Medical Clinic

Consultative visits with medical providers are free of charge for eligible students. Charges vary for minor procedures and physical examinations.
UTA docotr performing clinical exam on student

Medical Clinic

The medical clinic is staffed by board-certified family physicians, nurse practitioners and registered nurses. We offer medical care similar to what you would receive from your primary care provider, from diagnosing and treating common illnesses such as colds, flu, fevers, aches, and pains to performing minor procedures and physical examinations.

Minor Procedures Available Include: 

  • Cryotherapy (wart treatment) 
  • Ear irrigation 
  • Toenail removal 
  • Incision and drainage 
  • Stitching and removal of stitches for wounds and sutures 
  • Removal of foreign objects from superficial wounds or superficial eye, ear or nose

The medical clinic is located on the first floor of the health center and is supported by a COLA-accredited medical laboratory, x-ray department, immunization clinic, and a Class A (retail) pharmacy.