Types of Contracts
Submitting your Contract for Review
Affiliation agreements are those agreements UTA enters into with another entity in order to provide UTA students with field or clinical experience related to their area of study. There are often insurance requirements and other liability related requirements associated with these types of agreements that must be reviewed and approved by the Office of Legal Affairs. All Affiliation Agreements should be forwarded to the Office of Legal affairs through its contracts@uta.edu email address. Please provide all related documents, including prior agreements if available, and any other helpful information related to your request.
Affiliation Agreement Flow Chart Affiliation Agreement Helpful Hints
For allowable transactions of $4000 and under, you do not need to enter a requisition with Procurement for a purchase order. Instead, you may make the purchase using your department’s ProCard. A ProCard is issued in the name of the department’s purchaser and is a purchasing card, similar to a credit card, issued by Citibank.ProCards allow the University’s small purchasing needs to be met quicker and at a lower processing cost.
ProCard use is subject to UTA policy and procedure. See Procedure 4-11 for more information on ProCard purchases, including what you can and cannot purchase with a ProCard. If your purchase is $4000 or under, but it is a prohibited ProCard purchase, you must submit a requisition for a purchase order to Procurement through UT Share.
If your purchase is an allowable ProCard purchase, but it requires UTA agree to terms and conditions (a contract) and sign or click in agreement, please forward all information (documents, links, vendor contact information, purpose) you have about the purchase to the Office of Legal Affairs contracts email, contracts@uta.edu, for review and approval.
International Academic Agreements are agreements with international institutions of an academic nature. This may include student/faculty exchanges, articulations, joint degrees, research collaborations, etc. Generally UTA will enter into a general Agreement of Cooperation with the international institution, which provides the framework for a specific agreement(s) in one of more different areas. International Academic Agreements have an approval process, which can be located under the Policy tab on the Office of the Provost Website. International academic agreements should be forwarded to the Office of Legal affairs through its contracts@uta.edu email address. Please provide all related documents, including prior agreements if available, and any other helpful information related to your request.
UTA’s Office of Grant and Contract Services manages research agreements on behalf of UTA. Please visit the Research Agreement page here for more information in this regard. UTA’s Office of Technology Management manages agreements related to the protection, marketing, and licensing of campus created inventions and intellectual property (e.g., patents, copyrights, know-how). Please visit the Technology Management page here for more information in this regard.
Software includes not only downloadable desktop programs but also cloud-based applications accessed through a web browser ( i.e. logging into a website online). Software acquisitions must be pre-approved by UTA’s Offices of Information Technology and Information Security, regardless of cost (even free!) and funding source. UTA has developed a streamlined process for our software purchasers to gain these approvals, including an integrated process for legal review of contract terms if and when that is required. This process is not only easy, but it assists you in complying with UTA policies and procedures and ensures UTA’s compliance with state and federal laws governing our use and purchase of software.
- Submit your software purchase request to https://uta.service-now.com/selfservice/ (Save this link in your favorites bar for easy access!)
- Click on “Request Something” at the top of the page in the blue header.
- Scroll down to the section entitled “ Desktop or Lab Hardware & Software,” and click on “ Software Purchase Approval.”
- You will then be guided through the process.
- Wait for your approval message! This message will provide further guidance on how to proceed with your purchase either by purchasing with your PROCARD (if it is an eligible PROCARD purchase) or by submitting your requisition to Procurement.
- If there are concerns identified by OIT or ISO, you will receive notice that additional steps are required prior to approval. For example, this could include ISO discussions with the vendor about their security practices or perhaps a legal review of the terms of the agreement.
- Relax – knowing that you have followed all the required UTA policies and procedures and helped UTA comply with the laws governing your new software purchase!