Faculty Research
UTA Funded Programs:
Interdisciplinary Research Program (IRP)
The Interdisciplinary Research Program is intended to advance interdisciplinary research at UTA in alignment with the guiding themes of the Strategic Plan: Health and the Human Condition, Sustainable Communities, Global Environmental Impact, Data-Driven Discovery, and Cultural Understanding and Social Transformations. As these guiding themes are inherently interdisciplinary, this program fosters the necessary work across campus to improve our ability to effectively compete for major extramural research grant funding on these topics. As such, the IRP gives preference to proposals that span interdisciplinary work across groups that don’t typically collaborate. A requirement of IRP award recipients is submission of at least one interdisciplinary research proposal to an extramural funding source within one year after the award ends.
The 2024 call for projects will be released soon.
UTA increased IRP grants by 40% in 2024
Five IRP grants totaling nearly $100,000 were awarded in 2023.
Research Enhancement Program (REP) Grants
Research Enhancement Program (REP) grants are awarded specifically for the support of research and professional creative activity. The grant serves as seed funding for launching new research and serves as a foundation for future research and funding from external sources. Any full-time tenured or tenure-track faculty member of The University of Texas at Arlington is eligible to apply for a Research Enhancement Program grant. The budget for a Research Enhancement Program grant proposal submitted by a single investigator is up to $12,000; a proposal submitted by two or more investigators is up to $16,000, regardless of the number of collaborating faculty. The REP proposal guidelines for the 2025-26 cycle are available now. The application opens on November 4, 2024, and closes on December 6, 2024. All applications are to be completed in Mentis. Applicants will be notified by April 4, 2025.
The review process for the REP Competition is outlined here.
10 REP grants totaling $130,000 were granted in 2024