation dates listed above.

  • You would not attend the entire orientation.
  • You will need to contact arch.advising@uta.edu, two (2) weeks before the date you prefer to let them know to expect you at our college session on that specified date. 


 8. Portfolio Review

  • Submit a portfolio for review.
  • NOTE: Students who have completed college-level design class(es) are encouraged to submit a portfolio for review and to determine placement in our program.
  • If you did not complete any college-level design classes, you do not submit a portfolio. 
  •  Submit your final transcript to UTA

 9. Sign up for the Maventure / CAPPA JumpStart Design camp (optional)

  •  July 17th 

10. Programs Info



Below are a list of courses typically transferrable into our programs. 

The course numbers are the UT Arlington course numbers. Depending on where you are planning to take the class(es), you can check the Course Equivalency Tool to determine the correct course number to take at that school that will transfer as the correct class at UT Arlington. 

For MATH 1327, that class is specific to UT Arlington; however, we will accept regular Calculus I (MATH 1426 at UT Arlington) as a substitute. So you would need to do an equivalency comparison for UT Arlington's MATH 1426.

ENGL 1301:      Rhetoric & Composition I   ENGL 1301:        Rhetoric & Composition I   ENGL 1301: Rhetoric & Composition I
ENGL 1302: Rhetoric & Composition II   ENGL 1302: Rhetoric & Composition II   ENGL 1302: Rhetoric & Composition II
HIST 1301: U.S. History to 1865   HIST 1301: U.S. History to 1865   HIST 1301: U.S. History to 1865
HIST 1302: U.S. History from 1865   HIST 1302: U.S. History from 1865   HIST 1302: U.S. History from 1865
MATH 1303: Trigonometry   MATH 1303: Trigonometry   MATH 1301: Contemporary Math
MATH 1327: Architectural Calculus w/Analytic Geometry            MATH 1327: Architectural Calculus w/Analytic Geometry           MATH 1303: Trigonometry
POLS 2311: U.S. Government   POLS 2311: U.S. Government   POLS 2311: U.S. Government
POLS 2312: Texas Government   POLS 2312: Texas Government   POLS 2312: Texas Government
PHYS 1441: General College Physics I   PHYS 1301: Physics for Non-Specialists I   PHYS 1351: Energy & Environment
PHYS 1442: General College Physics II   PHYS 1302: Physics for Non-Specialists II   GEOL 1330: Global Warming
Social & Behavioral Sciences elective (SBS)   Social & Behavioral Sciences elective (SBS)   Social & Behavioral Sciences elective (SBS)    
 Language, Philosophy, & Culture elective (LPC)   Language, Philosophy, & Culture elective (LPC)   GLOBAL 2301:                 Intro to Global Issues (required LPC)
 Literature elective   Literature elective   Literature elective

For the SBSLPC, and Literature electives, a list of classes that count for those requirements can be found on our website. Look under Core/Other Electives. Then perform the course equivalency comparison for the school that you will be taking the class.

The most commonly seen transferred courses from the SBS, LPC, and Literature electives are (UT Arlington course numbers):

  • LPC:
    • ANTH 2322: Global Cultures
    • PHIL 2300: Intro to Philosophy
    • PHIL 1304: Contemporary Moral Problems (Ethics)
  • SBS:
    • ANTH 1306: Intro to Anthropology
    • ANTH 2339: Intro to Archaeology
    • CRCJ 2334: Intro to Criminal Justice
    • ECON 2305: Principles of Macroeconomics
    • ECON 2306: Principles of Microeconomics
    • PSYC 1315: Intro to Psychology
    • SOCI 1311: Intro to Sociology
  • Literature:
    • ENGL 2309: World Literature
    • ENGL 2319: British Literature
    • ENGL 2329: American Literature

For questions, please email arch.advising@uta.edu


The College of Architecture, Planning and Public Affairs (CAPPA) at the University of Texas at Arlington offers a range of graduate programs that focus on addressing complex urban, environmental, and social challenges. CAPPA’s interdisciplinary approach combines architecture, urban planning, public affairs, and landscape architecture to prepare graduates for impactful careers.

The Master of Architecture is an NAAB-accredited professional degree offered only at the graduate level. Below is the language from the National Architectural Accrediting Board explaining accreditation policy. Each student's prior record of study determines where, in a progression from introductory to advanced work, the program is entered. There are three distinct programs of study, which provide options to graduate students with different backgrounds and needs. 

The University of Texas at Arlington, School of Architecture offers the following Master of Architecture degree programs: 

  • Path A (104 credit hours; requires a 4-year bachelors degree - students without an architecture background)
  • Path B (57 credit hours; requires a 4-year pre-professional degree in architecture - typically a BS ARCH)
  • Path C (33 credit hours; requires a professional degree in architecture - B.ARCH, M.ARCH, or the international equivalent from an accredited architecture program)

The admissions process for the School of Architecture supports its diverse student body, and creates a campus of inclusiveness, through recruitment efforts, retention policies, and support for student success of the many cultural, religious/spiritual, and identity groups comprising the society we serve.  Efforts to achieve these intentions are consistent with the laws of the State of Texas and University policy. 


For unconditional admission to the Path A program, the candidate must:

  • Hold a baccalaureate (B.S. or B.A.) degree from an accredited program in a subject outside architecture, such as liberal arts, sciences, business, or another profession.
  • Have an undergraduate GPA of 3.0 as calculated by Graduate Admissions.
  • Complete the Program requirements below.
  • Submit official GRE test scores (see below)

For unconditional admission to the Path B program, the candidate must:

  • Meet the Path A requirements listed above
  • Have completed a baccalaureate degree with a major in architecture
  • Submit a portfolio of design work and/or professional involvement, which shows evidence of design capability on a level expected in the graduate program as determined by the Graduate Architecture Admissions Committee.
    • (Design work produced in an office as an employee carries less weight because of the difficulty in determining the applicant's exact contribution to the work shown). The best indication of probable success in the program is the quality of work demonstrated in the portfolio.

