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CAPPA celebrates the successes of our community! We want to know about your latest accolades, awards, and achievements. Share any recent recognition for outstanding work, a significant milestone, or if you have received an accolade for your contributions. Read about the various projects of our members and how they have impacted the community and CAPPA.


UTA’s Hannah Lebovits says the city of Arlington’s plan to seek public input on how to reimagine its downtown areas helps make planning less restrictive for developers while giving more control to community members, reported KERA and the Fort Worth Report.

D Magazine spoke with the Trust for Public Land’s Molly Morgan, a UTA alumna. Morgan was recently named the Texas director for the national nonprofit organization.

UTA architecture students and faculty talked to residents in the historic Dallas neighborhood of Joppa to see how the old Melissa Pierce School could be adapted to best serve the community, reported D Magazine. The public interest studio Citizen HKS is now working in partnership with the former freeman’s town to remake the site into a vibrant community center.

The Fort Worth Report featured the first city of Fort Worth Master of Public Administration cohort that graduated earlier this month. Graduate Michelle Swindle was the focus of the feature. David Coursey, chair of the Public Affairs and Planning Department, was quoted.

3D Print wrote a short brief based on a UTA press release about Shadi Nazarian, the inaugural H. Ralph Hawkins, FAIA, Chair in Architecture, and her work to 3D print homes in Alaska. 
A Fort Worth property is using the unique approach of 3D-printed walls for construction, according to Fort Worth Report. Shadi Nazarian, UTA professor and the H. Ralph Hawkins, FAIA, Chair in Architecture, says 3D-printed homes could eventually help address affording housing issues in the DFW area.

The Fort Worth Report highlighted the induction of Diane Jones Allen, program director for landscape architecture, into the Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture Academy of Fellows—a designation that puts her amongst the best landscape architecture educators in the world.

The Supreme Court has upheld local laws allowing police to ticket, fine, or arrest those who sleep in public areas. UTA Public and Affairs and Planning Assistant Professor Hannah Lebovits told the Independent that her research shows laws like these can exacerbate the problem. The story was also covered by MSN and Yahoo! news.

Laws criminalizing homelessness are not a deterrent, according to new research from UTA’s Hannah LebovitsSky NewsWorld NewsPhys.orgNews ConcernsSwift Telecast, and Head Topics all reported on the story.

UTA’s Park(ing) Day, hosted by the College of Architecture, Planning, and Public Affairs (CAPPA), encouraged people to convert parking spaces into social spaces to raise awareness for safer and greener streets. Students from several CAPPA student organizations repurposed parking spots across The Commons.

CAPPA was recognize in an ArlingtonTX News article for partnering with The Arlington Tomorrow Foundation in efforts to develop a study to better understand the needs of the hundreds of nonprofit organizations that serve the Arlington community.

The city of Arlington is launching a campaign—including signage—to curb panhandling at major intersections, KERA reportsHannah Lebovits, UTA assistant professor of public affairs and planning, says similar campaigns have been established in other U.S. cities without out much success.

Alexander Arceo, Amanda Nguyen, Lekammrun Woods, M. Elizabeth Moore, and Patricia Cerida made up the team 'MavTracers' and won first place in CAPPA's 'Bridge the Gap' design competition. Their efforts and accomplishment in the competition was recognized in a Kera News article, detailing their inspirations and concerns taken into account in their bridge designs.

Jala M., Ph.D. student in the Public Administration and Public Policy program, has been selected as a 2023 Founders' Fellow by the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA). This prestigious honor recognizes Jala's exceptional achievements and leadership role in the college. Her passion for public service and dedication to research is outstanding, and this recognition is a testament to all of her hard work.

Josh Newton, Ph.D. candidate for the Urban Planning and Public Policy program, secured a position as a Student Representative on the Governing Board of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning. Congratulations Josh!

Student design teams from The University of Texas at Arlington shared their visions on Feb. 11 for the future of the Cooper Street pedestrian bridges as part of a competition to reimagine what are among the University's most recognizable landmarks, U.S. Fed News reported.

