EPP Performance for the Past Five Years

Principal Exam Pass Rates

2024: PIL: 84%/ PASL: 97%
2023: PIL: 88%/ PASL: 99%
2022: PIL: 93%/ PASL: 99%
2021: PIL: 96%/ PASL: 96%
2020: PIL: 96%/ PASL: 100%

Reading Specialist Exam Pass Rates

2024: 100%
2023: 100%
2022: 100%
2021: 100%
2020: 100%

Teacher Certification Exam Pass Rates

2024: Content: 90%/ PPR: 94%
2023: Content: 92%/ PPR: 88%
2022: Content: 93%/ PPR: 93%
2021: Content: 94%/ PPR: 94%
2020: Content: 96%/ PPR: 94%

Procedures for Receiving Credit for Prior Learning

[19 TAC §228.35(1) & (2)]

  • In order to be considered for exemption, a candidate must submit the required waiver application and appropriate documentation.
  • Approved candidates are not required to complete clinical teaching or internship; however, the candidate must meet with their advisor to determine additional coursework that may be needed in order to fulfill degree requirements.
  • The EPP shall allow credit for verified military service, training, clinical and professional experience, or education toward the training, education, work experience, or related requirements (other than certification examinations) for educator certification requirements, provided that the military service, training, or education is directly related to the certification being sought.
  • Students who have served in the military may request an evaluation of their military experiences from the Office of Admissions by submitting their joint services transcript.

The candidate must have been enrolled in an approved EPP when the prior coursework was taken.

  • Coursework must have been taken within the past five years and directly related to the certificate being sought.
  • A transfer candidate’s transcript is evaluated by the university Registrar.
  • Transfer course equivalencies are determined by the departmental program coordinator.
  • Candidates may be asked to provide documentation such as course descriptions and/or syllabi to determine if a course is equivalent to the required SFA course.
  • If a candidate was previously enrolled in another EPP, a completed TEA Candidate Transfer Form must be submitted by the candidate.
  • Determination of equivalency will be determined by the program coordinator.

Effects of Supply and Demand on the Educator Workforce in Texas

Per 19 TAC §227.1(c)(3)(A) & (B) w/ TEC §21.044(g), the following information on the effect of supply and demand on the educator workforce in Texas is provided to all candidates:

The Texas Teacher Vacancy Task Force was developed by TEA under the directive from Governor Gregg Abbott in order to help school districts respond to the growing shortage of teachers in the state of Texas. The Teacher Vacancy Task Force Overview page outlines forces impacting the educator workforce across the state.