The Forum for Faculty at UTA
About Faculty Senate
The Faculty Senate is the elected legislative and deliberative faculty body whose primary purpose is to represent the faculty to the University administration, UT-System administration, the Board of Regents of The University of Texas System, and such other parties as may be appropriate or necessary. The Faculty Senate reviews and formulates policy and enacts legislation on all matters pertaining to the professional concerns, duties, standards, ethics, responsibilities, privileges, and perquisites of the faculty.
Get Involved
If you are a full-time faculty member at UTA, you can run for election as a senator representing your department or college/school. Non-tenure track senators are elected at the College/School level and tenure-track senators are elected at the department level (or by sub-unit within Schools) and elections for open seats are held in the spring semester.
Benefits of becoming a senator
Serving on Faculty Senate provides multiple opportunities to influence and change university policy and procedure, and to make the university a better place for you and your faculty colleagues. Because Senate is comprised of faculty from every unit on campus, it also affords a unique venue to meet and make friends with colleagues from different disciplines, to learn about their experience at UTA, and to gain a broader perspective on what it means to be a faculty member at a comprehensive university.