634 Nedderman Hall
Box 19019
416 Yates Street
Arlington, TX 76019-0019
Cardiovascular Bioengineering Laboratory
The central theme of the Cardiovascular Bioengineering Lab's research program is primarily on hemodynamics and mechanobiology via the application of biomechanics and biomedical optical imaging principles and techniques. Using light-sheet microscopy, Dr. Lee is investigating the mechanisms whereby hemodynamics regulates the development of the ventricular chamber. His group is linking the effects of hemodynamic forces on developmental biology to understand the mechanisms of development and heart regeneration using the zebrafish animal model. The goal of our research is to translate our findings to higher levels of animals in collaboration with UT Southwestern Medical Center.
Research projects in the Cardiovascular Bioengineering Lab include:
- Hemodynamics and Cardiac Development
- Intracardiac Hemodynamics and Tissue Mechanics
- 4-D Beating Zebrafish Heart with Light-Sheet Microscopy
- Ultramicroscopy with Super-Resolution
Juhyun Lee, Ph.D., Lab Director
- Victoria Messerschmidt (Ph.D.)
- Zachary Bailey (Ph.D.)
Selected Publications
- Fei P*, Lee J*, Yu Z, Li S, Sereti K, Hagiwara M, Chen H, Kulkarni R, Huang Y, Ardehali R, Segura T, Ho CM, Hsiai TK, Oblique scanning light sheet microscopy for rapid voxel super-resolved, multi-dimensional imaging of large organism (In Revision: Nature Communication) *Co-first Authors
- Lee J, Vedula V, Ding YC, Ho CM, Marsden AL, Hsiai TK, Hemodynamic implications of ventricular trabeculation during cardiac morphogenesis (In preparation)
- Vedula V, Lee J, Xu H, Kuo CCJ, Hsiai TK, and Marsden, AL, A framework for computing ventricular hemodynamics and wall shear stress in embryonic zebrafish (Under Review: PloS Computational Biology)
- Lee J, Chou TC, Kang D, Chen J, Wang W, Di Carlo D, Tai YC, Hsiai TK, A Rapid Capillary-Pressure Driven Micro-Channel to Demonstrate Newtonian Fluid Behavior of Zebrafish Blood at High Shear Rates, Scientific Reports. 2017;7.
- Lee J*, Ding Y*, Ma J, Sung K, Yokota T, Singh N, Nakano A, Wang Y, Nguyen TP, Kulkarni R, Fei P, Hsiai TK, Light-sheet fluorescent imaging to localize cardiac lineage and protein distribution, Scientific Reports. 2017;7. *Co-first Authors
- Lee J, Fei P, Jen N, Kang H, Packard RRS, Ho CH, Li R, Hsiai TK: Light-Sheet Microscopy to Elucidate Hemodynamic Forces and Modulation of Cardiac Trabeculation: Implications for Embryonic Contractile Function. Journal of Clinical Investigation
- Lee J, Fei P, Packard RRS, Sereti KI, Xu H, Ma J, Chen H, Kang H, Sung K, Kulkarni R, Ardehali R, Kuo CCJ, Xu X, Ho CM, Hsiai TK: Cardiac Light-Sheet Fluorescent Microscopy for Multi-Scale and Rapid Imaging of Architecture and Function. Scientific Reports
- Lee J, Jiang H, Dong S, Jen N, Hsiai T, Ho CM, Fei P. Compact plane illumination plugin device to enable light sheet fluorescence imaging of multi-cellular organisms on an inverted wide-field microscope. Biomedical Optics Express. 2016 Jan 1;7(1):194-208.
- Lee, Juhyun, Rene R. Sevag Packard, and Tzung K. Hsiai. "CURRENT OPINION Blood flow modulation of vascular dynamics." Curr Opin Lipidol 26 (2015): 000-000.
- Kang, D., W. Wang, J. Lee, Y. C. Tai, and T. K. Hsiai. "Measurement of viscosity of adult zebrafish blood using a capillary pressure-driven viscometer." In Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (TRANSDUCERS), 2015 Transducers-2015 18th International Conference on, pp. 1661-1664. IEEE, 2015.
- Li, R., Jen, N., Wu, L., Lee, J., Fang, K., Quigley, K., ... & Hsiai, T. K. (2015). Disturbed Flow Induces Autophagy But Impairs Autophagic Flux to Perturb Mitochondrial Homeostasis. Antioxidants and Redox Signaling.
- Juhyun Lee, Hung Cao, Bong Jin Kang, Nelson Jen, Fei Yu, Chia-An Lee, Peng Fei, Jinhyoung Park, Shadi Bohlool, Lian Lash-Rosenberg, K. Kirk Shung, Tzung K. Hsiai,"Hemodynamics and Ventricular Function in a Zebrafish Model of Injury and Repair," Zebrafish. October 2014, 11(5): 447-454.
- Rongsong Li, Tyler Beebe, Nelson Jen, Fei Yu, Wakako Takabe, Michael Harrison, Hung Cao, Juhyun Lee, Hongbo Yang, Peidong Han, Kevin Wang, Hirohito Shimizu, Jaunian Chen, Ching-Ling Lien, Neil C. Chi, Tzung K. Hsiai. Shear Stress-Activated Wnt-Angiopoeitin-2 Signaling Recapitulates Vascular Development and Repair in Zebrafish Embryos. Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology. 2014;34:2268-2275; originally published online August 21, 2014.
- Hung Cao, Fei Yu, Yu Zhao, Joy Tai, Juhyun Lee, Ali Darehzereshki, Ellen C. Lien, Neil C. Chi, Yu-Chong Tai, Tzung K. Hsiai. Wearable multi-channel microelectrode membranes to elucidate electrophysiological phenotypes of injured myocardium. Integrative Biology. 2014 Jul 21;6(8):789-95.
- Cao, H., Yu, F., Zhao, Y., Scianmarello, N., Lee, J., Dai, W., ... & Hsiai, T. (2014). Stretchable electrochemical impedance sensors for intravascular detection of lipid-rich lesions in New Zealand White rabbits. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 54, 610-616.
- Juhyun Lee, Mahdi Esmaily-Moghadam, Ethan Kung, Hung Cao, Tyler Beebe, Longhou Fang, Yuri Miller, Ching-Ling Lien, Neil C. Chi, Alison L. Marsden, and Tzung K. Hsiai. Moving Domain Computational Fluid Dynamics to Interface with An Embryonic Zebrafish Model of Cardiac Morphogenesis. PLOS ONE 2013
- Fei Yu, Juhyun Lee, Nelson Jen, Xiang Li, Qiang Zhang, Rui Tang, Qifa Zhou, E.S. Kim, Tzung Hsiai, Elevated Electrochemical Impedance in the Endoluminal Regions with High Shear Stress: Implication for Assessing Lipid-Rich Atherosclerotic Lesions. Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 2013 May 15;43:237-44.
- Jen N, Yu F, Lee J, Wasmund S, Dai X, Chen C, Chawareeyawong P, Yang Y, Li R, Hamdan MH, Hsiai TK. Atrial fibrillation pacing decreases intravascular shear stress in a New Zealand white rabbit model: implications in endothelial function. Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology. 2013 Aug 1;12(4):735-45.
- Li R, Mittelstein D, Lee J, Fang K, Majumdar R, Tintut Y, Demer LL, Hsiai TK. A dynamic model of calcific nodule destabilization in response to monocyte-and oxidized lipid-induced matrix metalloproteinases. American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology. 2012 Feb 15;302(4):C658-65.