Accelerated Online Calendar

Dynamic Dated Schedule

Spring 2025- Accelerated Online Programs: Undergraduate and Graduate Courses
Course   Start Date* Course End Date Course Length Official Last day to Register Late Registration Deadline Tuition Due Date Non-Payment Reinstate-ment Deadline Census Date Last day to Drop Grade Posting
1/6/2025 2/7/2025 5 wk 1/2/2025 1/6/2025 1/3/2025 1/6/2025 1/10/2025 1/27/2025 2/14/2025
1/6/2025 2/21/2025 7 wk 1/2/2025 1/6/2025 1/3/2025 1/6/2025 1/10/2025 2/6/2025 2/28/2025
1/6/2025 2/28/2025 8 wk 1/2/2025 1/6/2025 1/3/2025 1/6/2025 1/13/2025 2/10/2025 3/7/2025
1/6/2025 3/21/2025 11 wk 1/2/2025 1/6/2025 1/3/2025 1/6/2025 1/13/2025 2/17/2025 3/28/2025
1/13/2025 2/14/2025 5 wk 1/8/2025 1/13/2025 1/10/2025 1/13/2025 1/17/2025 2/3/2025 2/21/2025
1/13/2025 2/21/2025 6 wk 1/8/2025 1/13/2025 1/10/2025 1/13/2025 1/17/2025 2/7/2025 2/28/2025
1/13/2025 2/28/2025 7 wk 1/8/2025 1/13/2025 1/10/2025 1/13/2025 1/17/2025 2/13/2025 3/7/2025
1/13/2025 3/25/2025 8 wk* 1/8/2025 1/13/2025 1/10/2025 1/13/2025 1/21/2025 2/19/2025 4/2/2025
1/13/2025 3/7/2025 8 wk 1/8/2025 1/13/2025 1/10/2025 1/13/2025 1/21/2025 2/17/2025 3/13/2025
1/13/2025 4/4/2025 12 wk 1/8/2025 1/13/2025 1/10/2025 1/13/2025 1/22/2025 2/28/2025 4/11/2025
1/13/2025 4/11/2025 13 wk 1/8/2025 1/13/2025 1/10/2025 1/13/2025 1/23/2025 3/7/2025 4/18/2025
1/13/2025 4/18/2025 14 wk 1/8/2025 1/13/2025 1/10/2025 1/13/2025 1/23/2025 3/13/2025 4/25/2025
1/13/2025 4/25/2025 15 wk 1/8/2025 1/13/2025 1/10/2025 1/13/2025 1/24/2025 3/21/2025 5/2/2025
1/13/2025 4/29/2025 16 wk* 1/8/2025 1/13/2025 1/10/2025 1/13/2025 1/29/2025 3/28/2025 5/14/2025
1/21/2025 4/4/2025 11 wk 1/15/2025 1/21/2025 1/17/2025 1/21/2025 1/28/2025 3/4/2025 4/11/2025
1/21/2025 4/18/2025 13 wk 1/15/2025 1/21/2025 1/17/2025 1/21/2025 1/31/2025 3/13/2025 4/25/2025
2/17/2025 3/7/2025 3 wk 2/12/2025 2/17/2025 2/14/2025 2/17/2025 2/19/2025 2/28/2025 3/13/2025
2/17/2025 3/21/2025 5 wk 2/12/2025 2/17/2025 2/14/2025 2/17/2025 2/21/2025 3/10/2025 3/28/2025
2/17/2025 4/4/2025 7 wk 2/12/2025 2/17/2025 2/14/2025 2/17/2025 2/21/2025 3/20/2025 4/11/2025
2/17/2025 4/25/2025 10 wk 2/12/2025 2/17/2025 2/14/2025 2/17/2025 2/24/2025 3/28/2025 5/2/2025
2/17/2025 5/2/2025 11 wk 2/12/2025 2/17/2025 2/14/2025 2/17/2025 2/24/2025 3/31/2025 5/9/2025
3/3/2025 5/2/2025 9 wk 2/26/2025 3/3/2025 2/28/2025 3/3/2025 3/10/2025 4/9/2025 5/9/2025
3/10/2025 3/28/2025 3 wk 3/5/2025 3/10/2025 3/7/2025 3/10/2025 3/12/2025 3/21/2025 4/4/2025
3/10/2025 4/11/2025 5 wk 3/5/2025 3/10/2025 3/7/2025 3/10/2025 3/13/2025 3/31/2025 4/18/2025
3/10/2025 4/25/2025 7 wk 3/5/2025 3/10/2025 3/7/2025 3/10/2025 3/13/2025 4/10/2025 5/2/2025
3/10/2025 5/2/2025 8 wk 3/5/2025 3/10/2025 3/7/2025 3/10/2025 3/17/2025 4/14/2025 5/9/2025
3/17/2025 5/2/2025 7 wk 3/12/2025 3/17/2025 3/14/2025 3/17/2025 3/21/2025 4/17/2025 5/9/2025
3/17/2025* 5/6/2025 8 wk 3/12/2025 3/17/2025 3/14/2025 3/17/2025 3/24/2025 4/22/2025 5/14/2025
3/17/2025 5/9/2025 8 wk 3/12/2025 3/17/2025 3/14/2025 3/17/2025 3/24/2025 4/21/2025 5/16/2025
3/31/2025 4/18/2025 3 wk 3/26/2025 3/31/2025 3/28/2025 3/31/2025 4/2/2025 4/11/2025 4/25/2025
3/31/2025 5/2/2025 5 wk 3/26/2025 3/31/2025 3/28/2025 3/31/2025 4/4/2025 4/21/2025 5/9/2025

