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Contractor and Vendor Parking

If you need to stay awhile

When business brings you to campus, you’ll need to obtain a permit if you plan to park your vehicle here. Company-owned vehicles can receive a free parking permit by visiting the Parking & Transportation office located at 710 S. Davis Dr. on the first day of their work.  Employees of companies who park their personal vehicle in the University of Texas at Arlington parking facilities, or any property owned or controlled by the University of Texas at Arlington to perform their duties are required to purchase a faculty/staff or daily permit.  View the Permit Options here.

Vendor permits are valid in any faculty lot, university service vehicle signed stalls while loading or unloading, within the fenced zone of construction projects they are working, or any other lot designated by PATS for contractor parking. Vendor permits are not permitted on sidewalks anytime or on the University Mall from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. weekdays in accordance with Procedure 6-13 (mall access).


Department Information:

University departments utilizing the services of a contractor or vendor are required to ensure parking for vendors is arranged prior to the first day of work.  All request for proposals/quotes, contracts, and other agreements should include the standard parking permit language:

Employees of companies who park their personal vehicle in the University of Texas at Arlington parking facilities, or any property owned or controlled by the University of Texas at Arlington, to perform their duties are required to purchase a faculty/staff or daily permit. For more information visit the University’s Parking and Transportation Services website at

University departments utilizing the services of a contractor or vendor who wish to arrange parking on behalf of contractors or vendors may arrange parking in a number of ways depending on whether the vehicle is company-owned or personally-owned.  See our Department Guide to Vendor & Contractor Parking for more information.  

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