Crime Prevention

Safety First

While all police personnel are oriented to the concept of crime prevention, the members of the Crime Prevention unit attend many advanced training schools to keep their level of expertise current at all times. This unit acts as a department liaison to the campus community.

Program and information available from the Crime Prevention unit include, but are not limited to: active shooter/workplace violence, new student orientation, new employee orientation, personal safety, bicycle registration, property and home protection, security surveys for residences and departments on campus, theft prevention, robbery prevention techniques, and basic assault/sexual assault prevention.

These and other programs are available upon request and are presented throughout the year to groups on campus. Additionally, the Crime Prevention unit participates in the annual Student Congress Night Walk, where student representatives walk the campus and make suggestions on lighting and other areas of concern. The Police Department, Environmental Health and Safety Office, and the Office of Facilities Management (OFM) are watchful for safety and security considerations in campus maintenance. Inspections of campus facilities by OFM personnel are made regularly so repairs affecting safety and security can be made. Concerns regarding potential safety or security hazards may be reported to any of these groups.

Anyone desiring information on crime prevention programs or related literature may contact the Crime Prevention unit at (817) 272-2471 or

photo of a police officer sitting on his bike

Lock and Key

The Police Department’s Bicycle Theft Prevention program offers tips and resources to keep your bike safe.

Community Engagement Team

Officer Greg Finney
Phone: 817-272-3381

Lock and Key

The Police Department’s Bicycle Theft Prevention program offers tips and resources to keep your bike safe.

Bicycle theft prevention