For unconditional admission to the Path C program, the candidate must: 

  • Meet the requirements described under Path A
  • Submit a portfolio as described under Path B
  • Have a professional architecture degree (B.Arch, M.Arch, or the international equivalent) from an accredited architecture program.


The Master of Architecture program accepts applications for the Fall semester for Paths A, B, and C. The Fall semester application priority date is January 15th.

The Master of Architecture program accepts application for the Spring semester ONLY for Paths B and C. The Spring application priority date is August 15th. 

We do not accept applications or admit for the Spring semester for Path A.

Applicants to the Master of Architecture program must follow the Graduate School instructions to submit:

Submit the Application

Pay The Application Fee

If you did not submit your application fee at the time of submitting your admission application, you can pay it online. All documents and fees must be provided so we can provide you with an admission decision.

Submit Transcripts

You may upload unofficial transcripts to help expedite the admission decision review period. However, official transcripts are still required to be submitted when admitted or once the institution(s) make them available.

Complete Program Requirements

The School of Architecture requires program-related documents as part of the admission review process.

  • Submit three letters of recommendation from sources who are familiar with the applicant's academic record, preferably former professors. (For applicants who have been out of school for an extended period, letters of recommendation may be from professional sources if academic ones are no longer available).
  • Submit a short 200-word personal statement providing evidence of professional or academic goals consistent with the Architecture Program.
  • For applicants whose native language is not English, a minimum score of 6.5 on the IELTS, or a minimum TOEFL iBT total score of 79 is required. Further, when the TOEFL iBT is taken, sectional scores of at least 22 on the Writing section, 21 on the Speaking section, 20 on the Reading section, and 16 on the Listening section are preferred.  For otherwise highly qualified candidates, this requirement may be eased. 
  • Submission of a design portfolio is optional for Path A applicants and is required for Path B and Path C applicants. Candidates are encouraged to submit portfolios of creative work including freehand drawings or sketches, painting, graphic design, architectural or furniture design. 

Submit Official GRE Test Scores

  • Have a minimum total score of 297 on the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) with a minimum score of 154 in the verbal portion.
  • Contact an Academic Graduate Advisor

Track Your Admission Status

  • Track the status of your admissions through your MyMav student portal. Under the admissions section, you will see the status of your application. If you have a status of "Incomplete," please refer to your to-do list for any items that we may still need from you. Please note that it can take up to 5-7 business days for submitted application materials to be processed and removed from your to-do list. If you have a status of "Complete," please allow up to 3-5 weeks for us to process an admission decision.
  • Learn More About Accessing MyMav

Graduate Assistantships

  • To be considered for a Graduate Teaching Assistant position, the candidate must be admitted without provisional conditions.
  • Candidates whose native language is not English must submit an acceptable score on the Test of Spoken English (TSE-A) before arriving in the United States.
  • GTA positions in architecture are limited and are very competitive.
  • To express interest in a graduate assistantship, please submit the Graduate Assistantship Application Form

See the full applications process for the Master of Architecture program in the University Catalog.



The Master of City and Regional Planning is a PAB-accredited professional degree.  The MCRP program prepares students for careers as professional planners with public, private and nonprofit organizations. The application of applied research techniques, and skills to “real world” planning problems provides students with practical experience for guiding the future of metropolitan planning and sustainability.” 

The admissions process for the College of Architecture, Planning and Public Affairs supports its diverse student body, and creates a campus of inclusiveness, through recruitment efforts, retention policies, and support for student success of the many cultural, religious/spiritual, and identity groups comprising the society we serve.  Efforts to achieve these intentions are consistent with the laws of the State of Texas and University policy. 

For unconditional admission, the candidate must:

  • An undergraduate Grade Point Average (GPA): The undergraduate GPA based on the last 60 hours of course work as calculated by the Graduate Admissions from the official transcript.
  • Graduate Record Exam (GRE) scores: Verbal, Quantitative, and Writing (Exceptions:
    • Outstanding UT Arlington graduates may qualify for GRE waiver providing they meet certain requirements. See "Waiving the GRE" below)
  • Letters of Recommendation attesting to the applicant’s potential to do Master’s-level work and complete the program.
    • Letters for Master’s programs should be from professors or supervisors at work.
  • Essay by applicant approximately one double-spaced page in length (approximately 250 words).
    • The Essay is considered both for its content and quality of writing. The Essay should address the following questions:
      • 1. Why do you want to earn a Master’s degree in the program for which you are applying?
      • 2. What relevant background and experience do you bring to the program?
      • The essay can also include other concerns you’d like to bring to the attention of the CAPPA Academic Recruiter. the Graduate Advisor, or the Master's Admissions Committee.
  • Non-native English speakers only:  TEOFL-iBT or IELTS scores meeting University minimum admission standards are required (TOEFL-iBT 79 with sectional scores of at least 22 Writing, 21 Speaking, 20 Reading, and 16 Listening; or an IELTS score of at least 6.5.).
    • However, a non-native English speaking applicant holding either a Bachelor’s or a Master’s degree from a regionally accredited U.S. college or university is not required to take these tests. 
    • Students failing to meet English proficiency requirements may be admitted on probation to the Pathway Admission program to improve their English skills.
    • Go to https://catalog.uta.edu/academicregulations/admissions/graduate/ for a description of the Pathway Program.
  • Official transcripts and test scores must be sent directly to Graduate Admissions by the issuing institution or testing service.
  • Letters of recommendation should be sent directly:
    • Via email tocappa.advising@uta.edu or
    • By  postal service, to: CAPPA Program – Master of City & Regional Planning (MCRP), Box 19108, Arlington TX 76019.