Hannah Lebovits, Assistant Professor of Public Affairs and Planning, was cited in a Fort Worth Star-Telegram story about why homelessness skyrocketed in 2022, bringing attention to how economic inequality is growing in major metro regions, including Fort Worth and Tarrant County. She explained that the Metroplex isn’t different from other metro regions in regard to inequality, poverty and gentrification, despite the common perceptions.

Meghna Tare, UTA’s chief sustainability officer, and UTA’s Institute of Urban Studies are partnering with the city of Arlington to launch the Healthy Connections: A Healthy Arlington initiative, the city of Arlington reported. The project will be funded by a $50,000 award granted by the U.S. Conference of Mayors and the American Beverage Foundation for a Healthy America.

Hannah Lebovits, Assistant Professor of Public Affairs and Planning, wrote an op-ed for the Dallas Observer about a new city ordinance to fine panhandlers. Lebovits argues that panhandling is free speech protected by the U.S. Constitution and that the ordinance unjustly criminalizes a vulnerable population.

Students Victoria Kiker and Alyssa Knox, second-year Master's students in City and Regional Planning, received the Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowships from the U.S. Department of Transportation for their contribution to transportation research. Only around 150-200 of these fellowships are awarded nationwide each year, and we recognize the great efforts that went into our students receiving them.

President Jennifer Cowley has been recognized for her “significant impacts on higher education,” Mirage NewsU.S. Fed News, and Targeted News Service report. She has been honored with the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning’s Martin Meyerson Award for Distinguished Leadership in Higher Education. faculty spotlight.

Emily Nwakpuda, Associate Professor in the Department of Public Affairs and Planning, spoke with KERA about the launch of a new study, “State of the Sector: Catalyzing a Thriving Nonprofit Community,” that will look into which nonprofits operate in Arlington, what communities they serve and what their needs are.

Oswald Jenewein, Assistant Professor of Architecture, participated in HKS' Global Design Fellowship as they explored exhilarating new designs to reinvigorate the relationship between humanity and nature.

Dr. Jiwon Suh, Associate Professor of Public Affairs and Planning, was awarded the 2023 IRSPM Rosemary O’Leary Award for co-authoring the paper, “Beyond a Numbers Game? Impact of Diversity and Inclusion on the Perception of Organizational Justice” (2022).

Diane Allen Jones, Associate Professor and Director of the Landscape Architecture program, spoke with the Victoria Advocate and was recognized in a NewsEdge report on the impact active transportation plans have on communities. They can increase savings, provide social equity and promote health and safety. Improvements to active transit also attract private developments and lead to an increase in jobs to the community.

Diane Allen Jones, Associate professor and director of the Landscape Architecture program, spoke with Landscape Architecture Magazine on the design of the Rice Butterfly Memorial Garden, a place for reflection and peace. The memorial is in honor of Tamir Rice, a 12-year-old who was killed by Cleveland police in 2014.

Dr. Maria Martinez-Cosio was named to the inaugural class of the Excelencia in Education Policy Fellows for Equity Innovation. The program funded by the California Legislature and Apple Computers seeks to integrate data, practice, and leadership to inform and compel action on student success. Fellows will develop a broader policy agenda based on Excelencia's policy priorities for their institutions, regionally, and nationally.

Kathryn (Kate) Holliday, professor in Architecture and the founding director of the David Dillon Center for Texas Architecturespeaks about the photography of abandoned buildings in Dallas which was released in the Dallas Morning News article recently. Looking at the pictures, she feels as if you’re on “a forbidden journey with the photographer.” Professor Holliday, who is an architectural historian says, “The photography is really powerful because it asks us what story that building can tell.”

