701 Planetarium Place
Trimble Hall, Room 105, Box 19227
Arlington, TX 76019-0227
Advising Emails
Undergraduate Students:
Graduate Students:
Higher Education, Adult Education, and Organizational Studies offers a wide range of knowledge and skills for applicants interested in becoming leaders in schools and higher education institutions, or enter the professoriate.
We offer one undergraduate program, the Leadership Minor and Leadership Certificate, in partnership with the UTA Leadership Center and the Division of Student Affairs.
We also offer three graduate programs:
We also offer a Principal Certification Only program.
Admission to the K-16 Educational Leadership Ph.D. program requires admission to both the Graduate School and the Department.
Graduate School Admissions Requirements can be found here and include the following:
Admission to the Master of Education (M.Ed.) in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies is competitive and some qualified students may not be admitted if demand exceeds the program’s capacity to serve all applicants. Applicants are considered for unconditional admission if they submit documents required for TEA reporting and meet the first criterion plus either the second or the third criterion:
All students must meet university, college, department, and Texas Administrative Code qualifications in order to participate in educator preparation programs. Out-of-state students will not qualify for Texas educator certification. Therefore, students should review their state's requirements to determine if completion of a program at UTA will lead to certification in their state.
In addition to program-area requirements to meet documents required for TEA reporting, including: 1) a written response to the given prompt (fulfills “other screening instrument” as required by The Texas Education Agency) and 2) completion of Attestation and FERPA forms. The overall grade point average (GPA) of each incoming class admitted between September 1 and August 31 of each year by an educator preparation program (EPP) may not be less than 3.00 on a four-point scale or the equivalent.
An applicant who meets all requirements is normally considered for unconditional admission. Unconditionally admitted students must maintain a 3.0 GPA for the duration of the program and have at least a 3.0 GPA in order to graduate.
An applicant who does not meet all requirements for unconditional admission nevertheless may show promise for successful graduate study and, upon recommendation of the graduate advisor, Committee on Graduate Studies and with approval of the academic dean may be granted probationary admission. Students admitted on probation to any graduate program in the College of Education must earn a 3.0 GPA, with no grade lower than a B, on the first nine credit hours of study. In addition, in order to graduate from UTA and the College of Education, all candidates must have at least a 3.0 GPA.
An applicant’s admission may be deferred when a file is not complete or when denying admission is not appropriate.
An applicant may be denied admission if the conditions for unconditional or probationary admission are not met. In addition, if a student was suspended or expelled from the University of Texas at Arlington or any other university or program for reasons other than academic, that student may be denied admission or readmission to an educator preparation program in the UTA College of Education.
All applications are completed online through the Office of Graduate Studies.
The Leadership Minor and Certificate program is a joint initiative between the Department of Educational Leadership and The Leadership Center in the Division of Student Affairs. The chair and director of these two areas share program management and oversight. The minor is open to all degree-seeking students enrolled at The University of Texas at Arlington, while the certificate is available to degree and non-degree-seeking students. Interested students should initiate a request for the preparation of their program by sending an email to: