Bachelor's Degree

Congratulations! If you are completing or are scheduled to complete your academic requirements for a bachelor's degree at UTA, you are considered a candidate for graduation.

Academic Deadlines and Eligibility for Graduation

As you prepare to graduate, please make sure to meet all your academic requirements and complete your financial obligations. Students are typically allowed to participate in their commencement ceremony if they apply for graduation by the deadline and if they have completed all the requirements for their degree program or will have completed all of those requirements by the end of the graduation term. A student's academic School or College does have the right, however, to prohibit a student from attending his/her commencement ceremony based on School or College criteria used for determining who is and is not eligible to "walk" in their commencement ceremony each term. While the list below is designed to guide you through the process, please consult the office of your School or College if you have any questions about your graduation eligibility.

  • When you are within one academic year of your intended graduation semester, schedule an appointment with your School or College academic advisor to identify all remaining coursework in your degree program (see the Office of Records Graduation page). Notify your advisor of any courses you are taking both at UTA and other institution(s). Obtain from your advisor a registration schedule for completing that remaining coursework by no later than the end of the intended graduation semester.
  • Apply for graduation via MyMav on or before the deadline set on the academic calendar.
  • Verify your name as you wish it to appear on your diploma, your current and permanent home addresses and phone number to ensure receipt of time-sensitive degree information and your diploma.
  • After you apply to graduate, check your MyMav and University e-mail account regularly for important graduation information and updates during your graduation term.
  • Successfully complete your degree program requirements.
  • Successfully complete credit by exams before your graduation term to ensure sufficient processing time to score and evaluate for required degree program credits.
  • Successfully complete all coursework you are taking at other institutions during the graduation term and report that coursework to the Office of Records in the University Administration Building 129.
  • Approximately one month prior to your date of graduation, you will receive notification if you will be graduating with honors (Magna Cum Laude, Summa Cum Laude or Cum Laude). See the Office of Records Graduation page for how this is determined.
  • Clear your academic record. Previous incomplete grades must be converted to satisfactory letter grades before you can graduate. Incompletes received in your final term will prevent you from graduating and receiving your diploma.
  • Satisfy all financial obligations (fines, tickets, fees, etc.) with the Bursar's Office in the University Administration Building or online. Outstanding debt will prevent release of your diploma and transcript.
  • If you qualify, submit a Tuition Rebate form and/or your B-on-Time Loan Reimbursement form to the Office of Records.
  • Register your intent to participate in your commencement ceremony.
  • Should your plans change and you will no longer graduate in the term you applied, notify the Office of Records and your School or College immediately.
  • Order your academic regalia by the deadline at the UTA Bookstore. Graduation announcements, diploma covers and college rings are also available.
  • Complete an exit interview online.
  • Visit the UTA Career Center for help writing your resumeé and to consult other career-related materials.
  • Stay connected with more than 180,000 alumni at UTA Alumni Relations.
  • Final grades will be posted to your transcript within 4-6 weeks of your commencement ceremony.
  • Diplomas will be ready approximately 6-8 weeks after your commencement ceremony.
graduate with honors cords

Graduating with Honors

The criteria for graduating with honors varies by School and College, but in general it is based on GPA and other stipulations as outlined in the undergraduate catalogue under which the student originally enrolled. If a student meets the criteria for graduating with honors, (s)he will receive notification from his/her School or College a few weeks before the commencement ceremony. Candidates for graduation should note that the honors announced at commencement do not include the final semester grades. Therefore, the level of honor may change once the final grade audit is complete.