A student who is well-prepared through an undergraduate degree in planning or related field and has as well five or more years of relevant and verifiable professional experience maybe eligible to complete the degree in 30 credit hours.

It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure all application materials are received by the application deadline. Incomplete applications or applications received after the deadline could be deferred.


The Master of City and Regional Planning program admits students for Fall and Spring semesters; the application deadlines are June 15th and October 15th respectively.

Applicants to the Master of  City and Regional Planning program must follow the Graduate School instructions to submit:

Submit the Application

Pay The Application Fee

If you did not submit your application fee at the time of submitting your admission application, you can pay it online. All documents and fees must be provided so we can provide you with an admission decision.

Submit Transcripts

You may upload unofficial transcripts to help expedite the admission decision review period. However, official transcripts are still required to be submitted when admitted or once the institution(s) make them available.

Complete Program Requirements

The School of Architecture requires program-related documents as part of the admission review process.

  • Submit three letters of recommendation attesting to the applicant’s potential to do Master’s-level work and complete the program.
    • Letters for Master’s programs should be from professors or supervisors at work (download Letter of Recommendation form)
  • Submit a short 250-word essay approximately one double-spaced page in length (approximately 250 words).
    • The Essay is considered both for its content and quality of writing.
      • The Essay should address the following questions:
        • 1. Why do you want to earn a Master’s degree in the program for which you are applying?
        • 2. What relevant background and experience do you bring to the program?
        • The essay can also include other concerns you’d like to bring to the attention of the CAPPA Academic Recruiter. the Graduate Advisor, or the Master's Admissions Committee.
  • Non-native English speakers only:  TEOFL-iBT or IELTS scores meeting University minimum admission standards are required (TOEFL-iBT 79 with sectional scores of at least 22 Writing, 21 Speaking, 20 Reading, and 16 Listening; or an IELTS score of at least 6.5.).
    • However, a non-native English speaking applicant holding either a Bachelor’s or a Master’s degree from a regionally accredited U.S. college or university is not required to take these tests. 

Submit Official GRE Test Scores

  • A preferred minimum Verbal GRE score of 150  a preferred minimum Quantitative GRE score of 141 and a preferred minimum Writing GRE score of 4.
    • Exceptions: Outstanding UT Arlington graduates may qualify for GRE waiver providing they meet certain requirements.
    • The MCRP program waives the requirement that an applicant take the GRE under the following condition:
      • A completed UT-Arlington undergraduate degree awarded within three years of application for admission and a 3.0 or higher GPA on the last 60 hours of coursework.
  • Contact an Academic Graduate Advisor

Track Your Admission Status

  • Track the status of your admissions through your MyMav student portal. Under the admissions section, you will see the status of your application. If you have a status of "Incomplete," please refer to your to-do list for any items that we may still need from you. Please note that it can take up to 5-7 business days for submitted application materials to be processed and removed from your to-do list. If you have a status of "Complete," please allow up to 3-5 weeks for us to process an admission decision.
  • Learn More About Accessing MyMav


Graduate Assistantships

  • To be considered for a Graduate Teaching Assistant position, the candidate must be admitted without provisional conditions.
  • Candidates whose native language is not English must submit an acceptable score on the Test of Spoken English (TSE-A) before arriving in the United States.
  • GTA positions are limited and are very competitive.
  • To express interest in a graduate assistantship, please submit the Graduate Assistantship Application Form


See the full applications process for the Master of City and Regional Planning program in the University Catalog.


The Master of Landscape Architecture is an LAAB-accredited professional degree offered only at the graduate level. There are three distinct programs of study, which provide options to graduate students with different backgrounds and needs. 

The University of Texas at Arlington offers the following Master of Landscape Architecture degree programs: 

  • Path A (87 credit hours; requires a 4-year bachelors degree - students without an landscape architecture degree)
  • Path B (60 credit hours; requires a 4-year pre-professional degree in landscape architecture)
  • Path C (36 credit hours; requires a professional degree in landscape architecture, or the international equivalent from an accredited landscape architecture program)

In the Summer of 2023, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security designated that Landscape Architecture is now a recognized Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) discipline.

The admissions process for the Landscape Architecture program supports its diverse student body, and creates a campus of inclusiveness, through recruitment efforts, retention policies, and support for student success of the many cultural, religious/spiritual, and identity groups comprising the society we serve.  Efforts to achieve these intentions are consistent with the laws of the State of Texas and University policy. 


For unconditional admission to the Path A program, the candidate must:

  • Hold a baccalaureate (B.S. or B.A.) degree from an accredited program in a subject outside landscape architecture, such as liberal arts, sciences, business, or another profession.
  • Have an undergraduate GPA of 3.0 as calculated by Graduate Admissions.
  • Complete the Program requirements below.
  • Submit official GRE test scores (see below)

For unconditional admission to the Path B program, the candidate must:

  • Meet the Path A requirements listed above
  • Have completed a baccalaureate degree with a major in landscape architecture
  • Submit a portfolio of design work and/or professional involvement, which shows evidence of design capability on a level expected in the graduate program as determined by the Graduate Landscape Architecture Admissions Committee.
    • (Design work produced in an office as an employee carries less weight because of the difficulty in determining the applicant's exact contribution to the work shown). The best indication of probable success in the program is the quality of work demonstrated in the portfolio.

For unconditional admission to the Path C program, the candidate must: 

  • Meet the requirements described under Path A
  • Submit a portfolio as described under Path B
  • Have a professional landscape architecture degree, or the international equivalent) from an accredited architecture program.


The Master of Landscape Architecture program accepts applications ONLY for the fall semester. We do not accept applications or admit for the spring semester.