The day prior to the Course Start date is the last day that a student can drop a course through MyMav Self Service. After this date, you will need to contact your academic advisor within your major to drop a course. A grade of "W" will be assigned for all courses dropped after the Census Date of that class start date.

Summer 2025- Accelerated Online Programs: Undergraduate and Graduate Courses
Course   Start Date* Course End Date Course Length Official Last day to Register Late Registration Deadline Tuition Due Date Non-Payment Reinstate-ment Deadline Census Date Last day to Drop Grade Posting
5/12/2025 6/13/2025 5 wk 5/12/2025 5/12/2025 5/9/2025 5/12/2025 5/16/2025 6/2/2025 6/20/2025
5/12/2025 6/20/2025 6 wk 5/12/2025 5/12/2025 5/9/2025 5/12/2025 5/16/2025 6/6/2025 6/27/2025
5/12/2025 6/24/2025 7 wk* 5/12/2025 5/12/2025 5/9/2025 5/12/2025 5/15/2025 6/11/2025 7/2/2025
5/12/2025 6/27/2025 7 wk 5/12/2025 5/12/2025 5/9/2025 5/12/2025 5/16/2025 6/12/2025 7/3/2025
5/12/2025 8/1/2025 12 wk 5/12/2025 5/12/2025 5/9/2025 5/12/2025 5/21/2025 6/27/2025 8/8/2025
5/12/2025 8/8/2025 13 wk 5/12/2025 5/12/2025 5/9/2025 5/12/2025 5/22/2025 7/3/2025 8/15/2025
5/12/2025 8/6/2025 14 wk* 5/12/2025 5/12/2025 5/9/2025 5/12/2025 6/2/2025 7/7/2025 8/13/2025
5/19/2025 6/20/2025 5 wk 5/19/2025 5/19/2025 5/16/2025 5/19/2025 5/23/2025 6/9/2025 6/27/2025
5/19/2025 7/4/2025 7 wk 5/19/2025 5/19/2025 5/16/2025 5/19/2025 5/23/2025 6/20/2025 7/11/2025
5/19/2025 7/11/2025 8 wk 5/19/2025 5/19/2025 5/16/2025 5/19/2025 5/27/2025 6/23/2025 7/18/2025
5/19/2025 7/25/2025 10 wk 5/19/2025 5/19/2025 5/16/2025 5/19/2025 5/27/2025 6/27/2025 8/1/2025
5/19/2025 8/1/2025 11 wk 5/19/2025 5/19/2025 5/16/2025 5/19/2025 5/27/2025 6/30/2025 8/8/2025
5/19/2025 8/8/2025 12 wk 5/19/2025 5/19/2025 5/16/2025 5/19/2025 5/28/2025 7/3/2025 8/15/2025
6/2/2025 8/6/2025 11 wk* 6/2/2025 6/2/2025 5/30/2025 6/2/2025 6/23/2025 7/17/2025 8/13/2025
6/23/2025 8/8/2025 7 wk 6/23/2025 6/23/2025 6/20/2025 6/23/2025 6/27/2025 7/24/2025 8/15/2025
6/30/2025 7/18/2025 3 wk 6/30/2025 6/30/2025 6/27/2025 6/30/2025 7/2/2025 7/11/2025 7/25/2025
6/30/2025 8/1/2025 5 wk 6/30/2025 6/30/2025 6/27/2025 6/30/2025 7/3/2025 7/21/2025 8/8/2025
6/30/2025 8/7/2025 7 wk* 6/30/2025 6/30/2025 6/27/2025 6/30/2025 7/13/2025 7/29/2025 8/13/2025
7/7/2025 8/8/2025 5 wk 7/7/2025 7/7/2025 7/4/2025 7/7/2025 7/11/2025 7/28/2025 8/15/2025
7/21/2025 8/8/2025 3 wk 7/21/2025 7/21/2025 7/18/2025 7/21/2025 7/23/2025 8/1/2025 8/15/2025

*The day prior to the Course Start date is the last day that a student can drop a course through MyMav Self Service. After this date, you will need to contact your academic advisor within your major to drop a course. A grade of "W" will be assigned for all courses dropped after the Census Date of that class start date.

