Taming Traffic
It’s a common and costly occurrence on North Texas freeways: Traffic suddenly slows, then creeps, then stops. Should you bail at the next exit or stick it out? When will you finally get to where you’re going? Could you have avoided the problem altogether? Alumnus Shaun Dodge asks himself questions like this during the drive from his southeast Arlington home …

Career Switch
A wall street financier dreamed of making a difference. An aircraft mechanic was laid off. An engineer faced a health crisis. An Air Force veteran pondered his next move. Career change happens all the time, but researchers say the instances have increased dramatically as the Great Recession and shifts in the workplace make some jobs obsolete.

Deep in the Heart of Arlington
Along Abram Street a courtyard with picnic tables beckons between Freebirds World Burrito and Twisted Root Burger Co. Next door the newly reimagined Hooligan’s presents a stylish and casual bar with beautiful woodgrain touches, a stone fireplace, and a cozy patio. A few steps around the corner you’ll find old favorite J. Gilligan’s still serving cold beer and heaps of Irish nachos.

Maverick Personified
From day 1, James D. Spaniolo didn’t like his odds. Among the five finalists for UT Arlington’s presidency in 2003, he was the only one who lacked a Ph.D., who had ascended no higher than dean, whose university appointments could be counted on one finger. Even he voted himself least likely to succeed Robert Witt, now chancellor of the University of Alabama System. Listen to […]

Cultivating Genius
Ewin Tang’s classmates tend to overlook the slight, bespectacled youth sitting in the front row until he answers the professor’s queries—all correctly. Then they ask their own questions. “Who is this guy?” “Why is he here?” And always, “How old is he?” At 12, Ewin, the son of bioengineering Professor Liping Tang, is the youngest student on campus and among the youngest in UT Arlington […]