Dr. Qisheng Pan, Professor in Planning and Director of CTEDD Centerreceives an award of $157,558 from Entech Civil Engineers, Inc./Harris County Toll Road Authority (HCTRA). The grant is to develop a Transportation Equity Framework and an Activity Based Travel Demand Model (ABM), and assist HCTRA with transportation project evaluation, resilience analysis, mobility, and accessibility analysis. Dr. Taylor Li at the Department of Civil Engineering is the Co-PI on this project. Entech Civil Engineers is a "well-established multidiscipline consulting firm and one of the strongest consulting practices in Texas." Both organizations provide tolling services to METRO, and the award aims to respond to issues around transportation and develop some solutions. The project's Co-PI is Dr. Taylor Li of the Department of Civil Engineering.

CAPPA research team partners with Dallas CityLab High School on workshop focused on transportation, planning, design, and environmental justice to implement GIS. Science Magazine features this initiative, and how transportation can majorly impact vulnerable ecologies, especially in rapidly evolving areas such as Dallas/Fort Worth. The pilot lab workshop started with the GIS tutorials and a field trip to Trinity River. This project was led by Alan Klein, Director of the Institute of Urban Studies, Dr. Joowon Im, Assistant Professor of Landscape Architecture, and Amruta Sakalker, Ph.D. student in Public Affairs and Planning. Engaging with the high schoolers will create opportunities to apply the research in areas that could directly impact mobility and shape the future of transportation in the area. 

Letora Anderson, Assistant Professor for Landscape Architecture, celebrates Black History Month with her paintings of Black History makers at the McKinney Performing Arts Center for the month of February. Anderson’s art provides a reminder of the past while advancing towards the future. Anderson proudly celebrates the history and contribution of Black Americans who served as an inspiration in her career as an educator, designer, and artist. Anderson’s professional experience emphasized art in her landscape architectural designs, such as the MLK Park in Arkadelphia, Arkansas and the Greenville Forward Comprehensive Plan. 

16 Faculty received the 2022 Inaugural Geisel Grant. The awards will fund faculty research and professional development activities to advance the college and university's academic excellence. 

This spring, the CAPPA Auditorium was named the Dr. Paul Geisel Auditorium in honor of Professor Emeritus Dr. Paul Geisel's contribution to the college. 

Dr. Jiwon Suh and Dr. Kathy Lee were chosen for the Research and Creative Works Seed Grant Competition which was the first ever of its kind that was offered by UTA’s Strategic Plan of 2022 and are expected to receive a grant of $10,000 in September of this year.

The Watershed Urbanism and the DFW Metroplex exhibit continue its North Texas Tour with a display in the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History, Lewisville Grand Theater, and Texas Discovery Garden.

Dr. Paul Geisel, Professor Emeritus, has made a gift of $600,000 to support The University of Texas at Arlington's College of Architecture, Planning and Public Affairs (CAPPA). The gift allows the college to accelerate its collaborations with Texas municipal leaders, disseminate best practices for solving complex governance issues and engage with less-resourced communities through informed research, data and policy analysis to address a variety of challenges.

David Hopman, associate professor in landscape architecture and landscape Arch students, assisted in creating a master plan for a proposed Lakefront Park in southeast Fort Worth that includes a marina, amphitheater, yacht club, and educational facilities. The Living Waters is a local nonprofit seeking development idea to revitalize the lakefront destination, the area's historically underserved community. The lakefront property resides on the Fort Worth side of Lake Arlington, which has been all but forgotten. The lack of activity relates to access problems and a history of neglect in the primarily African American, economically disadvantaged section of the city.   

The final presentation and community roundtable for the SOM Grant Foundation, "Reclaiming Black Settlement," was held yesterday, August 11, 2021. It was a remarkable event concluding several semester-long projects of researching, planning, and studying these Historic Black settlements. The Community Roundtable brought together more than 30 members from the Joppa/Joppee community, The Bottom, Bear Creek, Mosier Valley, and Garden of Eden to collaborate and discuss practical strategies for these communities' successes. The event was led by Dr. Diane Jones Allen, Director of landscape architecture, Dr. Kathryn Holliday, Professor of Architecture and director of the Dillon Center, and Dr. Austin Allen, associate professor of practice in architecture. Interim Dean Maria Martinez-Cosio also graced the occasion to support and commend the faculty, students, and community members for their commitment to this project. 

