How to Apply

Graduate Application Information:

Admission to our graduate psychology programs is limited and very competitive. Our department has a standard priority date of Dec. 1 for PHD applicants and Dec. 15 for Masters I/O applicants. For this upcoming Fall 2025 application cycle, the priority dates are Dec 1, 2024, for PHD applicants and Dec. 15, 2024, for Masters I/O applicants. It is the applicant’s responsibility to adhere to departmental deadlines to ensure timely processing and review of their applications. We urge students to submit all documentation by the appropriate deadline. Applications may still be reviewed beyond this date on a case by case basis as indicated by the departmental chair, consent of the faculty, and as departmental funding allows.

Qualified applicants are admitted once a year in Fall terms only and must be degree-seeking. Non-fall/non-degree seeking applicants will be asked to submit the update/reactivation form to have their file reviewed for the applicable fall semester. Only fall-intended degree-seeking applications will be reviewed. The application portal will open in September. Selected candidates are typically notified in the April to May time frame; however, this time frame is subject to change.

The GRE has been waived through Fall 2025. Effective Fall 2026, the GRE will not be required for any of our Psychology graduate programs.

Admission steps:

  1. Submit your application via ApplyUTA by your applicable program priority date to ensure timely processing/review of your file.
    • Applications will not be reviewed by Graduate Admissions until the application fee is received. Once in “GCOM” (complete) status by Graduate Admissions, your file will be sent to our department for review. Until the appropriate transcripts and test scores are received, you will be in “GCLI” (incomplete) status. Only “GCOM” files are reviewed by our department. You can monitor your status via your MyMav account.
    • Please note that the “Academic Goals Essay” on the application itself is optional; however our department requires all applicants to submit the “personal statement” separately as described in Step 7, which will be reviewed by the faculty. IF AN EXACT COPY OF THE ACADEMIC GOALS ESSAY IS SUBMITTED AS THE PERSONAL STATEMENT, THE APPLICANT WILL BE REQUIRED TO SUBMIT A NEW PERSONAL STATEMENT.
  2. Submit official transcripts from all 4-year institutions attended.
    • Monitor your MyMav account “to-do list” for submission requirements/updates.
  3. If applicable, submit official GRE scores. Only scores submitted by ETS directly to UTA are acceptable.
    • Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology: While there are no minimum GRE sectional requirements, a standard of 300 or higher GRE total has been positive indicator our of most successful students as have average scores of 150 or higher for both quantitative and verbal sections.
  4. If applicable, submit official English Language Test scores as determined by Graduate Admissions. Only scores submitted directly by ETS or IELTS to UTA are acceptable.
    • An applicant whose native language is not English must demonstrate a sufficient level of skill with the English language to assure success in graduate studies. This requirement will be waived for non-native speakers of English who possess a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited US institution. Otherwise, applicants are expected to submit a score of at least 550 on the paper-based TOEFL, a score of at least 213 on the computer-based TOEFL, a minimum score of 40 on the TSE, a minimum score of 6.5 on the IELTS, or a minimum TOEFL IBT total score of 79. Further, When the TOEFL IBT is taken, sectional scores of at least 22 on the writing section, 21 on the speaking section, 20 on the reading section, and 16 on the listening section are preferred. Meeting the minimum admission requirements does not guarantee acceptance and programs may give preference to students with higher scores.
    • English Proficiency for Graduate Teaching Assistants: Students whose native language is not English must provide a score on the Test of Spoken English (TSE) of at least 45, a minimum score of 23 on the Speaking portion of the TOEFL iBT exam or a minimum score of 7 on the Speaking portion of the IELTS exam. The English proficiency requirement will be waived for non-native speakers of English who possess a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited US institution.
  5. Email the completed Departmental Summary Sheet in PDF format (Last Name, First Name, UTA ID number if known or Program of Interest_DptSS) to
  6. Submit a minimum of 3 recommendation letters via SLATE or directly to our email,  preferably from professors or employers. NOTE: To submit recommendation letters directly to our email, it is applicant’s responsibility to contract their recommenders and have them follow the instructions below.
    • Recommenders can email the Recommendation Request Form in PDF format (Recommender Name: Student Name, Program of Interest) to along with an official letter on letterhead. It is preferred by faculty to submit both the Recommendation Request Form and a letter, however, it is also acceptable to submit only a letter or the form.
  7. Email the personal statement in PDF format (Last Name, First Name, UTA ID number if known or Program of Interest PS) to There is no page limit. Past applicants have submitted personal statements that are 2 to 3 pages long. It is not acceptable to copy and paste the “Academic Goals Essay” submitted with the application as your personal statement. 
    • Our personal statement is separate from the “Academic Goals Essay” on the application and required. While it is understood that there may be some overlap, the personal statement should be more in-depth, detailing laboratory field or applied interests, career plans, and research experience, as well as a discussion of how our graduate psychology program at UT Arlington can serve to further your interests and plans. PhD applicants should be sure to include information about the intended specialization and preferred faculty mentor. PhD applicants are strongly encouraged to contact the specific faculty member of interest prior to or during the application process. MS applicants are not required to list/include preferred faculty mentors. MS APPLICANTS ARE NOT REQUIRED TO LIST/INCLUDE PREEFERRED FACULTY MENTOR.
    • NOTE: To improve your chances of admission, it is in your best interest to list only ONE faculty mentor to indicate a singular/specific focus in your area of research. Listing multiple mentors can imply a lack of focus in career goals and academic purpose. You may however, provide an updated personal statement if your research interests have changed or if updating your file.
    • Please include a cover page with your personal statement that includes your name, UTA ID number, Program of Interest, and preferred faculty mentor except for MS programs. Your last name and page numbers should be on the header.
  8. Check your application status on the Graduate Admissions Application Status Website.
    • Your to-do lists in Mymav account will be updated as the appropriate transcripts, test scores, and departmental materials are received.

