701 Planetarium Place
Hammond Hall, Room 132, Box 19227
Arlington, TX 76019-0227
Advising Emails
Undergraduate Students:
Graduate Students:
In attempting to resolve any student grievances regarding grades, it is the student’s obligation first to make a serious effort to resolve the matter with the individual with whom the grievance originated. Individual course instructors retain primary responsibility for assigning grades. The instructor’s judgment is final unless compelling evidence shows preferential treatment or procedural irregularities.
If the student is unable to successfully resolve the grade grievance with the course instructor, students may file a formal Grade Grievance form on the official online College of Education form. The student has one calendar year from the date the grade is assigned to initiate the grievance.
A separate form is available for complaints not related to course grades; please contact the College of Education Advising Office for information on that process.
If the student did not receive the relief requested from the Department Chair and departmental committee, they may appeal to the Dean of the College of Education.