The ServiceNow TAPREQ is required for technology (electronic and information resources) used by or at the direction of UTA. Technology includes websites not hosted by UTA, software, software as a service, online resources, other resources accessed by a computer or mobile device, and any related vendor services.
When the ServiceNow TAPREQ is created, the system assigns tasks to EIR Accessibility team and the Innovative Architecture team.
When both groups provide approval, the request is approved and the requester will receive an email with details. Details may indicate whether or not a Purchase Order is required for use of this particular EIR. Once you receive the approval email, you may enter your requisition into UTShare, use your ProCard (if allowed) or begin using the requested EIR.
Please note, TAPREQ approval does not replace the Business Affairs Exception Tracker (BAET) requirement. You must also follow all ProCard policies and procedures.