Applicants to the Master of Landscape Architecture program must follow the Graduate School instructions to submit:

Submit the Application

Pay The Application Fee

If you did not submit your application fee at the time of submitting your admission application, you can pay it online. All documents and fees must be provided so we can provide you with an admission decision.

Submit Transcripts

You may upload unofficial transcripts to help expedite the admission decision review period. However, official transcripts are still required to be submitted when admitted or once the institution(s) make them available.

Complete Program Requirements

The Landscape Architecture programs requires program-related documents as part of the admission review process.

  • Submit three letters of recommendation from sources who are familiar with the applicant's academic record, preferably former professors. (For applicants who have been out of school for an extended period, letters of recommendation may be from professional sources if academic ones are no longer available).
  • Submit a short 200-word personal statement providing evidence of professional or academic goals consistent with the Landscape Architecture Program.
  • For applicants whose native language is not English, a minimum score of 6.5 on the IELTS, or a minimum TOEFL iBT total score of 79 is required. Further, when the TOEFL iBT is taken, sectional scores of at least 22 on the Writing section, 21 on the Speaking section, 20 on the Reading section, and 16 on the Listening section are preferred.  For otherwise highly qualified candidates, this requirement may be eased. 
  • Submission of a design portfolio is optional for Path A applicants and is required for Path B and Path C applicants. Candidates are encouraged to submit portfolios of creative work including freehand drawings or sketches, site analysis, diagrams, and concept development. 

Submit Official GRE Test Scores

  • Have a minimum GRE scores of 298-147 verbal and minimum 142 on the quantitative section.
  • Contact an Academic Graduate Advisor

Track Your Admission Status

  • Track the status of your admissions through your MyMav student portal. Under the admissions section, you will see the status of your application. If you have a status of "Incomplete," please refer to your to-do list for any items that we may still need from you. Please note that it can take up to 5-7 business days for submitted application materials to be processed and removed from your to-do list. If you have a status of "Complete," please allow up to 3-5 weeks for us to process an admission decision.
  • Learn More About Accessing MyMav


Graduate Assistantships

  • To be considered for a Graduate Teaching Assistant position, the candidate must be admitted without provisional conditions.
  • Candidates whose native language is not English must submit an acceptable score on the Test of Spoken English (TSE-A) before arriving in the United States.
  • GTA positions in landscape architecture are limited and are very competitive.
  • To express interest in a graduate assistantship, please submit the Graduate Assistantship Application Form


See the full applications process for the Master of Landscape Architecture program in the University Catalog.

The Master of Public Administration is an NASPAA-accredited professional degree offered only at the graduate level. There are three distinct programs of study, which provide options to graduate students with different backgrounds and needs. 

The University of Texas at Arlington offers the following Master of Public Administration degree programs, all of which requires completion of a baccalaureate degree: 

The admissions process for the Master of Public Administration program supports its diverse student body, and creates a campus of inclusiveness, through recruitment efforts, retention policies, and support for student success of the many cultural, religious/spiritual, and identity groups comprising the society we serve.  Efforts to achieve these intentions are consistent with the laws of the State of Texas and University policy. 


About the different program options:


This program is offered evenings on our UTA main campus, the 39-credit hour (with internship waiver) campus MPA offers students four emphasis areas comprised of courses specializing in each specific area. 

Program Advantages

  • On campus MPA students will be able to maintain a flexible schedule - enrolling as a full-time or part-time student. 
  • The campus program admits new students every fall, spring and summer semester. 
  • The program is designed to be completed in five semesters by full-time students and either six or seven semesters by part-time students (includes summer terms). 
  • The determining factor for 6-7 semesters is whether the student takes the capstone 5399 with two other courses their last semester. 



Our city cohort programs allow you to earn your MPA degree taking classes at city facilities during work hours. Combining a convenient schedule of face-to-face classes and online learning, city employees will benefit from maximum flexibility and a program designed to combine both academic and practitioner knowledge. Currently, there are cohorts for Grand Prairie, Mansfield, and Fort Worth.

Program Advantages

  • Classes meet once per week - Friday 3 pm to 6 pm (employer approved)
  • Taught by UTA Faculty and City Managers
  • A practical perspective tailored to your city management career
  • Use employee tuition reimbursement benefit plus additional financial aid (if qualified)
  • Focus on one course at a time



Our comprehensive online MPA program is designed to equip aspiring public service professionals with the knowledge, skills, and competencies needed to make a meaningful impact in public administration. The online MPA program is tailored to meet the needs of working professionals and individuals seeking flexibility in their graduate education. 

Program Advantages

  • You can pursue your MPA degree virtually through our interactive and engaging online learning environment, accommodating current commitments. 
    Our esteemed faculty, experienced practitioners in the field will guide you through a comprehensive curriculum that covers various aspects of public administration, policy analysis, budgeting, leadership, ethics, and more.


    For unconditional admission, the candidate must:

    • Hold a baccalaureate (B.S. or B.A.) degree from an accredited program.
    • Minimum Undergraduate GPA of 3.0 based on the last 60 hours of course work as calculated by UTA Graduate Admissions.
    • Minimum Writing GRE score of 4.0 (may be waived under certain conditions - see "Waiving the GRE" below)
    • A preferred minimum Verbal GRE score of 450 (Revised GRE Test: 150), and minimum Quantitative GRE of 450 (Revised GRE Test: 141), and a minimum combined Verbal and Quantitative score of 1,000 (Revised GRE Test Combined: 291) (may be waived under certain conditions - see "Waiving the GRE" below)
    • Outstanding letters of recommendation
    • Strong, well-written personal essay
    • Non-native English speakers only: TOEFL scores of at least 550 (paper-based), 213 (computer-based), or 79 (iBT) with sectional scores that meet or exceed 22 Writing, 21 Speaking, 20 Reading, and 16 Listening; or, IELTS score of at least 6.5.

