Major Change Criteria

Admission into the School of Architecture is only available for the fall semesters due to our Cohort


Current UTA students who wish to apply for a major change into the School of Architecture, in a fall semester, must meet the specific requirements of the Department listed below

To change majors into the School of Architecture, as Architecture-intended (ARCH-int) or Interior Design-intended (INTD-int), we require:

  1. Completion of 12 hours at UTA with a minimum 2.5 GPA
  2. Minimum 2.5 GPA in any ARCH/INTD classes taken at UTA (if applicable)
  3. Complete the CAPPA Major Change Module in Canvas (email for access permission)

Prospective major changes, who meet requirements 1-3 after their current semester grades have posted, would email and the department will make a final decision based on:

4. Space Availability

Important Info

For students, who do not meet the minimum GPA and credit hours listed above or want to change in a semester other than Fall, we have another designation possibility

As an alternative, you have the opportunity to be designated as undeclared architecture (UARCH) or undeclared interior design (UINTD), depending on the program of your interest. You would remain under that designation for a maximum of 2 long semesters, during which time you must meet all of the requirements to officially change into our intended program or will be required to move on into another major.

You would not be an actual student in the School of Architecture; however you would be advised by Architecture advisors to ensure you are on the correct path to eventually change into the intended program. You will only be allowed to take architecture courses for which you possess the necessary prerequisites, based on space availability after our current major students have all been seated and with the permission of SoA advisors.

To change majors into the School of Architecture, as Undeclared-Architecture (UARCH) or Undeclared-Interior Design (UINTD) we require

  1. A minimum 2.0 GPA at UTA
  2. Minimum 2.0 GPA in any ARCH/INTD classes taken at UTA (if applicable)
  3. Complete the CAPPA Major Change Module in Canvas (email for access permission)

Prospective major changes, who meet requirements 1-3 after their current semester grades have posted, would email and the department will make a final decision based on:

4. Space Availability

IMPORTANT: As you consider major change, please be aware of the University's excessive hours policies.

Major Change Procedure

Please see our MAJOR CHANGE PROCEDURE for specific instructions on our major change process.

Major Change Procedure