The Faculty Senate Travel Award is available to full-time faculty, both tenured/tenure-track and non-tenure track. The program supports travel related to enhancing UT Arlington's faculty excellence and national/international reputation in research and/or creative activity. Acceptable uses of these travel funds include: presenting work at conferences or other relevant public venues; shopping a book proposal at a related conference; attending a pedagogy conference for the explicit goal of improving instruction, etc. In lieu of travel, funds may be requested to cover registration fees for virtual conferences.
Each faculty member is eligible to receive up to $1000 for domestic travel and $1500 for international travel in a single award amount per academic year, with funds being allocated until they are depleted. The academic year runs from September 1st to August 31st, with the date of the first day of travel determining which academic year the travel falls within. All travel requests must be approved prior to travel. Funding will not be awarded retroactively. Funds will be allocated at the discretion of the Senate’s Travel Committee based on review on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Senate travel awards are meant as a resource of “last resort” where other travel funds are unavailable from such sources as annual travel allotments or other department/college-based funds, start-up account funds, and allowable grant resources. Senate travel funds are not available until such sources are expended.
Receipts and other costs will be processed by the administrative assistant at the department (or other unit) level who typically processes travel reimbursements for the awardee. Instructions for obtaining awarded funds will be included in the award notification email. If anything in this document appears to conflict with the Handbook of Operating Procedures or the travel procedures outlined by the Office of Business Affairs and Controller here, those documents take precedence. Questions may be addressed to the Chair of the Faculty Senate.