Medical And Compassionate Withdrawal

We recognize that students face challenges and hardships, often making it difficult to achieve academic success. The Office of the Dean of Students may review your unique set of circumstances to determine eligibility for a medical or compassionate withdrawal.


  • If this is before the established drop date, regardless of the circumstances, you will need to meet with your academic advisor. To find the University Drop Date each semester please visit the Office of the Registrar:

    Add, Drop, Withdrawal


  • If this is for one or more courses in a given semester, but not all of your courses, the university considers this a partial withdrawal. You will need to complete a Late Withdrawal Exception form:

    Withdrawal and Drop Exemption Form


  • If this is for all courses in a given semester and you would like the Dean of Students to review your circumstances please submit your request by following this link:

    Request for Medical Withdrawal