Nanoparticle Drug Delivery, 2035
Regrowing lungs isn’t as far-fetched as it sounds. Bioengineering Associate Professor Kytai Nguyen has teamed with Connie Hsia, internal medicine professor at UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, on a nanoparticle drug-delivery system designed to spur lung growth and function after partial lung removal or destructive lung disease. “The treatment introduces drugs through inhaled nanoparticles that stimulate lung growth and remodeling,” says Dr. Nguyen, who […]

Pliable Laptops, 2015
They may look like brochures or magazines, but the futuristic devices unfurled before these business professionals are actually […]

Hypersonic Flight, 2053
Researchers Luca Maddalena and Luca Massa can only speculate about what a large hypersonic aircraft might look like. Their expertise lies not in the design of the futuristic vehicle, but in how to propel it at 3,500 mph. The aerospace engineering assistant professors have received a three-year NASA National Research Award to study novel injector designs to support combustion at hypersonic speeds. The work aims […]

Smart Grid, 2067
As energy demand rises, the electrical grid in the United States is steadily pushed to its limits. More efficient technology like smart grids can help ease that burden, but no one knows how much demand these grids can take. Electrical engineering Professor Qilian Liang plans to find out. Dr. Liang received a National Science Foundation grant to determine the upper boundary of a smart grid’s threshold. […]

Telehealth Physiotronic Chips, 2032
Telehealth often refers to something simple like email communication between doctors and patients. But in J.-C. Chiao’s laboratory, the term invokes a science fiction movie. Dr. Chiao, the Jenkins Garrett Professor of Electrical Engineering, and psychology Associate Professor Yuan Bo Peng are designing computer chips that can be placed inside the body, on the body, or in medical instruments to monitor and improve patient care. […]