305 Carlisle Hall
Box 19527
Arlington, TX 76019
Faculty & Staff Directory
Miriam Byrd, Ph.D. University of Georgia (2001)
Associate Professor and Chair, Philosophy
Martin Gallagher, DPHIL, University of Oxford (2012) Major: Classical Archaeology (2023)
Assistant Professor of Instruction, Classical Studies
Steven Gellman, M.D. The University of Texas Medical Center in Houston (1979), M.F.A The Academy of Art University (2017), FAAFP
Associate Professor of Practice, Medical Humanities
Email: steven.gellman@uta.edu
Currently Teaching: Medical Humanities, Issues in American Healthcare thru Film, Clinical Medicine and the Human Experience, The Art of Diagnosing Disease in Humans, Independent Study in Medical Humanities, and Internship in Medical Humanities
Charles Hermes, Ph.D. Florida State University (2006)
Undergraduate Advisor and Senior Lecturer, Philosophy
Email: hermes@uta.edu
Research Interests: Metaphysics, Philosophy of Mind and Action, Philosophy of Science.
Shaun House, Ph.D. University of North Texas (2013)
Senior Lecturer, Philosophy
Email: shaun.house@mavs.uta.edu
Research Interests: Philosophy of Martial Arts, Virtue Ethics, Business Ethics, Eastern Religious Philosophy, Race Criticism (Critical Race Theory), Distributive Justice, and Philosophy of Law
Luke Roelofs, PH.D. University of Toronto (2015)
Assistant Professor, Philosophy
Eli Shupe, Ph.D. Rutgers University (2020)
Assistant Professor, Philosophy
Email: eli.shupe@uta.edu
Currently Teaching: Topics In Humanities, Biomedical Ethics, Topics In Bioethics
Kenneth Williford, Ph.D. University of Iowa (2003)
Professor, Philosophy
Email: williford@uta.edu
Research Interests: Philosophy of Mind, Logic, Phenomenology, Cognitive Science, History of Modern Philosophy.
Peter Zuk, Ph.D Rice (2019)
Assistant Professor, Philosophy
Adjunct Faculty
Jeremy Byrd, Ph.D. University of Georgia (2004)
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Philosophy
Email: jeremy.byrd@uta.edu
Research Interests: Action Theory, Modern Philosophy
Michael McShane, Ph.D. University of Pennsylvania (2000)
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Medical Humanities
Email: michael.mcshane@uta.edu
Currently Teaching: HUMA 3300 Explores the ethical, historical, literary, philosophical, and religious dimensions of medicine or health. Includes instruction in art, cultural studies, economics, ethics, history, literature, medical anthropology, philosophy, religion and spiritual thought, science and technology, visual art, and writing.
Emeriti Faculty
Charles Chiasson, Ph.D. Yale (1974)
Professor Emeritus, Classical Studies
Email: chiasson@uta.edu
Research Interests: Archaic and Classical Greek Literature, Poetry, and Prose.
Charles Nussbaum, Ph.D. Emory University (1988)
Professor Emeritus, Philosophy
Email: nussbaum@uta.edu
Research Interests: Philosophy of Mind, Philosophical Psychology, Philosophy of Music, Philosophy of Literature
Felisha Hall
Office Assistant
Email: deandrea.hall@uta.edu