    Waiving the GRE

    The MPA program waives the requirement that an applicant take the GRE under any of the following conditions:

    • A 3.25 or higher undergraduate GPA based on the last 60 hours of course work AND at least three years professional non-profit or public service work experience (as judged by the MPA admission committee. Applicants should submit a supporting resume or other relevant documentation to the MPA Graduate Advisor)
    • A completed graduate degree from an accredited program in a related field such as, but not exclusively, political science, economics, urban planning, social work, criminal justice, and sociology OR a 3.0 or better higher after 12 hours of coursework in the accredited graduate degree program.
    • A completed UTA B.A. or B.S. with 3.0 or higher GPA
    • An equivalent GMAT or LSAT score from an exam taken within the last two years preceding the time of application.


    The Master of Public Administration program accepts applications in fall, spring and summer semesters.

    Applicants to the Master of Public Administration program must follow the Graduate School instructions to submit:

    Submit the Application

    Pay The Application Fee

    If you did not submit your application fee at the time of submitting your admission application, you can pay it online. All documents and fees must be provided so we can provide you with an admission decision.

    Submit Transcripts

    You may upload unofficial transcripts to help expedite the admission decision review period. However, official transcripts are still required to be submitted when admitted or once the institution(s) make them available.

    Complete Program Requirements

    The Public Administration programs requires program-related documents as part of the admission review process.

    • Submit three letters of recommendation from sources who are familiar with the applicant's academic record, preferably former professors. (For applicants who have been out of school for an extended period, letters of recommendation may be from professional sources if academic ones are no longer available).
    • Submit a short 200-word personal statement providing evidence of professional or academic goals consistent with the Public Administration Program.
    • For applicants whose native language is not English, TOEFL scores of at least 550 (paper-based), 213 (computer-based), or 79 (iBT) with sectional scores that meet or exceed 22 Writing, 21 Speaking, 20 Reading, and 16 Listening; or, IELTS score of at least 6.5.

    Submit Official GRE Test Scores

    • Minimum Writing GRE score of 4.0 (may be waived under certain conditions - see "Waiving the GRE" below.
    • A preferred minimum Verbal GRE score of 450 (Revised GRE Test: 150), and minimum Quantitative GRE of 450 (Revised GRE Test: 141), and a minimum combined Verbal and Quantitative score of 1,000 (Revised GRE Test Combined: 291) (may be waived under certain conditions - see "Waiving the GRE" above)
    • Contact an Academic Graduate Advisor

    Track Your Admission Status

    • Track the status of your admissions through your MyMav student portal. Under the admissions section, you will see the status of your application. If you have a status of "Incomplete," please refer to your to-do list for any items that we may still need from you. Please note that it can take up to 5-7 business days for submitted application materials to be processed and removed from your to-do list. If you have a status of "Complete," please allow up to 3-5 weeks for us to process an admission decision.
    • Learn More About Accessing MyMav


    Graduate Assistantships

    • To be considered for a Graduate Teaching Assistant position, the candidate must be admitted without provisional conditions.
    • Candidates whose native language is not English must submit an acceptable score on the Test of Spoken English (TSE-A) before arriving in the United States.
    • GTA positions are limited and are very competitive.
    • To express interest in a graduate assistantship, please submit the Graduate Assistantship Application Form


    See the full applications process for the Master of Landscape Architecture program in the University Catalog.

    The Master of Science in Sustainable Building Technology is a post-professional degree that answers a need for practitioners in diverse fields to have a comprehensive understanding of sustainable building technology. The program provides a curriculum for the strategic intersection of energy efficient building design and sustainable building technologies. Students in this program will gain expertise in three primary areas:

    • Advanced design of building system integration
    • Advanced environmental system design
    • Advanced performance-based design.

    The program consists of 30 credit hours of study, typically completed in three semesters, providing a path to advanced research or specialized practice.

    The admissions process for the School of Architecture supports its diverse student body, and creates a campus of inclusiveness, through recruitment efforts, retention policies, and support for student success of the many cultural, religious/spiritual, and identity groups comprising the society we serve.  Efforts to achieve these intentions are consistent with the laws of the State of Texas and University policy. 

    For unconditional admission, the candidate must:

    • Applicants must possess a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university.
    • Provide transcripts from all previous college or university work, along with scores from the Graduate Record Exam (GRE), and three letters of recommendation are required of all applicants.
    • Have a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.0, as calculated by the Office of Graduate Studies.
    • Applicants holding the first professional degree in landscape architecture, or a related field, must submit a portfolio.


    The Master of Sustainable Building Technology program accepts applications ONLY for the fall semester. We do not accept applications or admit for the spring semester.

    Applicants to the Master of Sustainable Building Technology program must follow the Graduate School instructions to submit:

    Submit the Application

    Pay The Application Fee

    If you did not submit your application fee at the time of submitting your admission application, you can pay it online. All documents and fees must be provided so we can provide you with an admission decision.

    Submit Transcripts

    You may upload unofficial transcripts to help expedite the admission decision review period. However, official transcripts are still required to be submitted when admitted or once the institution(s) make them available.

    Complete Program Requirements

    The School of Architecture requires program-related documents as part of the admission review process.

