A student must maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) at UT Arlington to remain academically eligible to register for the subsequent term or session. The SAP GPA standards required to maintain waiver eligibility are listed below and can be found here. The minimum average required is shown in the Table of Academic Standards:

Table of Academic Standards - Effective Summer 2015
Total Terms Completed at UTA Minimum Cumulative GPA
Undergraduate - 2 Terms 1.8
Undergraduate - 3 Terms 1.9
Undergraduate - 4 Terms or More 2.0
Graduate - All Terms 3.0

Section 54.2001 Continued Receipt of Exemptions and Waivers has been added to the Texas Education Code and requires The University of Texas at Arlington to comply with the new legislation. Additionally, hours considered excessive under Texas Education Code, Section 54.014 Tuition for Repeated or Excessive Hours, may not be eligible to receive the exemption or waiver.


Students who are enrolled in hours considered excessive under Texas Education Code, Section 54.014 Tuition for Repeated or Excessive Hours, may not be eligible to receive the exemption or waiver.

  • Undergraduate students who enrolled initially in the fall 1999 semester or subsequent semesters cannot exceed more than 45 hours of the number of hours required for completion of the degree plan in which they are enrolled. Any hours beyond 45 are considered excessive and may result in ineligibility to receive the waiver or exemption.

  • Undergraduate students who enrolled initially in the fall 2006 semester or subsequent semesters cannot exceed more than 30 hours of the number of hours required for completion of the degree plan in which they are enrolled. Any hours beyond 30 are considered excessive and may result in ineligibility to receive the waiver or exemption.


Texas Education Code Section 51.9095 requires all males between the ages of 18 and 25 receiving a loan, grant, scholarship, or other financial assistance funded by state revenue to register for Selective Service to qualify for specified exemptions and waivers. To verify your registration status, please visit


UTA reserves the right to reduce or cancel the amount of institutional/state grant funds offered to students who receive specific federal, state, or institutional tuition waivers or other benefits that are designated to cover tuition and fees.


For additional information on waivers and exemptions, as well as other forms of financial aid, visit the My TX Future website.