Congratulations to Andrew Swan, Man Lam (AKA Violet), Xavier Zhapan, Ureil Granados, Vincent Tiburcio, and Colton Benge for winning the Editors Choice Award in the Live x Learn Competition. The Live x Learn Competition recognized the demand for taller, dynamic buildings to accommodate the growing density of city populations that require the nature of spaces to blend into different forms, such as a restaurant that provides a coworking space in the morning then a club in the evening. The increasing housing demand and growing popularity of working virtually anywhere inspired the basis of the competition. Therefore, the Live x Learn Competition challenged students to merge both a public university and a private housing community into a harmonious skyscraper design.

Dr. Hannah Lebovits, assistant professor of Public Affairs and Planning, writes an article for the Dallas Magazine. The report is on redefining how we discuss homelessness. "Changing the Narrative Around Homelessness In Dallas. Dr. Lebovits emphasizes the current homelessness situation in Dallas. And when she moved to the city, she saw firsthand how housing availability has declined because most do not have a path to liveable wages and several other reasons". Congratulations to Dr. Lebovits for being featured and sharing her wisdom and research on these issues.

UTA College of Architecture, Planning and Public Affairs is featured on MyArlingtonTX about a new project "UTA Students Designing Outdoor Innovation Zone." The City of Arlington has partnered with CAPPA to create a design for an outdoor community working space with a technology-centered innovation zone. “Graduate students were tasked with creating a space that is interactive, flexible and social.” The goal is creating a space that truly serves the community, and their feedback will help guide the design process. 

OnlineCollegePlan ranked UTA No. 9 in its 2019 Top 30 Online Masters of Public Administration rankings. The ranking was compiled using a variety of statistics that serve as indicators of the school’s reputation, availability of faculty, price, and flexibility for graduate students.

UTA has emerged as one of the top 100 colleges for Hispanic students, according to The Hispanic Outlook on Education Magazine, The Fort Worth Star Telegram reported. Nationally ranked in three categories, UTA comes in at No. 5 in architecture degrees, No. 24 in total graduate degrees and No. 26 in total enrollment.

Urban planners, scholars, environmental organizations, designers, water officials and elected officials converged on The University of Texas at Arlington campus last week to participate in a workshop, titled “Future Cities, Livable Futures: Toward a Sustainable Model for Urban-Watershed Systems,” Ecology Daily News reported. By using a variety of disciplinary perspectives, the NSF workshop aimed to engage and examine the complexities that make up urban-watershed systems

UTA's College of Architecture, Planning and Public Affairs received approval from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board to designate the Master of Architecture program as one whose curriculum is significantly anchored in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, or STEM. UTA is one of just three universities in Texas to receive this designation for an architecture master’s program, Mirage News reported

Urban planners, scholars, environmental organizations, designers, water officials and elected officials will converge at UTA this month for a workshop to examine the complexities that make up urban-watershed systems, Mirage News reported. Adrian Parr, dean of the UTA College of Architecture, Planning and Public Affairs, is the lead investigator on the National Science Foundation-funded workshop.

The online master of public administration program was ranked No. 15 nationally as the best value for that degree, according to an annual list from

U.S. News & World Report ranked UTA among the best public affairs schools in the nation, The Caledonian-Record and reported.

UTA’s Institute of Urban Studies is studying the Fort Worth medical district’s needs and advantages, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram reported in a story about the city’s Near Southside sector and the chances of making it a medical innovator hub.

UTA CAPPA teamed with AECOM, a global engineering, design and construction firm, to offer a new hypermobility class this semester, Dallas Innovates reported. The class includes topics like transportation, smart cities, drone delivery, the driverless car revolution, traveling at super high speeds with up-and-coming technologies like the Hyperloop and other mobility innovations

UTA’s College of Architecture, Planning and Public Affairs will be featured in an exhibition on "Water and Human Settlements" that Dean Adrian Parr was invited to curate for the European Cultural Center, Targeted News Service reported. The exhibitions are in conjunction with the 2020 Venice Architecture Biennale.

