Student Access & Resource Center


New pedestrian path around the Life Sciences building renovation.


The SAR Center provides services, in the form of academic accommodations, to students with all types of disabilities. Our accessibility specialists provide aid and guidance to students in personal, academic, and career matters. We also have an Alternative Testing area where we provide testing accommodations as well as offer a range of assistive technology for students. In addition to providing services to students, we strive also to be a resource to faculty and staff.

Our Mission

The Student Access & Resource Center (SAR Center) is committed to the full engagement of students with disabilities in the University community. The SAR Center demonstrates its commitment to accessibility as well as informed and active citizenship by employing exemplary practices in disability counseling, assistive technology, alternative media, reasonable accommodations, and the sharing of disability related information.


Blind/Low Vision

If you are Blind or have a visual impairment you may be eligible for: Alternative Formats, CCTV and other adaptive equipment and software. Once you have been found eligible, you will have access to request accommodations each semester through your online services student profile.

Request Alternative Formats

Deaf/Hard of Hearing

If you are Deaf/Hard of Hearing you may be eligible for Interpreter/CART Services and/or equipment check out. Once you have been found eligible, you will have access to request accommodations each semester thereafter through your online services student profile.

Request Interpreter/CART

Emotional Support Animals

Guidance from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) clarifies that ESAs provide “emotional support, well-being, comfort, companionship (which) do not constitute work or tasks,” so they are not service animals.  If you want an ESA in campus housing you must register with the SAR Center first.

ESA Verification Form More About ESAs

Housing Accommodations

Requesting accommodations for housing and applying for housing are completely separate processes handled by two separate departments.  Housing assignments are made through the Apartment & Residence Life (ARL) department, and housing assignments are decided according to the date the housing application is submitted and accepted.  Approval for disability-related housing accommodations are made through the SAR Center and do NOT influence housing assignment priority.  Students with approved accommodations are still assigned to housing on a first come, first served basis.

Apply For Housing Now

Service Animals

A Service Animal (SA) is a dog that has been trained to perform specific task(s) directly related to the handler’s disability diagnosis. The state of Texas has provision for Service Dogs in Training, but must be being trained to perform specific task(s) related to the diagnosed disability.

More About Service Animals