The University of Texas at Arlington is pleased to announce the availability of travel reimbursement funds to support the research of UTA graduate students studying cartographic history. The travel/research reimbursement funds are made possible by San Francisco map collector David Rumsey, whose personal library contains many historical maps. Mr. Rumsey's map collection and library specializes in maps of the Americas from about 1750 to 1900, and contains many related documents that place the maps in historical and geographical context. The collection is described on the website.
Travel reimbursement funds are limited to supporting student travel to Mr. Rumsey's personal map collection and related research costs. The funds will support student projects in two major areas -- those that focus on cartographic history specifically, or those that employ cartographic history as part of broader historical interpretations. Mr. Rumsey will be available to assist students as they work in his library. To further assist with costs and to ease access to the collection, awardees may stay in the guesthouse that adjoins Mr. Rumsey's library.
To be eligible, students must be enrolled in either the Masters or Doctoral degree level program offered by UTA's History Department. They must also obtain a letter of recommendation from at least one UTA history professor. Up to two travel reimbursements will be awarded annually to qualified students, and expenses will normally not exceed $2,000 each.
To apply, students must complete an application form, provide appropriate documentation, and complete brief essays outlining the research project and the cartographic sources that will be consulted. For more information please contact the director of the Center for Greater Southwestern Studies, Dr. Sam Haynes at