AIA Fort Worth recognized the UTA Architecture Building with it’s 25 year award for significant works in the region. The Architecture Building was designed by Pratt Box + Henderson in the early mid 80’s and deserved recognition for the following:

  • At the time of its construction was environmentally very progressive.
  • It established a new standard for subsequent campus construction and raised the bar.
  • It created the best exterior public space on campus.
  • It’s output, our graduates, influenced the architecture profession and culture in the region.

The UTA architecture program ranked No. 16 among architecture schools with 70 to 99 graduates most hired by firms in the last five years, Targeted News Service reported about a list that DesignIntelligence published.

CAPPA has been nationally ranked by DesignIntelligence as No.16 Architecture and No.12 Landscape Architecture schools with programs "Most Hired from by Firms". ranked UTA as the 33rd best university in the nation to attain an online master’s in public administration degree, Markets Insider and reported.

UTA’s Institute of Urban Studies in the College of Architecture, Planning and Public Affairs has crafted a downtown redevelopment plan for Mineral Wells that is being instituted, the Mineral Wells Index reported.

Randy and Misty Nix have outlined their downtown vision and efforts, the Mineral Wells Index reported. That vision often follows a UTA study conducted several years ago. UTA’s Institute of Urban Studies in the College of Architecture, Planning and Public Affairs crafted the plan. The Nixes have purchased many downtown Mineral Wells buildings.

The College of Architecture, Planning and Public Affairs received its largest grant to date. A University Transportation Center (UTC) grant was awarded to Dr. Shima Hamidi by the U.S. Department of Transportation and should be worth up to $7.7 million over the course of the next five years. This represents the first Lead on a University Transportation Center at UTA.

A six-page feature article in the October issue of D Magazine about the College of Architecture, Planning and Public Affairs features Dean Nan Ellin and three CAPPA students, Myriam Igoufe, Ahoura Zandiatashbar and Lorin Washington.

As part of the relaunch of her Hallewood fan page, Academy Award-winning actress Halle Berry chose a design by CAPPA Interior Design Junior Veronica Sanders to serve as the logo for the new site. Sanders’s winning design will be featured on the official international fan page. She and a guest will travel to Los Angeles later this month for a few days with Halle Berry herself.

CAPPA PhD student Michael Gibson was honored by the Veterans National Honor Society with a Lifetime Membership, in recognition of academic excellence for maintaining a 4.0 GPA. Gibson is a second year doctoral student in the Department of Urban Planning and Public Affairs and is a student of Dr. Ard Anjomani.

On November 30, Texas Central, the private company developing the Texas bullet train, announced the winners of its Future Architects Design Competition. Two CAPPA students were among the awardees announced. Julia Green received the Station Architectural Design Prize for her Dallas Station Design. Adrian de Leon’s Dallas Station Design also received an Honorable Mention. Both are students of Professor Dustin Wheat.

The work of two CAPPA architecture graduate students, Elizabeth Hurtado and Ikram Eloualid, was featured in an installation at the Kirk Hopper Fine Art Gallery in Dallas.

CAPPA's Kevin Sloan, Assistant Professor in Practice in the School of Architecture, has been selected by The Dallas Morning News as a volunteer columnist in its Community Voices program.

Urban Planning and Public Policy student Indira Manandhar has been awarded the Diversity Scholars and Leader Award from the Association of Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA), an international organization focusing on Nonprofit sector research. She presented a paper on Food Security, funded by a CAPPA seed grant, with Professor Karabi Bezboruah, PhD.

A number of CAPPA faculty and alumni were among the selected exhibitors honored at ENLACES, a juried exhibition showcasing Latino architects and design professionals in Dallas presented by AIA Dallas Latinos in Architecture Network. Carlos Bautista (MArch student, ‘15 BS); Dennis Chiessa (‘07 BS, ‘09 MArch); Alma Espinoza, Assoc. AIA (’11 BS, ’15 MArch); Wendy Hurtado (MArch student, ‘16 BS); Ricardo Leon, Assoc. AIA (’07 BS); Miguel Mendez, (MArch student, ’16 BS); Ricardo Munoz, AIA (’07 BS)

Yalcin Yildirim, a Ph.D. student in urban planning and public policy, was awarded a grant from the University Transportation Research Center for Livable Communities (UTRCLC) for his paper, "A Longitudinal Analysis: Accessibility to Transit and Housing Market Resiliency."

