Too Much Information
Angry? Hate your boss? Hung over? Lonely? Many of the 1 billion people on Facebook and 500 million active Twitter users are all of these and more. And they don’t think twice about telling the world. Anyone who visits social media sites sees it every day: the constant chatter about everything from what people ate for breakfast to who hooked up last night to how […]

Training Ground
Just steps from the sleek arena floor, Roy Rudewick stands in the middle of UT Arlington’s Sports Medicine Center surrounded by premier, state-of-the-art rehabilitation equipment. Hydrotherapy swimming pools. Underwater treadmills. Adjustable treatment tables. Rows of taping stations. “This center rivals those of the top universities across the country,” says Rudewick …

Fighting Back
Jon Carmichael was 13 with bright blue eyes and sandy-blonde hair. He loved football, his horse named Handsome, and a stray dog he called Daisy. Small for his age, Jon was bullied relentlessly by classmates. Media reports detailed how fellow students called him names and flushed his head in toilets. One day at school, his parents say, he was stripped nude, tied up, and dumped […]

Duty, Honor, College
Ellen Terry almost picked the middle seat that night. She was with a driver and an interpreter in a five-ton U.S. Army vehicle in Baghdad, transporting Iraqi soldiers to the base following a joint mission. A flash pierced the darkness and a loud boom rang out. Shrapnel from a roadside bomb hit the interpreter in the head and killed him where he sat—in the middle […]

Building an Urban Utopia
Understanding what’s called “North Texas” with its 16 counties and 6.7 million people doesn’t come easily. Its population is larger than 35 states and its dollar churn is so vast that if it were a nation, North Texas would rank among the planet’s 40 largest economies.