    • Applicants must fulfill the requirements of both the Graduate School and the College of Architecture Planning and Public Affairs.
    • Applicants are eligible to apply to the program if they have earned a bachelor's or master's degree from an accredited institution in one of the professions or fields of study listed below:
      • A four-year Bachelor of Science in Architecture (BS Arch)*,
        • *The MS in Sustainable Building Technology does not lead to architecture licensure. Students seeking professional licensure should pursue the School of Architecture’s accredited Master of Architecture degree.
      • A five- or six-year National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB)-accredited professional degree in architecture (BArch or MArch),
      • A four- or five-year Bachelor of Landscape Architecture or Bachelor of Science in Landscape Architecture degree; or a master's degree in Landscape Architecture.
        • All degrees must be from programs accredited by the Landscape Architectural Accreditation Board.,
      • A Bachelor of Science in Industrial Design,
      • A Bachelor of Science in Urban and Regional Planning,
      • A Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering,
      • A Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering, or 
      • A Bachelor of Science Construction Management
    • Submit three letters of recommendation from sources who are familiar with the applicant's academic record, preferably former professors. (For applicants who have been out of school for an extended period, letters of recommendation may be from professional sources if academic ones are no longer available).
    • Submit a short 200-word personal statement providing evidence of professional or academic goals consistent with the Architecture Program.
    • For applicants whose native language is not English, a minimum score of 6.5 on the IELTS, or a minimum TOEFL iBT total score of 79 is required. Further, when the TOEFL iBT is taken, sectional scores of at least 22 on the Writing section, 21 on the Speaking section, 20 on the Reading section, and 16 on the Listening section are preferred.  For otherwise highly qualified candidates, this requirement may be eased. 
    • Submission of a design portfolio is required for applicants holding the first professional degree in landscape architecture, or a related field

    Submit Official GRE Test Scores

    • Have a minimum total score of 297 on the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) with a minimum score of 154 in the verbal portion.
    • Contact an Academic Graduate Advisor

    Track Your Admission Status

    • Track the status of your admissions through your MyMav student portal. Under the admissions section, you will see the status of your application. If you have a status of "Incomplete," please refer to your to-do list for any items that we may still need from you. Please note that it can take up to 5-7 business days for submitted application materials to be processed and removed from your to-do list. If you have a status of "Complete," please allow up to 3-5 weeks for us to process an admission decision.
    • Learn More About Accessing MyMav


    Graduate Assistantships

    • To be considered for a Graduate Teaching Assistant position, the candidate must be admitted without provisional conditions.
    • Candidates whose native language is not English must submit an acceptable score on the Test of Spoken English (TSE-A) before arriving in the United States.
    • GTA positions in the School of Architecture are limited and are very competitive.
    • To express interest in a graduate assistantship, please submit the Graduate Assistantship Application Form


    See the full applications process for the Master of Sustainable Building Technology program in the University Catalog.

    The Public Administration and Public Policy (PAPP) Ph.D. program prepares future academicians and practitioners with research, policy, and administrative skills to help shape policy and improve communities, locally and globally.

    This interdisciplinary program provides rigorous training in the theoretical, analytical, historical, and practical foundations in public administration, public policy, and nonprofit management.

    The PAPP Ph.D. program provides students with a strong theoretical foundation, empirical rigor, and substantive and procedural knowledge concerning the field. The PAPP program offers students an interdisciplinary perspective to examining administrative and policy issues.

    Graduates of our program continue to become future leaders who address complex community challenges with evidence-based, equitable, sustainable, and effective solutions in academia, government, the nonprofit, and for-profit sectors. The educational objectives and expected career paths of PAPP Ph.D. students are like other public administration and policy doctoral programs of similar size and reputation. About 75% of the PAPP students are part-time and most students are from Texas or local.

    An overarching theme of the curriculum is the ability of students to engage in high-quality self-guided research with the following goals:

    • Students will engage in identifying problems or issues and determining if the problem or issue are relevant.
    • Students will engage in designing field specific, rigorous, and valid research questions and utilizing their understanding of theoretical foundations, research design, and data sources to answer their research questions.
    • Students will engage in leveraging qualitive and quantitate research methods in order select the correct research tools to measure or assess research questions.
    • Students will engage in independent research and advance their data gathering and preparation techniques.
    • Students will engage in impactful communication and learning experiences that address the norms of the professions including explicit understanding of the writing process in submitting works for publication, grant funding, conference presentation, and professional networking.

    The admissions process for the Public Administration and Public Policy PhD program supports its diverse student body, and creates a campus of inclusiveness, through recruitment efforts, retention policies, and support for student success of the many cultural, religious/spiritual, and identity groups comprising the society we serve.  Efforts to achieve these intentions are consistent with the laws of the State of Texas and University policy. 

    Applicants may be admitted unconditionally:

    • With a graduate GPA of 3.6,

    • A Verbal GRE score of at least 153 (500 if taken before August 1, 2011 and a Quantitative GRE score of at least 144 (500 if taken before August 1, 2011).

    • International applicants are required to have a score of 213 or higher on the TOEFL (550 or higher on the written TOEFL; 79 or higher on TOEFL iBT).

    • Strength of letters of recommendation and quality of personal statement and master’s degree field of study are also considered.


    • With a graduate GPA of 3.7,
    • A Verbal GRE score of at least 153 (500 if taken before August 1, 2011 and a Quantitative GRE score of at least 140 (500 if taken before August 1, 2011).
    • International applicants are required to have a score of 213 or higher on the TOEFL (550 or higher on the written TOEFL; 79 or higher on TOEFL iBT).
    • Strength of letters of recommendation and quality of personal statement and Master’s degree field of study are also considered.

    The admissions committee may defer the admission decision when a component of the application is incomplete. It may also admit a student provisionally when an applicant is unable to supply all required documentation prior to the admission deadline but who otherwise appears to meet admission requirements.


    The Public Administration and Public Policy PhD program accepts applications ONLY for the fall semester. Spring admissions are rare and there are no summer admissions. The Fall application deadline is February 1st. 



    Applicants to the Public Administration and Public Policy PhD program must follow the Graduate School instructions to submit:


    Submit the Application

    Pay The Application Fee

    If you did not submit your application fee at the time of submitting your admission application, you can pay it online. All documents and fees must be provided so we can provide you with an admission decision.