Zoranna Jones, a Ph.D. student in public and urban administration, and Lorin Washington, Ph.D. student in urban planning and public policy, were the recipients of 2016 APPAM Equity and Inclusion Fellowships to attend the 2016 Fall APPAM Research conference. They were among 25 students chosen among more than 100 applicants.

Kapreta Johnson, a PhD student in public and urban administration, was selected to present a poster, titled, "Reach Out and Touch: Volunteerism and its impact on society's perception of millennials of color," at the national conference for ARNOVA in Washington DC. Kapreta was also invited to participate in the Emerging Scholars Research Roundtables where participants provide constructive feedback for peer research papers.

Members of the faculty from CAPPA were recognized as finalists and award winners by AIA Dallas’s 2016 Ken Roberts Memorial Delineation Competition (KRob). In addition, a number of CAPPA students were also selected as finalists. Winners: Steve Quevedo, Thomas Rusher. Finalists: Justin Ashby, Kelly Camargo, Asher Frailey AIAS, Steve Quevedo, Dustin Wheat, Thomas Rusher.

Pat D. Taylor has been inducted as a fellow of the American Society of Landscape Architects. Until his recent retirement, Dr. Taylor served as Director of the Landscape Architecture Program at UTA for twenty-four years.

Architect Marina Tabassum was recognized with the Aga Khan Award for Architecture for the Bait Ur Rouf mosque in Bangladesh. Tabassum served as a visiting professor at CAPPA last year.

Todd Hamilton, professor of architecture, was recognized by Builder Magazine with a 2016 Design Award for the Deloache Residence project. Professor Hamilton served the project as the architect of record. Boback Firoozbakht ('08 BS), creative director at the Dallas-based firm BDDM, served as the designer.

CAPPA ranked number nine on Value Colleges' list of Top 50 Best Value Master of Public Administration Programs, based on metrics including average starting salary, cost of attendance and reputation.

CAPPA’s graduate program in public affairs is among the more than 20 graduate programs at UTA recognized in U.S. News & World Report’s 2017 edition of “Best Graduate Schools,”.

Mark Lamster, the award-winning architecture critic of The Dallas Morning News and a professor in practice of architecture at CAPPA, was awarded a Loeb Fellowship at the Harvard Graduate School of Design.

David Hopman, Associate Professor and Interim Program Director of Landscape Architecture, was selected to serve as co-principal investigator for an interdisciplinary research project titled “GREEN STEAM: Using Principles of Design to Power the Development of Outdoor Educational Spaces.” The project has been selected for funding by UTA’s Office of the President as part of its Interdisciplinary Research Program to promote collaboration at UTA across academic units.

The Texas Chapter of the American Society of Interior Designers recognized CAPPA Interior Design student Veronica Sanders as a First Place winner in its 2016 Dallas Design Ovation Awards. Sanders's entry was selected in the student design category, "Student Designer - Real or Imagined". Almost four hundred DFW area interior designers and industry partners attended and entered their work in the prestigious competition.

A UTA student team’s design to reduce stormwater runoff that could result from future campus construction projects has won a national Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Water award as part of the agency’s 2015 Campus RainWorks Challenge. The CAPPA team included landscape architecture graduate students Baishakhi Biswas, Sherry Fabricant, Jacob Schwarz and Ahoura Zandiatashbar, a doctoral student in urban planning and public policy.

In conjunction with the official launch of the new College of Architecture, Planning and Public Affairs at The University of Texas at Arlington, CAPPA Dean Nan Ellin was profiled by contributing writer Andrew Moon, AIA, in the Winter 2016 edition of Columns magazine.

