Third-Party Payments


Sponsored Students provides direct billing to businesses, organizations, and agencies offering tuition assistance to their employees and clients.

Once Sponsored Students receives the required paperwork from a sponsor, a conditional credit is placed on the student account in the amount authorized by the sponsor. The conditional credit does not indicate the sponsor has made a payment and does not release the student from financial responsibility. Invoices will be sent to sponsors following the last refund date for the term.

Students are responsible for any remaining balance not covered by the sponsor. If a sponsor fails to remit payment as agreed, the conditional credit will be removed, and the student will be responsible for remitting payment immediately.

If you have additional questions regarding our billing process, please get in touch with Sponsored Students via email at

UTA requires paperwork from the sponsor acknowledging intent to pay and providing the required information. Examples of the required paperwork include a voucher, letter of credit, service authorization, purchase order, financial guarantee, etc.

All paperwork must be sent at least 5 business days prior to the session/term payment due date in person or via email at

Paperwork must include:

  • UTA Student ID Number
  • Student Name
  • Term
  • Amount
  • Charges willing to cover – if applicable
  • Course(s) – if applicable
  • If the sponsor will pay before or after scholarships/grants have been applied
  • Contact information for invoices – including Point of Contact and email address

The paperwork may not be contingent upon the student receiving a specific grade or upon a financial need status. If a student is an employee of a sponsor and is terminated during the term; or otherwise, does not meet requirements as outlined by the sponsor, the sponsor must pay as agreed and invoiced and seek reimbursement directly from the student.

Invoicing will begin following the last refund date for the term. UTA cannot pre-bill or create special sponsor-specific billing cycles. Sponsors will receive an email notification via the UTA invoicing platform (powered by Flywire). Invoice payments are due 30 days from the date of the invoice as designated on the invoice.

Payments not received within 90 days of the invoice date will result in the conditional credit being removed from the student account and will become the student’s responsibility to pay or seek reimbursement directly from their sponsor. Any refunds resulting from an adjustment to the student’s account after sponsor payment will be returned to the sponsor (some exclusions may apply).

LATE INVOICING: Any paperwork received after the invoicing has been completed for the term will not have a conditional credit applied. A late bill invoice will be submitted to the sponsor and the credit will be applied to the student's account after the payment has been received.

Sponsors will receive invoices via email from UTA’s invoicing platform (powered by Flywire).

Payment can be made directly on the invoice by selecting ‘Pay Now’ to pay securely with ease. You have the option to edit your payment amount for each line item on the invoice. An explanation is required for paying less than the invoiced amount.

Payment options are available based on your country/location:

  • U.S. sponsors: ACH (e-check)
  • Non-U.S. sponsors: International payment option in 140+ currencies (including wire transfers). Select country and choose from the payment options displayed (can include bank transfers, wire transfers, credit cards, and more depending on your country)

Check payments need to include a copy of the invoice and be mailed to:

Office of Student Accounts
ATTN: Sponsored Students
PO Box 19649
Arlington, TX 76019

Email the completed form to or visit the Student Accounts office requesting UTA bill TGTP. This agreement shall remain in effect for a maximum period of 5 years. Students who do not want to use their plan for a term must notify Sponsored Students at least 5 days prior to the payment due date for each term.

Traditional Students: Texas Guaranteed Tuition Plan Agreement

Accelerated Online (AO) Students: Accelerated Online (AO) Texas Guaranteed Tuition Plan Agreement

UTA does not invoice for Accelerated Online Program classes and does not accept letters of credit/vouchers from your sponsor*. Your sponsor can send payment directly to UTA via check, ACH, or credit card. If payment cannot be made directly to UTA, you will need to seek reimbursement directly from your sponsor.

In lieu of an invoice, students can provide sponsors with their Account Statements by logging into MyMav. Click the Accounts tile then Print Account Statement on the left-hand sidebar. Account Statements will not be provided to sponsors by UTA due to student FERPA rights.

Payment for each class is due in full no later than 11:59 pm CST on the Friday before each course start date. This means the payment must be received no later than noon CST on the Thursday before the due date for processing if the employer will be making the payment. We will not hold a student from being dropped while payment is in transit.

For all payments, please include the Student’s UTA ID #, Name, Payment Amount, and Term

Checks can be made payable to:

Office of Student Accounts
ATTN: Sponsored Students
PO Box 19649
Arlington, TX 76019

Credit Card payments can be made by faxing a charge authorization to (817) 272-0061 for processing. Please also include the card number, expiration date, cardholder name, and email address for receipt. Sponsors can also reach out to to schedule a call to process the credit card over the phone.

ACH payments can be made by contacting for further instructions.

*Does not apply to students utilizing Military TA, TGTP, or Texas Promise Fund

Third-Party Billing Responsibilities & Information

Sponsor Guidelines is a complete guide for using this service. This booklet is a PDF file that requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to be installed on your computer.
  • We're here to help. Schedule an appointment to discuss your account regarding third-party payments, collections, and everything in between. We offer appointments in person and online via Microsoft Teams.