Anthony “Angelo” McClain
McClain (’81 MSSW) is chief executive officer of the 140,000-member National Association of Social Workers in Washington, D.C. He previously was commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families.
Willie Hernandez
Hernandez (’96 BS, Mechanical Engineering) is a 2013 inductee into the National Wheelchair Basketball Association Intercollegiate Division Hall of Fame. A Movin’ Mavs player from 1991–95, he founded and operates Per4Max Medical, one of the world’s largest sport wheelchair companies.
Heather L. Reynolds
Reynolds (’02 MSSW) received the Nonprofit CEO of the Year Award from the Center for Nonprofit Management. She is CEO of the Catholic Charities Diocese in Fort Worth.
Ramona Soto
Soto (’02 BA, Political Science) was selected to Texas Monthly’s Texas Super Lawyers “Rising Stars” list, which honors top attorneys age 40 or younger. An associate at Vincent Lopez Serafino & Jenevein in Dallas, she focuses on the prosecution and defense of small and large public and private sector clients.

Edward “Tex” Harris
Harris (’80 BS, Criminal Justice; ’82 MA, Urban Affairs) has written In the Shadow of Big Tex, which details south Dallas during the civil rights movement. He has worked in community and economic development for more than 25 years and owns a management consultant firm.