    Submit Transcripts

    You may upload unofficial transcripts to help expedite the admission decision review period. However, official transcripts are still required to be submitted when admitted or once the institution(s) make them available.

    Complete Program Requirements


    The Public Administration and Public Policy PhD program requires program-related documents as part of the admission review process.

    • Official transcripts from colleges and universities attended. Students who obtained their master’s degree at UT Arlington are not required to submit separate copies of transcripts as their information will be available to the CAPPA advisors online. Information about submitting transcripts is available in the University Catalog; and
    • Official test score reports for the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) and, for international applicants, the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or the International English Language Testing System (IELTS). Information about submitting official test scores is available from the University Catalog. The ETS code for UTA is 6013; and
    • Three (3) Letters of Recommendation. Letters should attest to the applicant’s ability to do doctoral-level work and successfully complete the dissertation. Letters from references who hold a Ph.D. degree are strongly preferred; and
    • Essay by applicant (minimum 500 words, maximum 1000 words). The essay is considered both for its content and writing quality. The essay should discuss:
      • (1) tentative research topic,
      • (2) how your undergraduate and graduate studies have prepared you for doctoral study in Public Administration and Public Policy;
      • (3) identify your potential research area and Public Affairs faculty whose area relates to your research interests; and
      • (4) the reasons for wanting to earn the doctoral degree.
    • Samples of applicant's written work (e.g., thesis, publication, professional report) that demonstrates graduate level English writing proficiency as compared to the writing proficiency of students who have successfully completed the program.

    Official transcripts and test scores must be sent directly to the Office of Graduate Studies by the institution and ETS respectively.

    Letters of recommendation should be sent directly via email to cappa.advising@uta.edu or by  postal service, to: CAPPA Program - Ph.D. in Public Administration and Public Policy (PAPP), Box 19108, Arlington TX 76019.

    It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure all application materials are received by the priority deadline of February 1st . Incomplete applications or applications received after the deadline may be deferred.

    CAPPA primarily admits doctoral students for the Ph.D. in Public Administration and Public Policy for fall semester. Spring admissions are rare and there are no summer admissions.

    Applicants who wish to be considered for graduate teaching/ research assistant positions or other financial assistance, must submit their applications by their first week in February for full consideration. Only complete applications (including GRE scores and letters) will be considered for financial assistance. Students must also complete the university application for financial aid in the Mav ScholarShop.


    Submit Official GRE Test Scores

    • Have a minimum total Verbal GRE score of at least 153 (500 if taken before August 1, 2011 and a Quantitative GRE score of at least 144 (500 if taken before August 1, 2011). International applicants are required to have a score of 213 or higher on the TOEFL (550 or higher on the written TOEFL; 79 or higher on TOEFL iBT). 

    Track Your Admission Status

    • Track the status of your admissions through your MyMav student portal. Under the admissions section, you will see the status of your application. If you have a status of "Incomplete," please refer to your to-do list for any items that we may still need from you.
    • Please note that it can take up to 5-7 business days for submitted application materials to be processed and removed from your to-do list. If you have a status of "Complete," please allow up to 3-5 weeks for us to process an admission decision.


    Graduate Assistantships

    • To be considered for a Graduate Teaching Assistant position, the candidate must be admitted without provisional conditions.
    • Candidates whose native language is not English must submit an acceptable score on the Test of Spoken English (TSE-A) before arriving in the United States.
    • GTA positions are limited and are very competitive.
    • To express interest in a graduate assistantship, please submit the Graduate Assistantship Application Form


    See the full applications process for the Public Administration and Public Policy PhD program in the University Catalog.


    The Ph.D. in Urban Planning and Public Policy (UPPP) integrates the academic disciplines of urban planning and public policy by training Ph.D. students to conduct independent research that makes a substantive contribution to their chosen planning and policy subfields. The program prepares doctoral students for academic careers and for leadership in research positions in the public, private or nonprofit sectors. UPPP graduates have secured academic and research positions at research universities and institutes, think tanks, and public planning agencies nationally and internationally.

    An overarching theme of the curriculum is the ability of students to engage in high-quality self-guided research with the following goals:

    • Students will engage in identifying problems or issues and determining if the problem or issue are relevant.
    • Students will engage in designing field specific, rigorous, and valid research questions and utilizing their understanding of theoretical foundations, research design, and data sources to answer their research questions.
    • Students will engage in leveraging qualitive and quantitate research methods in order select the correct research tools to measure or assess research questions.
    • Students will engage in independent research and advance their data gathering and preparation techniques.
    • Students will engage in impactful communication and learning experiences that address the norms of the professions including explicit understanding of the writing process in submitting works for publication, grant funding, conference presentation, and professional networking.

    The admissions process for the Urban Planning and Public Policy PhD program supports its diverse student body, and creates a campus of inclusiveness, through recruitment efforts, retention policies, and support for student success of the many cultural, religious/spiritual, and identity groups comprising the society we serve.  Efforts to achieve these intentions are consistent with the laws of the State of Texas and University policy. 

    Applicants may be admitted unconditionally:

    • With a graduate GPA of 3.6,

    • A Verbal GRE score of at least 153 (500 if taken before August 1, 2011 and a Quantitative GRE score of at least 144 (500 if taken before August 1, 2011).

    • International applicants are required to have a score of 213 or higher on the TOEFL (550 or higher on the written TOEFL; 79 or higher on TOEFL iBT).

    • Strength of letters of recommendation and quality of personal statement and master’s degree field of study are also considered.


    • With a graduate GPA of 3.7,
    • A Verbal GRE score of at least 153 (500 if taken before August 1, 2011 and a Quantitative GRE score of at least 140 (500 if taken before August 1, 2011).
    • International applicants are required to have a score of 213 or higher on the TOEFL (550 or higher on the written TOEFL; 79 or higher on TOEFL iBT).
    • Strength of letters of recommendation and quality of personal statement and Master’s degree field of study are also considered.