Zoranna Jones, PhD student in public and urban administration, was awarded a Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant from the National Science Foundation Division of Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences. Zoranna's research examines programs that influence STEM-educated African American graduates to pursue high tech entrepreneurship.

Myriam Igoufe, PhD student in urban planning and public policy and a researcher for the Institute of Urban Studies, was awarded the "Dwight D. Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship," a program administered by the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration.

CAPPA student Ana-Sofia Gonzalez was named leader of the month of the American Institute of Architecture Students. She served as AIAS UTA events coordinator in 2014-2015, vice president in 2015-2016 and president for the 2016-2017 year.

The City Influencer has named Lorin Washington one of Dallas-Fort Worth’s Most Influential College Students of 2016. The goal of the initiative is to celebrate African-American college students who are the epitome of what makes DFW such a special place in which to live, work and play. Lorin is a PhD student in the urban planning and public policy program.

The Texas Chapter of the American Society of Interior Designers recognized CAPPA interior design student Veronica Sanders as a First Place winner in its 2016 Dallas Design Ovation Awards. The event recognizes achievements in interior design and architecture, as well as special contributions to the Dallas area community.

Myriam Igoufe, PhD student in urban planning and public policy and a researcher for the Institute of Urban Studies, recieved a $1,000 award by the UTA Transportation Research Center for Livable Communities to investigate the true affordability of LIHTC units when transportation costs are factored in.

Ali Adil, PhD student of urban planning and public policy, received the Krishnan and Rohini Krishnan Graduate Fellowship for academic excellence in the area of renewable energy or sustainability studies /and or policy and economic aspects of energy. The fellowship is awarded by a competitive application process through the UTA Office of Graduate Studies.

Bang Dang and Rizwan Faruqui, AIA, partners at Far + Dang in Dallas, received a Juror Citation in the 2016 AIA Dallas Built Design Awards.

Ricardo Munoz, lecturer of architecture, earned a 2016 Texas Society of Architects Studio Award for his Element House design.

Karabi Bezboruah, associate professor of public affairs, received a Capacity Building Scholarship from the One Star Foundation to attend the 2016 Mission Capital Conference, a national conference for nonprofit scholars and practitioners.

Ivonne Audirac, program director of the planning program and associate professor of planning, has been selected as a Faculty Fellow in UTA’s Service Learning Program for the 2016-7 academic year. The program provides faculty with a year-long service-learning mentoring experience.

A modern farmhouse in Dallas designed by Todd Hamilton, professor of architecture, and Sidebar Collective was showcased in the current issue of Dwell. The house was featured in the 2015 AIA Dallas Fall Home Tour.

"TWELVE Houses", a selection of uniquely tailored residential designs by alumni and faculty of The University of Texas at Arlington were showcased in an exhibit at NorthPark Center in Dallas. The exhibit and accompanying catalogue were curated by longtime UTA architecture professor Todd Hamilton and is part of the American Institute of Architects Dallas Chapter’s 16th Annual Retrospect Graphic Competition.

Three CAPPA faculty members were awarded UTA Faculty Senate Travel Awards. Kathryn Holliday, Douglas Klahr, and Yekang Ko each recieved a $500 travel grant. This was the inaugural award from this grant program.

Ricardo Munoz, lecturer of architecture, received two Critic's Choice awards at the AIA Dallas 2016 Unbuilt Design Awards on April 28. Munoz's firm RCRD won the Critic's Choice First Place for the Light Basin project, and Third Place for the Element House project.

Yekang Ko, assistant professor of planning, was recognized as a recipient of the 2016 Professor of the Year award by the Arlington Sunrise Rotary Club. The award recognizes outstanding faculty across UTA's schools and colleges.

Kevin Sloan, assistant professor in practice of architecture, was recognized by AIA Dallas with an honorary membership at the 2016 Celebrate Architecture event on March 23.

FAB-LAB, an architectural concept designed by CAPPA visiting professor of architecture Alejandro Borges, was selected to be included in the 2016 Bienal IberoAmericana international exhibition, an initiative of the government of Spain to promote, discuss and project architecture and urbanism from the Americas, Spain and Portugal.