The Keys to Perseverance

Hall of Famer and best-selling author Cal Ripken, Jr. spoke on strength, integrity, and perseverance in the game of baseball and life for the Maverick Speakers Series at UT Arlington.

A Stomach for Science

Sanchali Deb and Dr. J.C. Chiao, of UT Arlington’s Electrical Engineering Department, have made a breakthrough in the design of a miniature gastrostimulator to help cancer patients who are undergoing chemotherapy and severely distressed diabetic patients with gastroparesis restore stomach motility so they can digest food.

Urban Paleontology

Arlington, Texas, is full of dinosaurs! It’s also home to prehistoric crocodiles, turtles, rare lungfish from the Cretaceous period, and many other creatures. And they’re all being discovered by budding paleontologists at UT Arlington. Learn more about the Arlington Archosaur Site, which is so laden with fossils that it spawned the Scotese Museum of Paleontology on the UTA campus.

Highest Honors

Since 1965 UT Arlington has recognized its most outstanding alumni with the Distinguished Alumni Award presented at the annual Distinguished Alumni Gala. This year UTA was proud to honor Clifford Hahne, Robert Irish, James Ditto, Jean McSweeney, Ignacio Nunez, Nasser Ahmed Lozi, Thomas Rourke, and Greg Barron. The Distinguished Alumni Award is the highest honor given by the University and Alumni Association, and the gala […]

A Passion for Food

In his Oct. 14 campus appearance, celebrity chef Rick Bayless talked about his life, his career, and of course, food. Interesting tidbit: He spoke about how his background in anthropology has made him a better chef. Thanks to his studies, he has a deep appreciation and passion for how food can link us to the past even while we celebrate the present. See more of […]