(Note: No terminal M.S. application accepted except for I/O program).

There are no fixed criteria for admission to the M.S. or Ph.D. programs in Psychology. Of course, the student is expected to have successfully completed the appropriate work prior to admission. In the case of the M.S. program, an undergraduate B.A. or B.S. degree is required. As calculated by the graduate school, a minimum grade point average of 3.0 in undergraduate work is expected for unconditional admission. For the Ph.D., a minimum of 30 graduate hours with a GPA of 3.0 or better as calculated by the Graduate School is required. Beyond these minimal criteria, there is no single criterion that determines whether a positive or negative admission decision is made.

Our admissions focus is on seeking a positive indication of potential success in the program.

These indications include:

  1. A detailed examination of the student’s transcript. Grade point average per se is not weighed heavily as most candidates for admission have grade point averages greater than 3.0. Accordingly, we examine the course-work on the students’ transcripts as evidence of his/her research interests. Positive indicants of potential success in our program include greater than average coursework in the biological and physical sciences and mathematics. Similarly, evidence of experimental research previously undertaken is viewed as a predictor of future research productivity. For students interested in specialization in the MS in I/O program, appropriate coursework in relevant background areas is taken into consideration.
  2. Submission of Verbal and Mathematics GRE scores is required. High GRE scores are viewed as positive indicants, whereas low GRE scores need not exclude a candidate who shows positive indicants in other areas.
  3. Letters of reference, in general, have little impact except where they offer evidence of commitment to experimental research (as in letters from an undergraduate research sponsor). Evidence of success in employment relevant to IO psychology will be considered for the Master’s degree in that area.
  4. The personal statement describing the applicant’s laboratory, field, or applied interests, career plans, and discussion of how the UTA program can serve to further these interests and plans will be examined for evidence of the appropriateness of the candidate to the UTA program.
  5. Finally, successful completion of a Master’s degree in another department is viewed positively even when the degree was received in an area outside of psychology. In this latter case, some conditions in terms of make-up coursework may be specified.

In summary, the department views its mission in the M.S./ Ph.D. program as to train students to be enthusiastic about conducting psychological research. Accordingly, we seek students who show aptitude in as well as motivation for research. Students interested in the terminal M.S. program in Industrial/Organizational Psychology will have their records examined for indicants of potential to succeed in industrial settings.


Probationary admission: If an applicant does not have a majority of the positive indications for unconditional admission described above, they may be considered for probationary admission after careful examination of their application materials. Probationary admission requires that the applicant receive a B or better in their first 12 hours of graduate coursework at UTA.

Deferred Admission: A deferred decision may be granted when a file is incomplete or when a denied decision is not appropriate.

Provisional Admission: An applicant unable to supply all documentation (including certified transcripts, GRE scores, letters of reference, and personal statements) prior to the admission deadline but who otherwise appears to meet admission requirements may be granted provisional admission.

Denial of Admission: Applicants whose records in the aggregate do not show sufficient positive indications of potential success will be denied admission.


PHD applicants who would like to be considered for assistantships should have their applications and departmental forms sent to the University of Texas at Arlington by Dec. 1 of the previous year for the future fall semester. Please visit this link for the most updated version of the Psychology Graduate Student HandbookGraduate Resources - Department of Psychology - The University of Texas at Arlington (

PhD Application process: We are a mentor-based program, meaning that you will work directly with a faculty mentor. Prior to applying to the program, you should communicate with the specific faculty member(s) that you are interested in working with.

The following faculty are research faculty that mentor students. An asterisks by their name indicates that they are accepting applications for graduate students for the Fall of 2025:

Behavioral Neuroscience

Qing Lin

Steve Lomber***

Linda Perrotti

Yuan Bo Peng



Hunter Ball***

Dan Levine



Crystal Cooper***

Tracy Greer

Angela Liegey-Dougall***



Jared Kenworthy

Michelle Martin-Raugh***

Larry Martinez***

Logan Watts***


Please note that some faculty do not mentor PhD students, so you should not apply to work with the following:


Erin Austin, Rachel Baldridge, Elias Chandarlis, Scott Coleman, Amandeep Dhaliwal, Susan Eddlemon, Rebecca Escoto, Nicolette Hass, Colette Jacquot, Bonnie Laster, Nicholas Smith