Fall 2025- Accelerated Online Programs: Undergraduate and Graduate Courses
Course   Start Date* Course End Date Course Length Official Last day to Register Late Registration Deadline Tuition Due Date Non-Payment Reinstate-ment Deadline Census Date Last day to Drop Grade Posting
8/18/2025 9/19/2025 5 wk 8/18/2025 8/18/2025 8/15/2025 8/18/2025 8/22/2025 9/8/2025 9/26/2025
8/18/2025 9/26/2025 6 wk 8/18/2025 8/18/2025 8/15/2025 8/18/2025 8/22/2025 9/12/2025 10/3/2025
8/18/2025 10/3/2025 7 wk 8/18/2025 8/18/2025 8/15/2025 8/18/2025 8/22/2025 9/18/2025 10/10/2025
8/18/2025 10/9/2025 8 wk* 8/18/2025 8/18/2025 8/15/2025 8/18/2025 8/25/2025 9/24/2025 10/15/2025
8/18/2025 10/10/2025 8 wk 8/18/2025 8/18/2025 8/15/2025 8/18/2025 8/25/2025 9/22/2025 10/17/2025
8/18/2025 10/31/2025 11 wk 8/18/2025 8/18/2025 8/15/2025 8/18/2025 8/25/2025 9/28/2025 11/7/2025
8/18/2025 11/14/2025 13 wk 8/18/2025 8/18/2025 8/15/2025 8/18/2025 8/28/2025 10/10/2025 11/21/2025
8/18/2025 11/21/2025 14 wk 8/18/2025 8/18/2025 8/15/2025 8/18/2025 8/28/2025 10/17/2025 11/26/2025
8/18/2025 11/28/2025 15 wk 8/18/2025 8/18/2025 8/15/2025 8/18/2025 8/29/2025 10/24/2025 12/5/2025
8/18/2025 12/2/2025 16 wk* 8/18/2025 8/18/2025 8/15/2025 8/18/2025 9/3/2025 10/31/2025 12/17/2025
8/25/2025 9/26/2025 5 wk 8/25/2025 8/25/2025 8/22/2025 8/25/2025 8/29/2025 9/15/2025 10/3/2025
8/25/2025 11/21/2025 13 wk 8/25/2025 8/25/2025 8/22/2025 8/25/2025 9/4/2025 10/17/2025 11/26/2025
9/2/2025 10/3/2025 5 wk 9/2/2025 9/2/2025 8/29/2025 9/2/2025 9/5/2025 9/23/2025 10/10/2025
9/22/2025 10/10/2025 3 wk 9/22/2025 9/22/2025 9/19/2025 9/22/2025 9/24/2025 10/3/2025 10/17/2025
9/22/2025 11/7/2025 7 wk 9/22/2025 9/22/2025 9/19/2025 9/22/2025 9/26/2025 10/23/2025 11/14/2025
9/22/2025 11/28/2025 10 wk 9/22/2025 9/22/2025 9/19/2025 9/22/2025 9/29/2025 10/31/2025 12/5/2025
9/22/2025 12/5/2025 11 wk 9/22/2025 9/22/2025 9/19/2025 9/22/2025 9/29/2025 11/3/2025 12/12/2025
9/29/2025 10/31/2025 5 wk 9/29/2025 9/29/2025 9/26/2025 9/29/2025 10/3/2025 10/20/2025 11/7/2025
9/29/2025 11/14/2025 7 wk 9/29/2025 9/29/2025 9/26/2025 9/29/2025 10/3/2025 10/30/2025 11/21/2025
10/6/2025 12/5/2025 9 wk 10/6/2025 10/6/2025 10/3/2025 10/6/2025 10/13/2025 11/12/2025 12/12/2025
10/13/2025 10/31/2025 3 wk 10/13/2025 10/13/2025 10/10/2025 10/13/2025 10/15/2025 10/24/2025 11/7/2025
10/13/2025 11/21/2025 6 wk 10/13/2025 10/13/2025 10/10/2025 10/13/2025 10/17/2025 11/7/2025 11/26/2025
10/13/2025 12/5/2025 8 wk 10/13/2025 10/13/2025 10/10/2025 10/13/2025 10/20/2025 11/17/2025 12/12/2025
10/13/2025 12/9/2025 8 wk* 10/13/2025 10/13/2025 10/10/2025 10/13/2025 10/20/2025 11/18/2025 12/17/2025
10/20/2025 12/5/2025 7 wk 10/20/2025 10/20/2025 10/17/2025 10/20/2025 10/24/2025 11/20/2025 12/12/2025
11/3/2025 12/5/2025 5 wk 11/3/2025 11/3/2025 10/31/2025 11/3/2025 11/7/2025 11/24/2025 12/12/2025
11/10/2025 11/28/2025 3 wk 11/10/2025 11/10/2025 11/7/2025 11/10/2025 11/12/2025 11/21/2025 12/5/2025

*The day prior to the Course Start date is the last day that a student can drop a course through MyMav Self Service. After this date, you will need to contact your academic advisor within your major to drop a course. A grade of "W" will be assigned for all courses dropped after the Census Date of that class start date.