    The admissions committee may defer the admission decision when a component of the application is incomplete. It may also admit a student provisionally when an applicant is unable to supply all required documentation prior to the admission deadline but who otherwise appears to meet admission requirements.



    The Urban Planning and Public Policy PhD program accepts applications ONLY for the fall semester. Spring admissions are rare and there are no summer admissions. The Fall application deadline is February 1st. 



    Urban Planning and Public Policy PhD program


    Submit the Application

    Pay The Application Fee



    If you did not submit your application fee at the time of submitting your admission application, you can pay it online. All documents and fees must be provided so we can provide you with an admission decision.

    Submit Transcripts


    You may upload unofficial transcripts to help expedite the admission decision review period. However, official transcripts are still required to be submitted when admitted or once the institution(s) make them available.

    Complete Program Requirements

    Urban Planning and Public Policy PhD program

    • Official transcripts from colleges and universities attended. Students who obtained their master’s degree at UT Arlington are not required to submit separate copies of transcripts as their information will be available to the CAPPA advisors online. Information about submitting transcripts is available in the University Catalog; and
    • Official test score reports for the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) and, for international applicants, the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or the International English Language Testing System (IELTS). Information about submitting official test scores is available from the University Catalog. The ETS code for UTA is 6013; and
    • Three (3) Letters of Recommendation. Letters should attest to the applicant’s ability to do doctoral-level work and successfully complete the dissertation. Letters from references who hold a Ph.D. degree are strongly preferred; and
    • Essay by applicant (minimum 500 words, maximum 1000 words). The essay is considered both for its content and writing quality. The essay should discuss:
      • (1) tentative research topic,
      • (2) how your undergraduate and graduate studies have prepared you for doctoral study in Urban Planning and Public Policy;
      • (3) identify your potential research area and Urban Planning faculty whose area relates to your research interests; and
      • (4) the reasons for wanting to earn the doctoral degree.
    • Samples of applicant's written work (e.g., thesis, publication, professional report) that demonstrates graduate level English writing proficiency as compared to the writing proficiency of students who have successfully completed the program.

    Official transcripts and test scores must be sent directly to the Office of Graduate Studies by the institution and ETS respectively.

    Letters of recommendation should be sent directly via email to cappa.advising@uta.edu or by  postal service, to: CAPPA Program - Ph.D. in Urban Planning and and Public Policy (UPPP), Box 19108, Arlington TX 76019.

    It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure all application materials are received by the priority deadline of February 1st . Incomplete applications or applications received after the deadline may be deferred.

    CAPPA primarily admits doctoral students for the Ph.D. in Urban Planning and Public Policy for fall semester. Spring admissions are rare and there are no summer admissions.

    Applicants who wish to be considered for graduate teaching/ research assistant positions or other financial assistance, must submit their applications by their first week in February for full consideration. Only complete applications (including GRE scores and letters) will be considered for financial assistance. Students must also complete the university application for financial aid in the Mav ScholarShop.

    Submit Official GRE Test Scores
    • Have a minimum total Verbal GRE score of at least 153 (500 if taken before August 1, 2011 and a Quantitative GRE score of at least 144 (500 if taken before August 1, 2011). International applicants are required to have a score of 213 or higher on the TOEFL (550 or higher on the written TOEFL; 79 or higher on TOEFL iBT). 
    Track Your Admission Status
    • Track the status of your admissions through your MyMav student portal. Under the admissions section, you will see the status of your application. If you have a status of "Incomplete," please refer to your to-do list for any items that we may still need from you.
    • Please note that it can take up to 5-7 business days for submitted application materials to be processed and removed from your to-do list. If you have a status of "Complete," please allow up to 3-5 weeks for us to process an admission decision.


    Graduate Assistantships

    • To be considered for a Graduate Teaching Assistant position, the candidate must be admitted without provisional conditions.

    • Candidates whose native language is not English must submit an acceptable score on the Test of Spoken English (TSE-A) before arriving in the United States.

    • GTA positions in are limited and are very competitive.

    • To express interest in a graduate assistantship, please submit the

    See the full applications process for the Urban Planning and Public Policy PhD program in the University Catalog.



    We understand furthering your education comes with a cost and that is why we are here to guide you to the best financial options for your college career. Program completion time can vary, which will affect the total tuition and fee costs. The tuition estimator will allow you to calculate your tuition per semester based on the program you are in and the number of credit hours taken per semester.

    Contact the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships and visit the Mav ScholarShop for financial assistance options. 


    You will find that the College of Architecture, Planning, and Public Affairs offers multiple pathways for students to transform the current and future environments we live in. The transformations are...


    Highlights & Rankings

    At the College of Architecture, Planning and Public Affairs (CAPPA), we are proud to offer highly ranked undergraduate and graduate programs. These rankings and accreditations reflect our commitment to providing students with a top-tier education that prepares them for successful careers. 

    16th Most Hired

    Among Architecture Schools between 70 and 99 graduates that are most hired by firms.

    12th Most Hired

    Among Landscape Architecture Programs with less than 20 graduates that are most hired by firms.

    Best MPA

    Best Masters of Public Administration for careers in urban management.

    23rd Online Program

    Online Program amongst accredited schools.

    Top 38%

    Best Public Affairs Program in the U.S.

    15th Best Value

    Nationally as the Best Value online Master of Public Administration Program.

    Attention! Upcoming Enrollment Deadline

    Students interested in pursuing a CAPPA Bachelor of Science degree for Fall 2025, are now encouraged to have completed applications submitted through the Common App portal by February 15, 2025, accept admissions offer by March 14, 2025, & attend a mandatory orientation date*.